Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let's splash in freedom!


It is incredible fascinating how life lives!

We don’t have to do anything…we just are blessed with life…so easy!
Sometimes I might repeat myself
J…I am still on a yoyo swing in knowing what I know, and letting go and FALL and trust that the ‘Iam’ within myself will catch me.
I said before that ‘thoughts’ can strangle us. They can keep us in prison for a life time, or life times after life times. But you can use that same MIND to set you free.

This morning when I was swimming I was looking for my little turtle friend and although she wasn’t there, she was there in spirit. She is in my heart and she is always with me. But interesting to see was when I came to the spot that I THOUGHT she might be, my love for her was enormous! I brought her into my present moment. It was as if the coral lighted up, it was just magic. My little Pinky was swimming with me, in my heart…but also as memory in my mind. It was as if she was there with me.

That is how we can use the mind. There is only one moment ‘NOW’, and going to the past or future takes you away from the “IAM” state. It shuts all the doors, and possibilities of the Now moment. It is in the NOW moment that we feel and we can communicate with GOD. This is where the empowerment is.

I choose to bring a memory in the present moment and I loved it!

How long do we live our lives already in fear? Mostly that fear comes from beliefs from the past…from things that are taught us…here and now you can decide what you want to think… or believe.
You can choose to bring beautiful memories in your heart, and so bring back that energy and bring more of that into your life…

Sometimes we have to be a JEDI fighter and be consequent in choosing not to believe our thoughts and so see the dark cloudy THOUGHTS pass our blue sky, instead of hanging around…
Instead we can choose to let the pinky clouds stay a little while; enjoying the beauty of what was.
Real liberation comes when you can fall into the knowledge that there is no past, now or future…everything is already all there…you just have to allow yourself to fall in Gods arms within your SELF.
The life purpose you have is to BE you and to have joy. Now.

That’s it.

The time that is in the deep core feeling of FAITH is SPACE.

Past, Now and Future come together in one point.


So how can thoughts make you miserable or joyous?

I have two examples…

It is a while now that I arm-wrestle myself for getting cranky about tourists. I even call them terrorists.
But it is to those people I want to sell my art too, so there is a miscommunication going on here that I am putting into the Universe…
At the same moment I push them away, I also want to embrace them; because I want to be open to people… I want to be aloha...what was wrong with me?
How can I just embrace them without any JUDGMENT…

One day I decided to have all good intentions, and I felt…from now I am going to be friendly and open.

I saw that I wasn’t the only one that had that problem. All my friends have that kind of problem.
In the beginning I thought that tourists were rude and I got a feeling sometimes they thought they owned me. There was no way for me to be free and come out of the water without being grabbed and asked questions. Maybe I should see that as an honor and not as a feeling of not having any space.
I felt cornered at times.
But that was for me not the worst part. I had trouble with the way they were asking.
That cleared up after my friends explained that Americans are very straight forward… they don’t ask you if they can ask you something, or if they  CAN disturb you…no they just …BANG … ask, in a way that you have to swallow… so direct…sometimes rude in my perception…
Now I understand it is just a difference in culture. Europeans are more timid, maybe Belgians are…
I don’t know about the Dutch
J (HAHa we always make jokes about each other)
Anyway that kind of relieved me in a way. I could understand that they are just the way they are.
Still with the work I do with MamaP and Byron Katie, if something triggers you, there is something that needs inquiry…so I did…

I knew that doing some more inquiry within myself would liberate me and so the change the situation.
Where am I ignorant to them and to myself? Where was I rude?

Well I was ignorant towards them because I didn’t put myself in their shoes yet…
Hmmm I don’t see where I am ignorant towards myself…
Hah ok I’ll investigate some more…mmmm…

I found the core of my problem..it had all to do with space...with feeling unsafe and having my space in the world. It had to do with feeling unworthy and all that kind of stuff… I went deep and had many revelations that liberated me from stuck belief systems. I am open to see more…

The next day an opening happened! A man was parked next to my car and he was a local. We talked story and it was very mellow and nice. He got in his car and backs up, but there appeaeds a tourist just behind its car.
I shouted;”watch out!”
And he nodded his head and said;” They are so distracted from the beauty here!”

This was it…that was so much nicer, so peaceful to have that thought…
They are not ignorant; no… they are admiring the beauty of where we live.
It’s all a matter of perception….
I feel so much more relaxed… looking through different glasses…
And more…I have put myself in their shoes and remembered how it was for me to see my first turtle and dolphin.
How it was for me to travel to France, Switzerland, turkey...the US.
I wasn’t ignorant at all…I was admiring, taking in the area. I remembered I didn’t have eyes enough to see everything and that must be the same way for all those people that come here.
I am sorry I didn’t realize that before. Now I can see them better.

And then the second example is one of sprinklers.
I don’t know why, but I don’t like when sprinklers go off. If the sprinklers go off at my house, I don’t get out without being wet because my doorway is in the garden. And it kinds of locks me up and I get nervous when I am not free. That’s one reason… the other reason is that I don’t like that my flip flops are wet…and I know it is so ridiculous. So insane to let your peace glides away for sprinklers and a little bit of water in your shoes….
If something stupid like that triggers you, there must be something underneath it…
It can be a thought from a far past that is still triggering to get released…

I did the work of MamaP and Byron Katie on these sprinkles and I can tell you I came to deep and far in the past conclusions…it is amazing how something so little can bring up so much shit, still sitting there.
This inquiry unravels a lot of my old beliefs…

Now I did the work and liberated myself;  I have something like ‘WA EVE’ (what ever) …when sprinklers go off…I know better now , if they still set something of in me … I investigate…
The more I clean up my stuff the more I see I get detached from my sprinkler-problem…
I even start appreciating them…
They make Kihei green and the birds love it. The neighbors’ dog stands in it!
And enjoys it tremendously...and me?

From not wanting to have any wet feet, I moved to… RUNNING in it EVERY DAY!

On top of that I choose to bring a memory back when I was 7 and I played with my brother in the hose when it was hot one summer. We had the ’Games without borders’ on TV during that time. It was an amusement program where all the European countries compete against each other with some cool endurance games. Often they needed to run through sprinkles and stuff like that… we loved it!
And we copied the games and made our own games in the garden.
We made a whole track of challenges to pass and we would imagine we were the Belgian yellow team defeating everyone

The most fun part was when we had to cross through water hoses!

So every day, my brother is running with me in Wailea through the sprinklers.
I miss him less when I do that. We don’t talk so often and when I email him it takes a life time to get an email back…I guess he is busy  
I believe my brother’s heart feels it when he runs with me through the sprinklers…

Joy doesn’t even have to travel…Joy is TIMELESS…A moment of JOY is eternal and space-Less…
From now on we make from things that bothered us (after inquiry) joyful stuff!
I write after inquiry, because we don’t want to ignore or deny things that trigger us. Positive thinking without looking to the root is putting ‘sugar over shit’; taught me mama P.
Clean out that shit and then… automatically laughter comes…

Let us all run through the sprinklers and feel the water on our skin!
If it is to cold where you are…pretend in your shower…start singing and express your JOY of water on your beautiful skin!

Water is very symbolic….it is cleansing, nurturing…supporting…loving…
Sing, jump and take somebody in your minds, in your hearts… or in person and celebrate your freedom!

Let the water splashes as a fountain and let’s celebrate life and DO our real job:


Love Tamara rainbow

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