Sunday, August 26, 2012

My hike at La Perouse or the correct name Keone 'o'io

This morning I realized how magic my life really is.

Once I came out of the turquoise waters today I felt so amazingly blessed. How can I not be …I live on magical Maui! It’s an abundant paradise. Paradise is how life is on the whole planet.

Paradise is within ourselves, when we feel paradise…it is wherever we go.
Hawaii is within!

Point is to stay in the moment; it is then that you see the abundance of life everywhere.

Just look around you, it is FULL of abundance. Even looking into the sky and see the color blue is a splendor of abundance. In each moment when you feel disconnected from joy, look around you and bring yourself back to the abundance of this NOW moment.

In this moment it is ABSOLUTELY impossible to feel alone. The only way you can feel alone is when your mind tells you you are. But feel and look around you…

Ah today I was in K-bay and I looked to the turquoise water, the blue sky, the lava, the trees, the goats, the little butterflies playing in the wind…it was impossible to feel alone.
It is all me...everything… abundance…within and outside of me…

I didn’t plan to I walk my favorite bay today. Suddenly I saw myself moving and moving more and more and before I knew it my legs moved me into a big hike…
That’s how living in the moment move from one moment to the other and the other and the other…and you smile…you look around you and you LIVE!
Oh my goodness, breathe because you live! Do you feel the ALIVENESS of the moment?

This is an important word in the story I am going to tell you…

Before I knew it I was on a quest today. I moved through layers of old belief systems and it was not something I had planned, it is something that was JUST HAPPENING.
I had worked with Mama P- (see other blogs (this is my mama-teacher) and with the work of Byron Katie about my block and fear for failure and the fear of becoming homeless.
When I was doing the Byron Katie work I saw that a lot of people had that problem and suddenly I didn’t feel alone anymore in my deepest fear

I was digging last night, in doing the work and then talking to Mama-P about it, but there was something that wasn’t coming to the surface. Something I couldn’t see yesterday. Byron Katie says that we suffer because there is an underworld of belief systems that trigger over and over again. Something as a pattern that is playing over and over again, when something triggers it.

Mama P is so connected to me that it feels as her Inner self knows what to say to me and how she says it.
When I announced to do more work about my fear of being homeless and not having money, mama-P said ; “Forget about it!”

I asked; “Forget about it?”
“Yes, just forget about it!”
I was stunned because I am always open to dig deeper and deeper and I always want to know more about life…about existence, about love… and WORK on myself… sometimes I feel I work to much and just need to ‘Forget about it”.

In the morning when I was running thoughts came hunting me, LACKING thoughts…
Thoughts that bring me in fear for not having enough…
This time I just responded to them; “Forget about it!”
It was amazing to see that they actually stopped.
And I started laughing…
It was so hilarious, to say to your fearful thoughts: “Forget about it!”…JJJ

10 Minutes later I got the breakthrough that I was seeking for for so long…
As Byron Katie says, if you do the work it just comes to the surface, just like that…and I believed with doing my work and talking to Mama-P it all just popped up this morning…
And maybe there is more, but I saw this:


Truly this is embarassing, but I could see it so clear. I could look into my past and see all the situations where I begged, and it went back to me as a baby. I begged for so much love, for milk, for attention…
I saw situations where I begged for love…
I saw how I created unconscious a disease anorexia nervosa to beg for attention…
It was clear I had to stop that THOUGHT in me that THOUGHT I had to beg, because I am so so…

This opening was amazing for me, because if I have a belief system inside of me like begging that is what I will get presented in my reality. A beggar is in lack all the time, so lack will show up. It has to, because that is my vibration.

I can only attract abundance when I AM abundance. And that I own when I see my magnificence, my true Nature…I don’t really have to do anything to achieve it, I am it already…

I just have to claim it, or even just be it!

When I started my quest today I kind of felt that this walk would liberate me of being the beggar; if I wanted too.

It was amazing...the hike was gorgeous, explicit…you will see the pictures…it is in that splendor that I realized that we can never be a beggar if we are in the moment. It is because we don’t see how much abundance there is, that we think we will be short…  Jesus Christ, Buddha, St Francis…all of them kind of went with not wanting any material wealth. So is Mama-P and I never understood that, until now…
I thought why would you not want all the material wealth if you know how to create it…but you know what I realized…I am getting it now, once you know you can have it, you see it is NOTHING.
It is not important… It is the paradox of life.
I just start to grasp it a little bit…

I called Mama-P and I was sharing my excitement with her and she told me this about begging…
“Thinking that finally I would be able to sell art or have love through begging is NOT LOVE!!!!
It is impossible to have abundance in a NO-LOVE situation.
It is ‘wanting’ something from somebody. That is never love!
Love is when you share your experiences with God and all people through your art in ALIVENESS.
Just painting and offering it is a flow of love and abundance then God has to respond in abundance.
She said that when I am in the ocean with turtles, dolphins or all creatures there I just share and I have an abundance of love, because they KNOW I don’t want anything from them.”

Waaaw…I walked further and this sank in more and more….

When I walked back I was so thirsty and hot and dove in a magical spot in the ocean, just feeling the freshness of the turquoise water over my skin. I felt the water supporting me when I floated on it.
Once more I wanted to dive in it and it is in that DIVE that I understood what Mama-P tries to teach me for so long… THE ALIVENESS…I felt the aliveness of the moment so deeply into the core of my being when I dove in the water. There is no other moment than that what is happening and you feel so alive, so precious so WORTHY and abundant.
When I came out of the water, dripping… I understood…nothing goes about getting something;
because if you have to get something, it is because something is short…

In my case if I paint for people to buy,
that is the energy of getting something…and that is not aliveness.
I paint because It is ALIVE in me and then I trust the Universe or God I get provided to do more of that; because if I paint in aliveness I GIVE LOVE to the whole Universe.
Aliveness is when you GIVE!
It is ALLOWING the GOD energy to stream through you…
When you are there your core is god’s core and vice versa.

When you feel ALIVE in the moment you give to GOD and God gives to you…

It is the Infinity symbol…

Pure abundance!

The aliveness and gratitude for each moment is the pure joy of being alive and is abundance itself.

You multiply the fish and the loaves of bread with being alive and GIVE GOD…
Giving God is giving you…No separation, only CONNECTION.

NOw i just have to be what i realized... more and more...


Tamara rainbow

Please visit my website with my awesome art…

Oh by the way, what I realized today was that I can learn a lot from the Americans...instead of being shy for my art or myself, and hide it or hide me…I can be some more American…and be proud of my work…
I am doing my best to integrate the Hawaiian, American and Belgian qualities within myself…
I try to have the Hawaiian, American and Belgian accent all in one sentence, haha
Kinda dinking I can pull that off…
Thank you guys teaching me!


