Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Magic child

Do you recognize this phrase?

Believe what others show you in the beginning. Believe the way they behave and believe they won’t change…

Is that true?

Maybe not.
Maybe they can change.
Maybe it doesn’t really matter if they change at all.
Maybe it is not really of our business what another does.

I have heard that phrase a many times among my friends. And sometimes I have to wonder.
Is it saying something about the other, or more about us?

Do we dare to change?

I believe we can only change our Selves.
And if you believe others can’t change, then you might have this strong believe that you can’t change.
We often are afraid of change and try to hold our limited belief patterns and old life in sink to insure our safety.

That is hilarious of course. There is nothing safe on believing limiting thoughts and in NOT wanting to change.

Life is change. It changes every second of the day.
We are constant in change and if we go with the river of change we go with the river of life.
Hmmm… if I look to my own life I can truly say that I changed a lot. People would not recognize me anymore of who I was before.
But still I feel that there is a piece in me that feels as an obstacle in my life.
Maybe a piece I don’t dare to change?

Is that true?

Maybe I don’t dare to look at it.

Is it only my belief that put that solitary rock in the middle of my golden yellow brick road?
Can I just allow change to happen, so I can be all what I want to be in live, or do I want to hold on to that one rock in my road?
I know that rock causes me pain, because I hit my toe on it every time again.
But it is so familiar and so SAFE to not look deeper to what the rock wants to tell me.

Yesterday I hit my toe again. I fell in the pool of self torture.

I THOUGHT I didn’t have the power to create my own happiness. (=self torture)
I blamed it on the rock in my road.

Insane that I would think the rock would be safe while it was painful at the same time.
Why would we hold onto something that hurts and then think it is safe?
Are we so afraid of the unknown?

I could only feel the was angry…it wanted to be acknowledged and been heard.
My whole life I ignored it, thought it was an awful, annoying rock in the middle of the road.
But when I came closer I saw it was no rock. It was a baby laying there…in the middle of the road.
Crying, kicking, feeling abandoned, alone and in pain.

When are you going to see me?
When are you going to listen?
When are you going to talk to me?

(image of the 3 monkeys)

I start speaking to the rock…in my mind it was still an annoying rock…
that I had to once and for all… explode out of my life!
I had to kill and burn it.
I was on a mission!
I was going to liberate myself of the root of self doubt, self pain, self torture, self denial, self ignorance, self ….THE ROCK!

While I am writing I have the thought that this story sounds bizarre to me...I think God is just writing through me, because it doesn’t make much sense to compare a rock with a baby. Only God can make this up!

In God’s perception (if God can have a perception) I made a rock of the child.
A rock can’t speak, cry or being annoying…

Now I didn’t hear the baby anymore…that was one thing.
But the rock was annoying too.
I had to go around or jump over it.
It was there all the time.
In the middle of my road.
I yelled at it when I hit my toe.
It was HARD to love this rock.
It was hard to love the child.

When I realized I was the creator of the rock to shut up the child, I had the change to liberate the child.

The fears, the doubts...of the child was not something to ignore; but to listen too.
It is our Soul giving us messages through the child.

I had treated the child very poorly.

I bend down and took the child in my arms and apologized for the lost time. For all the pain and suffering I have allowed in my life. For all the pain I have caused.
I didn’t know better. I took the wounded child in my arms and promised to never leave it again.
I was abused extremely in my life. And for long I felt a victim. But there is no salvation in being a victim.
There is only salvation in taking FULL responsibility for everything that happens in your life.
Here you claim your power and you become captain of your life.

Taking full responsibility over your life is equal to taking up your inner child and walk together hand in hand on the yellow brick road of possibilities.
In this field of yellow energy there can be NO abuse anymore, just because you have STOPPED abusing your SELF. You just started LOVING your Self.

The rock is gone…
There is only a long yellow brick road, where life is good and joy full.
Your wounded child becomes the MAGIC child and sits on your back and points you out the mystery and beauty of life.
Together we walk and together we have fun…
The past is gone…
the future a concept we don’t need…
Now Now! We( the child and me) are stepping in paddles and we are singing the song of life…

There is so much wonder…there is so much splendor…
I feel the excitement of life..what’s next!?
And embrace it with open arms…

Live life fully!
Together with my MAGIC child!

Dank je wel,


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


The old man and the boat

The old man and the boat
This is a story I wrote a few years ago and that I accidentely (:) )opened today and that was very accurate for my day today...
YES or NO?

