Wednesday, May 30, 2012


The old man and the boat

The old man and the boat
This is a story I wrote a few years ago and that I accidentely (:) )opened today and that was very accurate for my day today...
YES or NO?

Here is the story...

I met an old man on Sugar Beach in North Kihei. He had a grey beard, and his eyes were very soft. His presence made me think of Santa Claus. The lines around his eyes were smiling. Even at night when he is sleeping, he must have a smile on his face. The smile was carved in his skin forever!
You know those people who went through tremendously challenging pasts, the grooves in their face are signs for life. This man’s face went through the same process, only his lines were standing up, instead of hanging down.
J Smiling. As he only lived moments of pure JOY.

The man was wearing a life jacket and sweat was dripping of his forehead. He must have had a hard time getting his canoe in, because the wind was blowing hard. The Ocean was pretty wild. The waves were trembling and rolling in an abundant laughter. Just like this Santa Claus man here.
His smile was so amazingly pure.

I offered him help.”Oh no, help is on the way,” he said, “but thank you!”

He was wearing two big beautiful rings on each hand. It was beautiful jewelry.
They were big stones held in a simple silver ring.
I assumed he had a spiritual back ground, because around his neck he was wearing a pendant of two kissing dolphins.
He touched my heart.
I, as the dolphin girl, felt safe with this Dolphin lover Santa Claus.

“It was a marvelous day!” he said to my friend D. and me.
My friend D. said:” You have some attitude to feel good after you had some 5 footer waves coming at you!”
“Oh”, said the man, “my attitude helped me so much! It is my survival, my power in life!
I always choose good feelings above having bad ones,” he said.
“I am a very happy man,” he continues, “and I have a very happy daughter. I cannot ask for more!”
“I taught her when she was 3 years old how to communicate with the Universe.
You formulate the wish, then you act upon it, you let it go and then you harvest at the end.
 She is 21 and she still does it and is very happy.“
“You know, why she is happy?” he asked us.

“Because she believed me!” he shouts with great proud.

His smile went from one ear to the other and he walked away.

This Santa Claus taught me a lot…

All that you create comes from your own feelings and thoughts. You are the creator of your own life.
Happiness is not something that overcomes you, it is something you create. Your intentions, your trust to let go of any expectation to a certain outcome, will bring about what you desired.
So it is up to you what you want in life! You have the choice, to keep your positive attitude even when the situation is challenging or seemly negative.
And really you don’t really know for sure that anything is ‘negative’!
When you let GO and let God, then you steer your ship in co-creation with God.
Then you know that everything is for you. It is all a YES. There are NO no’s ever!

And when you say YES to you, you say YES to everybody and everything that exists.
You say YES to GOD.

If each individual creates a positive vibration, he or she participates in peace on earth.
We are power!

This man showed me that life works when you smile! No matter what happens.
The 5 footer waves were symbolic for the challenges we get in life. It is up to us to accept it as a Santa Claus (giving to yourself and others) and to just ride the wave and choose to SMILE!
Or we can resist and complain. And bring more of that in our lives….

Heads up? Or heads down?
The choice is yours.

YES or NO…

love Tamara,

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