Monday, May 28, 2012

STOP IT! Begin IT!

To all Americans that risked their lives to save others. Thank you to come to Europe and Belgium to liberate my country and my Grandfather who was imprisoned in a concentration camp, because he was also fighting for freedom and liberty!

The poppies were symbol of the sacrifice of the soldiers during World War1. Each poppy carried the blood of a death soldier. A poppy lives only one day and so its beauty became symbol for the sacrifice of the soldiers during the war. My poppy paintings were sold in the Museum of Ieper.

I am not for wars (who is?)and I always fought them as a punk when I was 15 and when I was older.
I am a pacifist and a freedom fighter just like my Grand pa.
Now I don’t use my punky clothes , nor I have my hair straight up to show people it is not ok to fight,
or it is not ok to believe in fascism…
Now my brush is my weapon.
I don’t paint the end of wars, but I paint the beginning of PEACE.
I don’t fight against racism, but I paint UNION.
I don’t shout against fascism, but I paint FREEDOM.
I don’t wallow in complaints, but I paint GRATITUDE.
I don’t judge, but I paint APPRECIATION.
I don’t hate, but I paint LOVE.
I don’t say I can’t, but I paint I CAN.
I don’t doubt, but I paint I BELIEVE.
I don’t………………., but I paint I DO.
and I WILL…
PROMISE to paint TO PAINT because I LOVE IT.

I know I can change the world with my intentional paintings….
Poppies become abundant flowers that symbolize
the intensity of being alive.

I don’t fight, but I paint I LIVE!
Intensely, wild and as ME!

I promise to end the war in me more and more so my paintings become more radiant to serve you all.

Love you all,

Thank you for liberating my family so I could grow up and speak Dutch and Flemish.
I could learn French and English and I didn’t have to speak German!
I could travel to England, Spain, France, Turkye, Italy,…, Peru, The United states,…
I could talk to Jewish people and dance with the gypsy.
I was ok to be gay, to be hetero sexual or both.


And every day I get to be born free …
over and over again…
when I liberate myself from my imprisoned thoughts!
I am free to be me!

NOW i have the choice to stop the war inside of me and so
I stop exporting my authority to wars outside of me.
(still practicing :))


Love Tamara,

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