Here is the story...

I met an old man on Sugar Beach in North Kihei. He had a grey beard, and his eyes were very soft. His presence made me think of Santa Claus. The lines around his eyes were smiling. Even at night when he is sleeping, he must have a smile on his face. The smile was carved in his skin forever!
You know those people who went through tremendously challenging pasts, the grooves in their face are signs for life. This man’s face went through the same process, only his lines were standing up, instead of hanging down.
J Smiling. As he only lived moments of pure JOY.

The man was wearing a life jacket and sweat was dripping of his forehead. He must have had a hard time getting his canoe in, because the wind was blowing hard. The Ocean was pretty wild. The waves were trembling and rolling in an abundant laughter. Just like this Santa Claus man here.
His smile was so amazingly pure.

I offered him help.”Oh no, help is on the way,” he said, “but thank you!”

He was wearing two big beautiful rings on each hand. It was beautiful jewelry.
They were big stones held in a simple silver ring.
I assumed he had a spiritual back ground, because around his neck he was wearing a pendant of two kissing dolphins.
He touched my heart.
I, as the dolphin girl, felt safe with this Dolphin lover Santa Claus.

“It was a marvelous day!” he said to my friend D. and me.
My friend D. said:” You have some attitude to feel good after you had some 5 footer waves coming at you!”
“Oh”, said the man, “my attitude helped me so much! It is my survival, my power in life!
I always choose good feelings above having bad ones,” he said.
“I am a very happy man,” he continues, “and I have a very happy daughter. I cannot ask for more!”
“I taught her when she was 3 years old how to communicate with the Universe.
You formulate the wish, then you act upon it, you let it go and then you harvest at the end.
 She is 21 and she still does it and is very happy.“
“You know, why she is happy?” he asked us.

“Because she believed me!” he shouts with great proud.

His smile went from one ear to the other and he walked away.

This Santa Claus taught me a lot…

All that you create comes from your own feelings and thoughts. You are the creator of your own life.
Happiness is not something that overcomes you, it is something you create. Your intentions, your trust to let go of any expectation to a certain outcome, will bring about what you desired.
So it is up to you what you want in life! You have the choice, to keep your positive attitude even when the situation is challenging or seemly negative.
And really you don’t really know for sure that anything is ‘negative’!
When you let GO and let God, then you steer your ship in co-creation with God.
Then you know that everything is for you. It is all a YES. There are NO no’s ever!

And when you say YES to you, you say YES to everybody and everything that exists.
You say YES to GOD.

If each individual creates a positive vibration, he or she participates in peace on earth.
We are power!

This man showed me that life works when you smile! No matter what happens.
The 5 footer waves were symbolic for the challenges we get in life. It is up to us to accept it as a Santa Claus (giving to yourself and others) and to just ride the wave and choose to SMILE!
Or we can resist and complain. And bring more of that in our lives….

Heads up? Or heads down?
The choice is yours.

YES or NO…

love Tamara,

Monday, May 28, 2012

STOP IT! Begin IT!

To all Americans that risked their lives to save others. Thank you to come to Europe and Belgium to liberate my country and my Grandfather who was imprisoned in a concentration camp, because he was also fighting for freedom and liberty!

The poppies were symbol of the sacrifice of the soldiers during World War1. Each poppy carried the blood of a death soldier. A poppy lives only one day and so its beauty became symbol for the sacrifice of the soldiers during the war. My poppy paintings were sold in the Museum of Ieper.

I am not for wars (who is?)and I always fought them as a punk when I was 15 and when I was older.
I am a pacifist and a freedom fighter just like my Grand pa.
Now I don’t use my punky clothes , nor I have my hair straight up to show people it is not ok to fight,
or it is not ok to believe in fascism…
Now my brush is my weapon.
I don’t paint the end of wars, but I paint the beginning of PEACE.
I don’t fight against racism, but I paint UNION.
I don’t shout against fascism, but I paint FREEDOM.
I don’t wallow in complaints, but I paint GRATITUDE.
I don’t judge, but I paint APPRECIATION.
I don’t hate, but I paint LOVE.
I don’t say I can’t, but I paint I CAN.
I don’t doubt, but I paint I BELIEVE.
I don’t………………., but I paint I DO.
and I WILL…
PROMISE to paint TO PAINT because I LOVE IT.

