Monday, June 11, 2012

The turtle Bella shows us the bigger picture

Today I went swimming…haha well I do that every day. I feel so one with the Ocean; I love the adventures that can appear every moment. Dolphins, whales, turtles, sharks… they can all just have their morning walk where I am having mine. But even when they choose not to meet me in the water, being in the water for me is being in heaven.

How lucky I am living in Hawaii!

I told you I am illustrating a Hawaiian children’s book and yesterday I wrote that I illustrated Eddy Aikau. I did it with a trilling hand, nervous to paint such a legend. I wrote about him in my blog from yesterday.
When an illustration is ready I send it to the author of the book, who is Eddy’s family member.
And I just got an email back: they love it! And what is more their family from Big Island saw it and they love it too. Family in Hawaii is very important. I feel I have a new Ohana (family in Hawaiian), the ohana Aikau!

What a relief they were happy, what a JOY!

This morning I decided to not plan anything and to be surprised of what the Universe would bring me this day. I PLANNED to not interfere and to just go in the flow. I have learned throughout these last months that ALLOWING is the only thing we can truly do.
And that if a situation looks terrible, we even can’t really know if it is terrible.

What is terrible, anyway…Right?

I have learned to TRUST my JOURNEY and myself; and to have no resistance of what shows up outside of me. No, now I welcome it and see it as valuable information n of how much I LOVE MYSELF.
The outside world is a reflection of whom I am being to myself.

Anyway…I went for my swim and because it was Sunday I went for a longer one…I swam far and suddenly I saw her. I was so trilled; there she was the turtle we have helped on Tuesday. I gave her a name today. Her name is Bella.

I didn’t have anything with me today, no knife nor scissors (What is no good!) but I felt I couldn’t do anything really all by myself. I dove down a few times and looked better how I could help her. She still was wearing her wedding gown and a whole bunch of debris on her fin.

I snorkeled in the neighborhood to see how we could help her the next days. I figured we would have to bring her on land with all that stuff on her.
I swam back and when I came at my car all my friends were still there.
“There is Rainbow, she gets never tired”, they said.
I told them I found the turtle Bella and my friend T. announced that he would go with me back in the water. He didn’t swim yet.
“Well”, he asked;”Are we going to rescue her? Or are you too tired?
They were teasing me it would be impossible I was tired…anyway…

“ok, everything for the turtle!” I said and T. and I took off.

Oh my God, we were lucky to find her back and so we waited until Bella would come up for air and she did. T. held her very strong at her back fins and that was perfect because she could not slam me.

It was amazing… I started cutting and the only thing in my mind was that it had to go fast and hopefully I got it all off.
Cut, cut cut and I looked her in the eyes…she looked back.
Cut , cut cut…
There went the wedding gown…
Cut cut cut…
Line was floating in pieces in the Ocean…
cut , cut , cut
There went a COMB!!!!!
cut , cut , cut…
until I couldn’t cut anymore, or I would hurt her.
Oh my God, now I could see better how bad her fin already is. It turned already white in places from the pressure from the line that was still left around her fin.
My friend T. and me changed places..but it was impossible with a knife.
We couldn’t risk hurting her. She already went through a lot. It was enough for today.
We let her go, poor Bella…(well, Bella is not poor, she says!!!!)
She swam fast away, probably looking for a safe place to relax from the intensity of the rescue attempt.
She must feel much lighter today and I think she will feel relief a little, because she doesn’t have to carry that weight anymore. But still she was not free of all the line.

My friend and I started talking and suddenly he said;
”You know a turtle, get scared because she doesn’t see the bigger picture.”

And that one phrase was the most important phrase of the day.
haha, is it only the turtle who doesn’t see the bigger picture?
I must almost believe they do see it, because they always present them to me. They always ask for help.
And who knows, the turtle Wai’ha had taught me that they accept what is. (I made a youtube video of Wai’ha with his revelations to me) I bet Bella is ok with what is.
And maybe it is her again that teaches us.
What if she teaches us to be compassionate, enduring, fearless,…all those important qualities we can build within ourselves. What if she is the one that shows us “THE BELLA”- “THE BEAUTY” within?

And do we humans see the bigger picture of all this?
Do we see the bigger picture of our lives?
Is that what Bella brings to us?
Does she show us to look to our lives and start seeing the bigger picture?

Does she motivate us to let go of our superstitious beliefs; that if something in our lives happens that we judge it with ‘bad’ or ‘good’.
Are we not the ones that create a duality world with our thoughts and divide everything in positive and negative?
Are we not the ones that have difficulties to trust and want to defend our stuff, our bodies, our everything…?

What if there is a bigger picture?

Well, I know there is.
But what if we just give up fighting and start allowing God/Universe to give us all the abundance that truly belongs to us?
What if we stop trying to control it and demand that it has to be our way?
What if we could see that our way is LIMITING and that God’s way is infinite?

I wonder..who really sees the bigger picture?

Sometimes I feel that the animal world already found the LAW of ALLOWING…
“What if nothing is wrong?”
(Would my teacher, friend, mom P-Yoda say.)


If we live from that place…WE ARE LIVING THE BIGGER PICTURE!

Aloha, tamara

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