Tuesday, June 12, 2012

We need a dyke

Bella, the turtle, was hiding

We went out to find Bella, the turtle, but she knows me now. She was hiding in a cave and we decided to let her rest after the exciting day of yesterday when I cut away a wedding fail and comb from her fin.

It is sometimes hilarious for Americans in particular to have me in their country.
Sometimes (Less and less though!
J) I make these funny mistakes with the English language.
I have many examples, but I will only tell one I made recently. (I would feel too silly telling them all

Yesterday when my friend T. and I came out of the Ocean we were happy, but still not satisfied of course! We wanted to liberate Bella’s fin totally. We were brainstorming how we could get the layers of fish line of her fin. I estimated that the line was winded around her fin in almost 15 loops.
My friend T. is a funny guy, I like him a lot.
I said to him we need the tool of what electricians use, so we can cut through the layers one by one. With a knife or scissors we need to go under it and that can hurt her flesh.
T. said that is called a ‘dyke’. I said;”Oh, I thought a dyke was something else.”
“Yes’, he says; “a dyke is also used for a masculine lesbian.”
(I hope it is not a bad word
J I don’t have a clue)
“That is what I thought”, I said.
“But you can use it for that tool too”; T. announced.
“Ok”; I thought that works for me. Otherwise I am explaining and explaining how the tool looks like and that takes so much time and effort. So now I learned a new word. I always love it when I can be better in English!
So am texting my friend H. and tell her we need a dyke tomorrow to liberate the turtle Bella.
She texts me back;”You are funny. Do you know that a dyke in the United States is a male looking lesbian?”
The next text I get from her is: “Hahhahaahahaahaha…”

Ok what I tried to avoid, I just got. Now I had to explain even more!
So I text her back:
“I know what a dyke is, I mean a tang.”
I get back:
“What is a tang?”
Oh no, now I had used the Dutch word for that particular tool!
I text back;
“ A tang is a tool electricians use to cut wire.”

It was hilarious; it is now of course the joke of the day. We are going to liberate the turtle with the help of a dyke. And maybe we should!

I looked up the word dyke and the first explanation I get is:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dyke is slang terminology referring to a lesbian or lesbianism. It originated as a derogatory label for a masculine woman, and this usage still exists. However, some attempt to use it in a manner they see as positive, or simply as a neutral synonym for lesbian.[1] To some extent the word has been reappropriated.

So dyke was used as a ‘bad’ word. But now they try to make it a nice word.

I hope one day that everybody will see that there is only one vibration and that is LOVE.
In that vibration of love there is no discrimination possible.

Gay, gypsy, black, white, man, woman,….go on and on..it doesn’t matter!
 We are all equal we are all Souls, spirits, Self,….how you want to define it.

This is how I see it:

We jump from Spirit life in human life and before we do that, we choose in spirit life which costume we shall wear.

It doesn’t matter, who we are in that costume. It doesn’t matter if we are gay, black, white, man, woman….we are all spirits.
It doesn’t matter if you are a banker, the president, an artist, a waitress,…we are all spirits.

We are equal in the spirit world!

I have experienced how difficult it is to be different in this world. But it is only difficult if you only identify with your costume: being gay, artist, woman, man,… and judge your Self.
When you see that you are a spirit in a human costume, you don’t have any judgment anymore!

Only the vibration of love remains!

It is in that vibration of love that we adore what we choose in the first place. We love who we are in this life, because we know deep inside it was our own creation!

And when we want to speak the language where we are in the frequency of body and mind, we can see that we can enlighten that language.

It is what we believe about a word that will let us feel good or bad.
Nothing is bad, dyke is just a word. And if in the past it was used to harm people that can be undone right now.
No words or thoughts matters if they are not believed.

Let us free ourselves from anything that can weigh us down, just like the debris at Bella’s fin was weighing her down.
Let us cut loose from limiting thoughts we once BELIEVED.

LET US BE SPIRITS IN A HUMAN COSTUME and play our roles with love and passion!
Let us lift up our bodies and minds to the vibration of LOVE!


Love, tamara

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