Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My netflix queue

Am ready for a movie...LOL


Thank you Netflix!

How Netflix can be one of my greatest teachers of all times…hahaJ
Last weekend I was EXPECTING 2 movies and nothing came.

I thought woow that’s the first time they are so late.
Monday came and no movies…
I was waaw that is long… how dare they…
I didn’t receive any emails from Netflix yet, and I thought that was a little strange.
I started thinking and made up the weirdest stories in my head.

They have a strike.
They are just behind.
Maybe the company is bankrupt.
It was all about them, right!

How dare they, they were not sending my movies.
Tuesday came and I decided to go and look on their site what was going on; which disaster hit their company.
Even thoughts of ‘I am quitting’, I am going somewhere else…yes yes…all of that…
Mind can take you anywhere if you are willing to go with it!
When I opened my account my head probably turned reddish, when I saw that my QUEUE ran out of movies.
Here I was blaming them and I was the one in fault.
J Woeha!

I didn’t have any movies in my queue!
How can that situation be my teacher now?

Well, I saw the whole thing symbolically.
I am talking to God for a long time (as we all do) asking to give me this and that and why things don’t come faster to me…
 (Is it true they have to come faster, who knows? J or have to come at all? Who knows?)
I am waiting…and nothing comes… sometimes it comes but not in the speed I WANT at least.

I saw that my life was exactly the same as my empty Netflix queue.
In order to receive from your own God’s Self we have to put something in the queue.
It is that simple.

It are the deep values as LOVE, FAITH, NUTURING, BEAUTY, TRUST, CONFIDENCE, PEACE, UNITY,… you have to put in there.
God GIVES you HOW you are BEING to yourself!

Are you abusive you will get a horror movie, are you loving to yourself you get a romance or something like that… J
We decide if we make our queue the queue of SELF-LOVE or the queue of DOUBT.
So if you nurture this queue of SELF-love with love, patience, compassion, beauty, trust…
You’ll get send some awesome amazing movies that contain miracles, happiness, love and all the above… your doubt queue will contain tearjerkers

But then here is another thing also:

Most of the time when we get movies, we don’t know how it ends or how it goes… we only have a slight outline of the movie. Well that’s how we communicate with God. We give an outline of what we want to experience and we are that and then we HAVE to let GO!

It is up to God how the movie ends. Also we are incapable of creating our lives as God can.
Believe me, I experienced God does a better job than I ever can imagine.
Some experiences I had I could impossible brought into my life with my limited mind and body…that’s why letting go and letting God is such a BLISS-FULL thing to do.

So we have to ALLOW GOD.

Trying to get things, pursue things or dreams…uhuh it doesn’t work…my queue stays empty because I am neglecting my part of the job if I try to do God’s job by trying to MAKE things happen…
It is impossible I came to see, we can’t make anything happen…let go already!

I have to do my part of the deal and put in suggestions for experiences, that’s it…

Let’s translate it to DESIRES, but don’t let desires become EXPECTATIONS…
Or we set ourselves up for disillusion.

In my case:
It is as painting a painting and put love in it…ok that’s my job.
Then I have to trust and have faith and that is my job.
Then I have to let it go… and that is my job.
Then I have to REALLY let go and TRUST… and that is my job…

And do you see that all those actions are in the NOW?
What’s in the FUTURE is God’s job! It is not of my business, I am just required to live the moment and put my suggestions in my queue. That’s it.
J The rest is God’s job!
What a relief, not of my problem anymore…

I think I can do this from now on…now we made clear whose job is whose job. JHaha

Love Tamara rainbow

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