I know I can change the world with my intentional paintings….
Poppies become abundant flowers that symbolize
the intensity of being alive.

I don’t fight, but I paint I LIVE!
Intensely, wild and as ME!

I promise to end the war in me more and more so my paintings become more radiant to serve you all.

Love you all,

Thank you for liberating my family so I could grow up and speak Dutch and Flemish.
I could learn French and English and I didn’t have to speak German!
I could travel to England, Spain, France, Turkye, Italy,…, Peru, The United states,…
I could talk to Jewish people and dance with the gypsy.
I was ok to be gay, to be hetero sexual or both.


And every day I get to be born free …
over and over again…
when I liberate myself from my imprisoned thoughts!
I am free to be me!

NOW i have the choice to stop the war inside of me and so
I stop exporting my authority to wars outside of me.
(still practicing :))


Love Tamara,

Friday, May 25, 2012

The YES movies, what about the YES paintings!

The beloved and me.
There is not such a thing as the other.

We are the infinite intelligence. And the play or movie we play is the movie WE ourselves are creating with all our intentions and thoughts…what am I going to create?

What is going to appear as a mirror in front of me?
Do I like it?

Do I take responsibility for my creation?

When we create a life we don’t like, it is not ANOTHER that has created it for us. It is us who has created it for us. Limited belief systems can bring you in a world of pain.

Guess what, it is your own created world of pain.
See your Self as the beloved…as the infinite spirit watching the movie on a distance and replace the characters, the movie stars and know you are the director and main character of your movie…shall it be a drama or a thriller, shall it be optimistic…or pessimistic…

Maybe you have to create a genre that doesn’t exist yet…and it is the movie of PEACE.

It is the movie that shows that thoughts create what is believed…
It is the movie that accepts and changes of script and so changes the movie instantly…
on the speed of light…

Full awareness that there is nothing to do really…it is all a movie
nowhere to go…because you are everything….and you go everywhere..
No thoughts necessary for life to be lived…

Only the intention that your life is yours to be lived…
Yours to be appreciated…
Yours to be lived in Joy…

So the beloved is you and you and you…
Thank you for mirroring me back what I believe myself to be.


And I saw what a world of pain I have created for myself the last month.

Today I was wondering why I was in pain everywhere. Why I was exhausted. I slept almost 3 hours this afternoon. I was running this morning and felt I could fain away each moment. What happened?

What did I do?

My body was in the same pain as when I brought the 200 pound turtle in and I didn’t do any hero kind of dead at all…I didn’t do anything physical as the usual…I was wondering…

 I had an emotional marathon behind me..was really it? Could that wipe me out so badly?
(sometimes I am naïf and think I am superman/woman that can handle everything)

I took a step back and placed myself in the I Am position and saw the drama playing in front of my eyes that I had directed myself.
How is that?
I had a person jerking me around the last month and that has hurt me extremely, she treated me badly many times…
And in the past I would have wallowed as a victim for the pain DONE TO ME!
Nowadays I look to my beliefs and wonder how impossible could I have created this drama-movie…what were my beliefs… Where didn’t I CUT the scenes? Where didn’t I fire the actors who were treating me badly?
The bottom line is…
Where didn’t I love myself enough to say STOP?

Where do I still treat me badly for others to do the same and to show me what I am doing to myself>>>

A hard lesson and sometimes it requires courage (power of the heart) to take full responsibility for all what happens in your life. But in the same moment the courage is the power to take your power back and to give you the change to create again…now with more knowledge and experience…
A new canvas…white paint on…looking to the old canvas and seeing the parts you don’t want anymore.
Sometimes we have to experience what we don’t want to create what we really want…

I am trying to discriminate now what was good and I want to keep and delete what sucked.
And I walk further now and start creating a better movie…a NO-drama movie.
Maybe a movie that was never created yet…
because I don’t want the comedies where there is no depth…
somewhere a mix between comedy, spiritual depth and love…what about that…
hmmm I am creating,
now who’s going to be in it?

Who I allow to be in it?
This is a big one for me..I HAVE THE RIGHT to say NO to people.


I have the right to say YES to me!

A no to others is a YES to me.
A YES to me is a YES to me.

What about the YES-movies…I will create a YES –MOVIE!


What about just being me and creating a painting about what I want…YES!


Love Tamara

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


 Am giving it up

These last few days I tried to come back in my center. Do you remember the movie, of ‘Eat, pray and love’ when she thinks she isn’t in balance anymore. That was exactly what I felt.

