Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bella's and my own wedding dress

(The ball of debris is the wedding fail and comb, etc...)

This is Bella, the turtle my friend T. and me helped a few days ago.
Today I decided together with my friends that we can’t help this turtle on our own. I cut off all the debris that you see hanging in the picture, but she still has loops of line around her fin. And you can see clearly that the fin turns white already. There is no circulation anymore.

We could try to cut the line away but I am afraid for infections and bleeding and as you know we can’t have blood in the Ocean. Sharks smell if from far away.
So we are hoping we can bring her in and fly her to Honolulu where they are going to try to save her fin.

Isn’t it a painful picture?
And I know here in Hawaii we are spoiled and don’t have a lot of trash. But still…

Every day when I have to throw something in the trash I ask for forgiveness. I try to not buy a lot of stuff and so minimalize my trash. Everything you trash goes back to Mother Earth.
It can affect a lot of beings…just like it affected Bella , our beloved honu…

A wedding fail must have blown in the Ocean and wrapped around her fin. I even cut away the comb that was attached to it. Turtles are so sensitive to fishing lines. When fishermen feel they caught a turtle, they should immediately cut it off as close to the turtle’s body, because turtles can be wrapped in it or even drawn when they get caught in a fishing line.

I know we all know how we trash Mother Earth. And hopefully we all do something about it.
But do we know that what we see at the outside is a mirror for what we do inside of us?

Do we let the debris of past memories weight us down?
Do we let our anger make us immobile?
Do we cut of our own hands and feet by holding on to society rules, to an authority outside of ourselves?

What comes as images towards me in my outside world I always welcome with open arms, to SEE the feedback of what is happening in my inside world.
In gratitude and without resistance I accept and change my inside world.
In this consciousness I can make miracles happen.
Can I help Bella in this way, and let her keep her fin? Maybe…
She has a free will…

But I can save my own fin, by listening to her message.

Yes I was holding on to a painful past of pain and suffering. I could not understand that another human being could hurt me the way she did. I was wrapped in my drama and immobilized myself so badly, my foot also started hurting a lot.
The moment The Universe showed me the image of Bella I understood that I could not change the situation with pointing my finger outside of myself.
I came to the realization that I didn’t had enough self love and self regard and that I was at the source of my hurt and pain, and nobody else was to blame.
I had anger towards this person that lied, betrayed and just trashed me.
But when I saw Bella I knew deep inside that I was lying to myself, that I was the one that betrayed myself and that I was the one trashing me with holding on to my anger.
The lie starts when you don’t love yourself enough to say: “NO thank you!”
I could have said no, but I just realized that a few days ago. I have the right to positively discriminate and to ask people to stop or even ask them to leave.

What a concept! I always thought I have to allow everybody, really...
I held on so much because I was longing for a relationship. I didn't have self respect enough to say no...
I could not see that my longing for 'the relationship fairy tale' was an illusion, until I saw Bella with the wedding fail. There is not such a thing as relationship with another. Nobody can ever fulfill yourself than only your SELF.
Love doesn’t come from outside the Self, love is the source of your very own being.
Love is and streams through you, there is no need of another to let you feel that.
The ancient belief that Adam has to have an Eve, or that Eve has to have an Eve or an Adam has to have an Adam to be fulfilled is a lie. It is something that is so strong embedded in our society.
Being single is almost a curse…you get a sticker on your head that says;”Not good enough.”
It was that lie that Bella showed me. There is nobody out there. You are the one.

You are enough!
You are the beloved!
You are LOVE!

The love is the love of the Self, it is the one behind the body/mind and heart.
It is the one that is infinite, it is ALL. It is the place where nothing has to happen; but where everything happens. There you are in love with ALL. No judgments… ONE LOVE!
Bella knows and whispers in my ear, you can let go now of the ancient old ‘Boehoehoe…’ drama piece that you need a prince or princes to save you…
of what?
of your SELF?
There is only the SELF!!!!
The princes or Prince is YOUR SELF!!!
There is no frog out there. The frog is your own belief system that believes it is outside of you…once you see love is inside, the frog (=your limited mind) changes in the Prince/Princes.
Kiss your mind, love your mind, don't fight it! Love it with all your heart and let it serve you!!!

Bella, oh bella she is so beautiful, she is magnificence…she is ok with or without fin...

she IS...

and life streams through her.

She looked in my eyes deeply and I watched her eye. I never saw a turtle’s eye so dark black and big.
It was not a fear eye. It was a knowing eye that everything IS ok.

Her eye told me that your past is your past. That events happen because it has to happen.
It is all in Divine alignment with who you are to your SELF.
This is the major learning process on Planet Earth.
How much do we love ourselves to give us all that we are?
Love- space-freedom-knowing- peacefulness…
it is what it is…

It is all ok.
Fin or no fin.

Bella is me and I am Bella.
Bella is not separated from me.
She is you. Bella is not separated from you.
And listen very careful, what is she telling you?

Are you still angry for what happened in the past?
Are you giving your Inner authority away to outside rules?
Are you immobilizing your Self with a refuse to FOR-GIVE?

is something you GIVE to YOUR SELF, your true Self.
It is consciousness seen from the place of SELF.
And the other gets included in it; because she/he is a Self is not separated from you.
It is you. It is Self too.
There you see that the person was in your life to help you come in more Self love, and you had a contract…even before you incarnated on Earth…


I forgot…
I remember…
I see…

I put on my wedding fail and marry my SELF in never ending love and promise to be open to all…
I promise to be brave in living life in ecstasy, in passion and with so an intensity of SELF!

I am the watcher and see my life unfolding and I smile…

I let the other go…. I cut of the debris of her she is free...I see and forgive…
I let me go…I cut of the debris of my fins…so I am free…I see and forgive…

Bella , OH Bella I love you….

I am Bella and she is me.
I am you  and you are me.

We are all BELLA! So delicious beautiful!

Love tamara rainbow,

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