Thursday, August 23, 2012

Looking for PINKY

I see I am still looking for MY Pinky…
Well I learned today that you limit your Self if you want to have that or another experience again.
Anything that happens, how beautiful it is, is OVER.

It is in the past and wanting it again, is kind of returning into the past. I knew that, but I still was looking for her…today I decided to let the search go, because I understood that I LIMIT the Universe bringing me other experiences and surprises with being attached to have my past experience again…

It’s a no brainer…but we are still all human…

Anyway I am happy with or without Pinky, because in REALITY I am never without her.

What is reality anyway?
What if this all is a dream…everything is an illusion…
So I decided to really be in the moment and live my dream to the fullest.

I want to have connection with my center and I can only do that in the present moment!

Pinky was an extraordinary amazing thing that happened. And she is always with me no matter what. That miracle is inside of me.

Maybe I have something in my hands I don’t know off. I remember something that happened in Kaleakekakua bay about 5 years ago. I was living on Big Island and was so happy I was swimming with  dolphins every day. I went into the bay and one of my friends told me that there was a small group with a baby and its mom. The baby looked very sick he said, she was pink and it seemed as if she was inflamed or so.
I swam in the bay and I only saw my friend W.
There was nobody else.
W. was a Vietnam veteran and was living at the bay for about 20 years. He would come down every day and he knew every single dolphin that came in the bay.
Suddenly I spotted the small group of dolphins and I saw the mom and baby. And yes the baby looked very sick. W. was next to me, and we just looked under water.
Suddenly I just felt to hold my hands towards the mama and baby dolphin who were 10 meters away from us. It was my instinct, I do that with everything.
Giving energy, I call it.

Suddenly the mom came closer and what was unusual she let the baby between her and us!
And what was more unusual she left the baby behind with us, close to my hands!

And what was more unusual she started swimming away and made some spins in the air and then came back!

It all happened in a few minutes, but it was so unusual amazing.
She came back for her baby and swam a little further.

W. took of his mask and asked me:”What did you do?”

“I don’t know”; I answered.
“I really don’t know”
“I just knew I had to do it”: I said to him.
“In all these years I swim with dolphins”; W. said; ”I never saw a mama dolphin leaving her baby behind. I never saw her making loops as she was happy happy and come back to get it…???”

“I really don’t know”: I said again.
Me too…kind of speechless of what just happened…
We were kind of both shocked in a good way…

The next day when I came into the bay, there was the mama and baby…

and was it because of my hands?
Or just because of the intention of LOVE?
I don’t know…but the baby was healthy and grey!
And they were super active and happy!

When you see somebody in need, if it is a human, plant or animal…let God know that he/she can send energy to that person/animal/plant to heal. Let the Universe know you are a vessel of love and that your body and hands are God’s hands and body…

That’s what I do and then just let it happen…and know that all is well… J no need to know if it works, just trusting your inner Guidance that says you need to do it and then just DO IT!

We are all healers…We are love, that’s our true Nature…
With love you can do anything!


Tamara rainbow

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