I fell in love, and is falling in love falling…and smashing and hurting…???

I don’t know it anymore.
I can only say that my loved one is gone and it extremely hurts me…as I thought she was the one…

Of course we all know deep inside that we are the One for ourselves.

Still it is fun to be loved and be adored and to be hugged and kissed and…

Hmmmm….I know deep inside that the real pain is the cause of me exporting my authority of true happiness on another being or something outside of me.
I am angry at myself for the crash. How can that happen to me, right? I felt so balanced and great before I met her. No doubt I would always stay in my middle. I had already so many experiences.
No regrets though, I had the most amazing 14 days in my life as a lover. And I am still embracing the experience and I still want more of that. But then maybe in a state where I stay more centered.
Where I don’t get jerked around and where I don’t jerk myself around.
Relationships are the mirrors to see where we can love ourselves more and more…
In the I AM there is only one….and so there is no other… Still a lot to experience…
A lot to learn…(sometimes I feel I still have green behind my ears= Belgian expression)

The last days my inner Soul is shouting to SLOW down, to stop jerking on something that is not happening right now, anyway.
And to just relax and to let go…

But where do I go, what do I do with myself in the meantime?

I feel sad…

It always alarms me that I believe something that is not true.
Sadness is an illusion.
Why am I sad? Really?
If I look around me and within me…why would there be sadness?

I am sad because she is gone…
I am sad because I AM GONE…is that not the real truth?
Every time we are with our thoughts outside of our center, we are not PRESENT and so not in the NOW, not experiencing any LOVE…time to come back to me…to come back to God...

Thinking thinking today, how to do that…trying to find my way back to myself through teachings, spiritual knowledge, card decks,…

And the more I was trying…the more my belly was in fear…

The more I was GONE…
I was looking outside of me for answers…while I could just relax in me…
How did I do that again?

Little bird

I was laying in the perfect lava rock this morning reading my Mayan oracle book, to find a way back to my middle. The lava rock had the shape of a beach chair. My feet in the air, relaxed in the warm Maui sun. The turquoise water of Mother Ocean slightly touching the rocks. The sound of unseen little animals, somewhere underneath me…and a bird (een mus= Belgian bird) that looked at me…and caught my deep attention.
He was showing me how easy life is…

He was hopping around on the lava rock next to me, whistling a tune, eating some grains falling of the trees, trying to get some seafood as well. And joyfully I saw him dancing from one little feet on the other…life...Oh oh Life! What a joyful life…He wasn’t THINKING how to stay in its middle. He was in its middle. He was doing what he wanted to do=being in joy.
I wanted to be as the bird…hopping around and especially in a NO-thinking mood.
A no-thing mood.
An I AM mood.

My thoughts were carrying me in the peacefulness of the BIRD’slife. It was a very peaceful thought.
I liked it.
Suddenly 3 men jumped on the lava rocks wanting to snorkel and one of them came not coincidently closer to ‘my’ lava seat to show me his awesome t-shirt.
He was not aware of the importance I was seeing his t-shirt, but God was ALL aware and showed it to me….

I NOT LATE… said the words on the shirt.

It was so profound and amazing to read…It was a deep message.
Two days I was thinking it was all too late..over..done…
Aiai..our thoughts can sometimes bring us in a danger zone…a WAR zone..where we feel victims of our own thoughts.
Where we THINK we don’t have a choice to say STOP IT!
And to be relaxing in what is! And to TRUST that all is well...

It was a revelation for me. I knew and have learned this lesson already, but sometimes our thoughts can fog up our awareness big time!

And then later in the day I could take another step.
My teacher P-Yoda announced;

I got an assignment for the next 24 hours from her…

“NO thinking…
There is nowhere to go and nothing to do…
And just live in Joy…”; she said.

I stepped out of my house and I lived the no-thinking, the nowhere to be, and the nothing to do energy.
And it was as if I fell in the now…
I fell in nothingness…
And it didn’t matter.
It was all ok and there I felt I could have any desire, without limitation,
but it didn’t matter anymore…

I felt connected with everything…

It was all there..

Nowhere to go and nothing to do…
I was everywhere and everything…

What if nothing is wrong?

And I just am?

Love tamara rainbow,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

.ucking slow down! Relax!

