Saturday, May 5, 2012


In my chakra story with the dolphins, they arrived at the 2nd chakra.

The dolphins took a leap out of the water and absorbed the rays of Father Sun.
They are happy for the life they ARE and let this life force stream through them in total surrender.They are a pod, they are together and share their feelings and affection with eachother.

They are on Earth and live this life that is called BODY.
They use their bodies to hug and kiss eachother, to have sex together and to be feeling the water carress their skin.They know they are not their bodies, they know they are spirit…and this knowing gives them a tremendously freedom to see life from a greater perspective.
Life is to be lived and to be shared in Joy! There is no separation between any of our bodies. It seems it is, but that is the misunderstanding. The dolphins know that all what exists is one and death is not possible. They swim through life in an abundant joyful energy.
They are aware of the duality world on earth and so they liberate themselves from the duality feelings that could come up. They never loose that feeling of THE CENTER, the WE –tribe.
The feeling of JOY.

They swim in the Large Ocean, in the large immense infinite Ocean…of Joy.
The Ocean that becomes a loving powerful wave, that splashes on the rocks in loud laughter and returns to its Source, the Ocean.

love Tamara,

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