Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Me as the beautiful COLOR-FULL Venus

It’s happening...I fall more and more apart…still in deep silence, but with a big smile on my face; seeing the truth of who I am. The smile smiles because it is so peaceful in that center of my being… I described yesterday in my blog about how I was feeling and fortunately am an artist and I see a lot visual as so I can describe it to you. The image is that I am looking to myself from a distance, I see me as body/mind falling apart in little bits and pieces. I can see behind that sculpture and see an amazing exquisite color mix…It looks like one of my paintings! When I move behind the thin sculpture figure I move within the sculpture. When I move in the space of color I see a movie playing for me which shows me past amazing events that happened. It gives me a very deep feeling of faith. I have many stories to share from my past in this life time where I was blessed with miracles. Events where you know, this can only be God doing this… this was what was shown to me when I moved in the feast of colors within myself. I came in more peace….
It was as if I felt that God within me, wanted to make me feel SAFE with showing me the old images. That was truly what I felt. Today, just before I went running I read a piece Mama-P taught me. I write everything down in a book, so I remember. The piece I read was the following; “There is nobody outside of you. Everybody that shows up outside of you is a reflection what is inside of you.” For a few months now I try to break my block of selling my art and I couldn’t find the key. But today I found it. I feel I moved through big bricks that lie on my path today. I didn’t have to use explosions…I guess I was ready and the awareness came smooth and easy. After reading mama-P’s note deep insights popped up while I was running. I thought;”Why are not more people buying my art?” And then I GOT it!!!
There is NOBODY out there… There is NO outside world CAUSE of what is happening in your own world!!! It is an inside job to change the seemly blocks! I only I was cause of my own world! That is real good news, because it means I have THE POWER! So instead “Why are not more people buying my art?” it is; “Why am I not buying my art?” Waaw that was big!!! Thank you Mama-P.! For the first time in my life I felt I had everything in my hands. I was the one! I felt so powerful and free! It had nothing to do with others! I could make the change!!!
So now I knew I had to figure out why I was not buying my art!! When I came out of the Ocean I had a huge awareness. I lived my whole life in a survival instinct and had the CONVICTION that I could only buy things that were NECESSARY. I could not spend money for beauty… I know this came from my mom and what she taught me… No worries, old beliefs can be dropped just like that… I just had to push DELETE. Waaaw…
Here I am the artist that paints beauty, but that would not buy her own paintings because I had to survive and save my money for food and clothes. I realized in the ocean that I never ever have spent one dollar on something I would find beautiful. I remember I would but beauty for others, but not for myself really… I even had to think what was for me beautiful. My paintings OF COURSE  no dOUBT about that….:) Haha Two hours later I came up with some things… Flowers, beautiful music, lotion for my beautiful body, a massage,… I made the change…I could so see how important it was to have BEAUTY in this world and how important it was to bring my art full of beauty into the world. I could even see that my art didn’t have to have a meaning…it could just be bEAUTIFUL. I even saw the IMPORTANCE of beautiful ART in the Universe just for the sake of beauty!
I realized how important beauty was…how radiant it is and how happy it makes us…and how we smile when we see beauty… I guess for the first time in my life I see how important it is and how valuable that I paint and share my BEAUTIFUL art. When I came home from the Ocean a woman that owned me money for a painting paid me today after I begged her for months…  When awareness comes, you set your Self free with LOVE and in that space MIRACLES can happen!!! To return for a moment to the image I have of myself and the sculpture… My old convictions are the sculpture that falls in pieces. I am releasing the old IDENTITIES of the beggar, the starving artist, the slave and the survivor… I welcome the rich artist and the ENERGY of VENUS… Venus symbolizes BEAUTY and art. I accept deeply the vibration of Venus which I want to experience and embody now… Venus is abundant, beautiful, confident and sure… Yep I love it, I’ll take it…
This also means I am going to care more and more for my beautiful body  Hoera! What an insights…. Love tamara rainbow Visit my art galleries and buy my BEAUTIFUL life-full ART! (Sorry for the text that is without spaces. Blogger is down again. I had to make it in HTML and so pasted some colorful paintings to help you relax your eyes...)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tamara,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blog posts about Tavernier to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you :)