How you get guided by God…

Yes yes, it is all around you.
God is around you, above you, under you, next to you..left or right…everywhere…
God is in are in God…

I am God and God is me.
I am you and you are me.
You are God, and God is you.
There is nothing out there that is God…you are it. We are it.

It IS.

I am a seeker. I love to experience life and to follow my signals and signs on my path. I just love it to go on a adventure…every day! It is my juice in life.

 I am writing a book, how to follow your inner guidance and there are a lot of stories in it that describes my experiences how I followed God and how apparent coincidences turn out to be of no coincidence at all.

It is God talking through us to us…many call it synchronicities.

Listen…and see..and your whole inside world gets revealed to you at the outside.

Your Soul talks to you every second of the day! (well your Soul doesn’t know time, really)
I just want to let you know that when you ask a question to your inner source, it appears with the speed of light. If you desire that…

It happens when you are in alignment with the speed of light.

If your thoughts believe that it will take a year to hear your God’s self, it will take so long.
I believe I can hear it instantly, immediate and fast...I listen at the speed of light.
And this is a funny story…Listen to this. For me it even doesn’t go fast enough….Haaaaa…

I am this fiery person. Saggitarius. My ascendant is right on the cusp between Aries and Pisces, so I have fire there too..So I guess, one of the challenges in my life is that I don’t have much patience.
I want it now. I want it to happen all in the now…

And real truth is that it all happens in the now. That is life.
But in this duality world there is a linear time that brings it in a way we can understand it.
Past, now and future.

But really, normally it just happens all at once. And maybe that’s why I am so inpatient. I might just live in that no-time vibration. Let it all happen now…Love, joy and happiness.
Now, now, now.

Anyway, I am sometimes inpatient to HAVE certain things in my life. I still want that things are different as they are in the now. What brings me in trouble of course.
It is just when we accept the now in all what it brings that we allow God to provide us unlimited.
Also when I know that I am creator of my own reality and I am not satisfied with what is now, I am sabotaging my own creation. I am saying NO to my own creation.
Yes is the word! Yes is the word to everything…Yes , yes , yes…and see that everything is for me and never against me….
It is in saying YES that we allow that NO-TIME is NOW, and so that all creation is there to provide us with all what we want and what we are.

So who am I to myself is the question?
The way I am to myself, will be reflected outside of me…..

Anyway….this morning I was driving to my favorite bay and I am never driving fast because I enjoy the ride very much. I look to the sunrays of the morning sun, listen to the birds singing their breakfast song.
Enjoying the waves pounding slowly on the lava rocks, smelling the keawe trees shedding their sweet pods.,…mmmm enjoying the ride…

Suddenly I see an angry Hawaiian man holding his arms up stepping aggressively towards my car and I hear him shout very hard;”Fucking, slow down!”

I looked to the meter of my miles/hour and it said 15 miles an hour…Hmmm, this was almost ridiculous, but I just continued in my slow soothing way and tried to ignore the furious man.

But it kind of disturbed me, though.
I asked myself, waaw what is this man showing me? Was I as angry as him? Was my soul shouting to slow down?

 I remembered that a few days prior a man on a bike had shouted in Lahaina town;”Slow down!” too.

Ok, now I knew my Soul was asking clearly through these people to slow down and to TRUST.

I had worries, just like a lot of people have sometimes…. yes and I want to make things happen…grrrrrrrrrr…you know that feeling probably…anyway…this afternoon I did some work with my friend P-Yoda and things softened out.
I realized that my thoughts were driving me nuts. Crazy worrying thoughts…..
I had given my thoughts authority over my Soul.

I was not trusting God… I was wanting it now, instantly…now now now….because I felt insecure.
I realized today that the feeling of insecurity is a false feeling. Insecurity doesn’t really exist or always exists. It depends on how you look at it.
WE NEVER know the future, because there is not really a future. So if we go with our thoughts to the future, we can get that feeling that we call insecurity.
Insecurity is a feeling we have because we are afraid of the future.
it is a fear for change and for the unknown. But let’s face it, there is only the unknown. We better get used to it.
NOTHING is known.

We only have the now.
And what is next is never known.

Relax is the only thing we can do….
and that is what I realized….

I decided to go for a walk to the beach during sunset  and I bumped into a man, that was wearing a shirt that said; “RELAX.”

I instantly knew I learned the lesson and even more…I saw the difference in vibration between the message of this morning and the one of this evening.

