Friday, June 15, 2012

Let's go to the 'ONE LOVE' party!

My inner guidance, my Soul asked me to stop eating sugar. I felt deep inside this urgent call.
I wasn’t eating so much sugar, but as every good Belgium I love chocolate. Well, I feel I have to let it go.

I even got the message that eating sugar stands in the way of becoming more aware.
I want to listen to my intense inner voice and so I started eliminating sugar.
How can a physical condition obstruct our spiritual growth?
Well what I hear is that being an addict is a spiritual condition that keeps you from entering the true gate of deep SELF LOVE!

I see millions of zombies staying unconscious and believe it or not sugar is as a conspiracy to keep us captive.
If you are a Jedi warrior of light, you can't eat the poisoned energies of the dark force.
Really..yes  that is what i hear.

If you love your SELF and you want to know your SELF you stop it right now!

If you really want to go behind the screens and emerge with your real authentic SELF, it is time to let go of anything that makes you a 'SHEEP'.


Just to test, look in your pantry and refrigerator and take the foods out that contain sugar. I can guarantee you that you won’t have a lot left in your fridge.

I see revolutions everywhere Occupy Maui, occupy Hawaii…
It is time to stop drugging ourselves in sleep and to love ourselves enough to stop eating sugar.
(was going to write and eliminate taking medications! But that is for another blog)

It is what I hear and what I need to trust.

My foot was extremely inflamed and I know there was a symbolic reason for it.
 took care of it with deep understanding and action.
I saw I had to let go of the past and forgive.
I eliminated everything that had to do with ‘hanging on’.
I released stuff and emotions and was gently with myself. LOVING.

And then also it was time for me to STEP FORWARD entering my true SELF.
It is an inside job, a spiritual matter.
But also action in the physical world was required and the message was :

Quit the SHIT!


My foot started healing extremely fast in two days… I walked with this inflamed foot for about 9 months.( I am a tuff one)

Follow your inner guidance, and we will meet each other at the PARTY of our TRUE SELFS.
It is the party that is called SPACE, where we are one another…
It is the 'ONE LOVE' party!

It taste like sugar


Love Tamara,

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