It was the same message…
but different in energy…
there is a huge vibration difference between “FUCKING, SLOW DOWN!!!!!!” and “RELAX”

This shift happened because I ALLOWED me to relax and to LET GO and LET GOD.

What else is there to do, really?

I realized that we entered times where we cannot figure it out anymore…figuring something out means we bring limitation into our world.

Our job is is to be our magnificence and to let it over to the UNLIMITED infinite force to bring us all what we ARE.
We are GOD.

There is nothing limited in that.

Good night,

Monday, May 21, 2012

Eclips in it is

The alignment today between the Sun, the Moon and Alcyone…here my guidance about this amazing event:

26000 years to have this new alignment!
Waaw, what an honor to live in these times of great change!
I feel it in my body, my soul and spirit…
I am sorry I took some time of from my daily blog teachings, or how you want to call it…

When I am ready to bring you the lesson I learned in these last 14 days I will share it with you.
I hope you enjoyed my chakras and astrology signs. This was work I did in Belgium in 2005.

But back to today.
I ended up with two friends in our favorite bay. The whole day we poured ourselves in the turquoise waters, the amazing calm sunny weather of our Mother Maui. Keoni’onio, our beloved bay.

I didn’t find my friends at first and I had the amazing experience to walk between the lava fields and stand on top of ‘The wall’ and to observe the bay from a total different angle. The water was so turquoise, inviting to jump in…but I was standing high up the lava rocks, to high to dare to jump.

And according to the rumors, it is the place where sharks gather and I prefer to not dive into the middle of their living room. So I stayed save on the majesties lava. It is a deep amazing feeling to walk on lava.
I always have felt this in Hawaii. We walk on lava all the time. For some reason it reminds me to the story of Jesus walking on water…we walk on lava…

It is the power of destruction and fertility at the same time.

I always have felt that it is life itself. No difference anymore between death and life. It is all one.
Even when I was in Belgium I was attracted to Pele and the volcanoes.

In this crucial year of 2012, we are asked to raise our vibration. Today was a day of opportunity to do that.

It is to say to stop any cycle within our own inner world of misleading and false thoughts that would let us believe we are less that the magnificence we are.

People were saying that today would be the start of the integration of the divine feminine inside of us.
I felt at 3.30 pm Hawaiian time that this injection of the divine feminine energies, is in fact the beginning of the wholeness we are.

We are feminine and male at the same moment. And the feminine energies are always suppressed for all this time. It is now that we are bringing our being back in oneness, that we will walk away from duality and live our magnificence in one WHOLE-ness.
What I want to say with this is that when we live in the center of our world as one whole being we raise the vibration of the energies to become all one again in our true Nature. And that is that we are God and are all one.

We are love and all one.

In that space male and female is one.

We are the universe and the Universe is us.

Today we have the opportunity to embrace the neglected feminine part in us and bring our beings in balance again!

What is very important today is that Mother earth, our planet of beauty, abundance and fertility claimed her voice again.

We have abused Mother Earth!
All of us….

And not only the male material greedy world that takes and takes from Mother earth, but also the new age world that rejected Mother earth as NOT good enough.

Heaven was a better place to live in and the norm was to reject all what was earthy, material and so on…

Today came the day that we claim our bodies as miracle instruments to travel into oneness! It is our spaceship and  we need to take care of it…so when we start making choices to love our bodies, we take care of the body of Mother earth! Today we are returning to Nature!!!
Within our own bodies, within Mother earth!

We see the miracle of life and of Mother earth and our bodies again…or for the first time!

We respect the material side of life, the Soul side and the Spiritual side as one…
we integrate it all in ONE magnificence….

You, me and All…we are all One…
let’s embrace the beauty of the Divine feminine and start caring where we couldn’t before..

Let’s care for ourselves…so we care for others…
and make one circle of care…

Love love love,


Saturday, May 19, 2012



Aquarius is an individualist.
It reminds me to HUMANISM.
Humanism was a belief system that held value systems as human dignity, freedom and the value of ones personality highly.
Aquarius wants to Unite all tribes of the world, he/she loves all people on earth.
He/ she pours the water over his/her head and gives this water in unconditional love to all tribes of the world.
Aquarius realizes that we are all ONE.
All equal to each other.
In our true nudeness we are all the same.
The Indian in the painting is the medicine man of the water.
He is the caretaker of the water; water a divine gift.

Love, Tamara


The Capricorn looks for higher ideals.
He loves social status and financial security.
He wants to feel a strong rock underneath his feet.
And high upon that rock he wants to try to keep control over the situation and his/her life, otherwise he/she thinks he would drown in chaos.
A Capricorn is clever.
Deep inside he knows that the rock can crumble and he/she could fall down.
This is his biggest fear.
He/ she doesn’t know yet that it is his/her own soul, that tries to push him through the fear to find the security within.
The Capricorn is in search for the Holy Grail.
Look inside Capricorn, because it is within you!
Not somewhere unreachable outside of you!
The Capricorn finds his own inner value.

Love tamara



The Saggitarius loves movement and action.
He/she always looks for the highest spiritual truth.
He would do anything for that! He would even risk his own life to serve his ideals.
It is his life purpose.
He/she can be a magician with an owl on his/her shoulder, a shaman or a teacher.
He is like a knight on his horse fighting for the army of the golden hearts.
He doesn’t always remembers that the army of the Golden hearts doesn’t want any fights, but only LOVE.
Peace he will find, when he finds the love within, and not somewhere outside of him.
He doesn’t has to far countries to find him/herself. Although it is good to travel and to have fun!
Saggitarius is full of life and Joy and wants to paint the grey clouds of the winter months with all the colors of the rainbow.
He can teach us a lot about joy and spirituality.
He/she just has to watch out he/she doesn’t teach us dogmas.

Freedom has to be his life purpose. If he understands and lives that, then he/she is a rainbow-bridge for others!

Love Tamara



Scorpio is the astrology sign of complete transformation.
Scorpio releases all dark secrets and the eagle gets born.
The volcano erupts and brings fertile lava to the soil.
The heat and the fire will burn all old pains and sadness away.
Nothing will remain, then only the fertile soil that will be open to receive new seeds.
The eagle looks down and sees.
She connects heaven and Earth.
She flies in freedom through the sky.
She SEES everything in a clear distance.
Sadness and pain disappeared like black snow for the sun.
The eagle has the sun in her heart and with deep gratitude she dances the SUN-dance.

Love Tamara,

Friday, May 18, 2012



Libra is very doubtful.
She wants to serve higher energies.

She wants to be the bridge between male and female energies.
She knows that there is no difference anymore. The marriage between male and female energies happens within her own Soul.
The swan is symbolic of that marriage and asks Libra to trust her own feeling.
She wants honesty and justice.
Libra has it difficult to make decisions, because she doesn’t want to hurt anybody.
It is as if she always stands in front of a dilemma.

In the painting you see the intersection, which route will I take?

The doubt is so painful and exhausts her!
What she doesn’t know is this, which path she takes it doesn’t matter. At the end all paths come out at the same point anyway!

That point is the Unity with the Universe!

Whatever path is the right one!

Love Tamara,



Virgo strives for perfection.
When Virgo does that all life disappears.
She doesn’t always dare to jump into life. She thinks she will lose her purity.
She prefers to sit on the banks of the river.
She wants to jump into the LIVING WATERS, but she is so scared.
The moment she let go of her fears and jumps, she will find the pure Unicorn with her Soul.
Then she realizes that life is perfect in its imperfection.
My feeling told me to paint a temple in the background.
The temple says that Virgo has the gift to communicate with higher energies and to serve others.

 Love, tamara



Leo you see in the painting is an old lion with lot of self-esteem.
He left all his old patterns behind him.

He fought and conquered.
The smoke of his victory still burns and smells.
He found his peace and doesn’t need to sit high on his throne anymore.
He let go of his extravagance and big mouth.
His outside came in harmony with his inside.
HE is the true KING now!
He is one with everything and everything is one with him.
Self-assured he knows: I am part of God. I am.

Love Tamara,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Cancer loves to be a hermit in a save castle in the depth of the Ocean.
He loves to flow through sensitive layers of feelings and emotions.
She/he loves coziness and loves to bring peace and a safe place for others.
She/he wants to take turmoil away from others and embrace them with warm care.
They just need to watch out they don’t press to hard, because the others would lose their breath.
Cancer in connection with god doesn’t have a problem to let go and let God.
His antenna that reaches in heaven keeps him/her in balance. He listens to God.
Then her claws become healing hands.
The Universal energy flows through her hands in true gratitude for life.
Cancer just wants to GIVE.

Love Tamara



The Gemini didn’t want to be a twin anymore.
Done with duality!
Gemini asked me to paint man and female in one person.
The twin became ONE.
The dolphins do show in the painting that duality still exists on the is earth, but then in One person.
The task the dolphin gave me was to bring this duality of one person in oneness. It meant that female and male energies should be united.
This doesn’t need to be hard work, because we can use the joyful energy of the dolphin to unite duality within ourselves. We just need to step in our center and be ourselves.
The twin sits on a red lotus flower, showing that Gemini needs some grounding. Sometimes they would just fly away, because she is the messenger between heaven and earth.
You see Mercurius descending from heaven through golden light.
It is the symbol of communication.
Gemini wants a high consciousness on Earth!
She believes that heaven is on earth.
And she tells to everybody who wants to hear it, or don’t want to hear it!

LOve Tamara,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Taurus, translation from my Dutch calender

Taurus brought me after the energy of Aries in a joyful peaceful state.
Why would you have to hurry?
Nature is always in perfect harmony.
Everything grows where or when it supposed to grow. It doesn’t THINK about it.
It doesn’t forces anything.
Have patience, tells Taurus and enjoy the beautiful roses given by the Planet Venus.
Venus is symbol for beauty, for the joy of living, for the beauty of the body, for the beauty of Nature.
She is shown in the painting as the white dove that brings peace for the whole world.
The seven other white doves are the Pleiades. It is part of the sign of Taurus.
It is the place where new stars are born.
The horn of abundance gives and receives infinite.
Taurus just has to make sure he keeps on moving and doesn’t come lazy and immobile.
He would put himself to sleep with all this beauty.
Being passive would lead to being unaware.
Taurus loves material wealth and that is ok, if he stays open for his spirit world too.

Love Tamara,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Aries, translation of the astrology signs

This is the translation from the Dutch calendar with the Astrollogy signs.

Aries came and told me he PREPARES the journey for others.
He carries the torch, so everybody can see.
In the painting you see that the rainbow snake spits seeds on the fertile soil.
It is the symbol for hope and new beginnings.
Meanwhile the phoenix burns all the old.

His horns are powerful GREEN.
It is the color of love and the color of MOTHER Nature.
You can’t stop the Aries people!
Here comes the NEW!
Aries throws seeds on the earth to harvest later.
Aries just has to watch out he doesn’t destroy his own seeds in wild enthusiasm.

He could also run into a angry Taurus (the following astrology sign), that wants peace and rest. Maybe those two astrology signs could help each other. Aries can use more peace and Taurus more ACTION!

Much love, Tamara

Thursday, May 10, 2012


The dolphins saw and understood…
and rose in ascension towards the symbolism of the 7th chakra.
They ARE…
Grace runs through them and they OWN their divinity.
They are their joyful nature,
just BE…




Love Tamara,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


 understood the dolphins with trusting my intuition.

Intuition is the door to my true Self.

I could See through my 3th eye and I was able to read their thoughts.
I understood why they are here.
They want us to know we are light and love.
They want us to know that darkness doesn’t exist, but that is made up with our minds.
Our minds don’t carry the truth, but are preprogrammed from a misconception.

This illusion came forth out of the root of a duality world.

But if you look with your true clarity intuition you will SEE that duality doesn’t exist.
What is true is that WE are love and that we are Unlimited beings living a human experience.

Live from out of the awareness that all good things that are truly yours are with you all the time.
Life is heaven all the time.
It is our minds that would try to proof the opposite, but that is a hell you don’t need to follow.
Our lives are SPACE-FULL and TIME-LESS, and you can choose to be the ONE that is the ONE.


We are the light. The 6th chakra doesn’t believe any bullshit.
It KNOWS the truth!

Love tamara,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The dolphin paradise rises again after being buried in the deep Ocean for ages.
The Rainbow Bridge is opened in wide liberation.

It is the Promised Land.
The dolphins jump out of the water and tell their story.

They speak their own secret love-language.

They touch the moon and the sun and bring them together in oneness.
The light blue clarity of the sky brings a stream of true possibilities.
“Open your heart and touch your throat.
Speak your own voice.
Sing your own song!
Inspire yourself with your own unique inner truth.”

You are your own life artist.

Hear the voice of your Soul, who co-creates with God.

Your will is my will. We are one!

I choose to follow you, because you are me and I am you.

It is the mantra of the dolphins.
We all feel them.
It wasn’t so hard to understand them after all.

Love Tamara,