Tuesday, July 3, 2012

BE mind-FULL, here comes the bride!

                                Fast sketch of Bella and her wedding veil and her brides maides

Hahahah my Friend T. made me smile. She left a message on my previous blog.
 “I don’t give a poo.”

I love when my 'foreign' friends or husband 'mess up' clichés. i would list some here, but they would probably be lost on you... :) Oh well, who gives a poo - here's a classic:

"You crack me down" "No, you say, you 'crack me up'" "no it is you 'crack me down', look I laugh and i go down HAHAHAHAHHA"


 It was T. who made me aware last time that I didn’t spell ‘wedding fail’ right in the blog I wrote about the turtle Bella.
It should have been WEDDING VEIL and I wrote that Bella had a wedding fail wrapped around her fin.
T. wrote that a wedding fail could be translated to wedding failure.

I wonder what the story is about the mysterious wedding veil?
Whatever story we make up, it can be a good one.
And every person on earth can have its own story. 10 billion people 10 different billion stories.

So what can we make up?
What could be funny?

It is suspicious that a wedding veil ends up in the Ocean and wraps around a turtles fin. It is sad to know that Bella almost lost her fin and maybe she will all because of that wedding veil or wedding fail-URE?

Maybe the bride and groom got in a fight and that’s how the wedding veil got in the ocean, and it became a wedding failure.
Or the wind just picked up the wedding fail and the wig of the 80 year old bride (remember there was a comb in the debris) blow it in the Ocean. I didn’t see Bella wear the wig though. So maybe not.
A turtle with a wig that would be a funny children’s story to illustrate!
Or it was an 18 year old that was fixing her wedding veil and was combing her hair and WOUSH………… the wind just blow it out of her hands, done with all that vanity…!

We can make up all kind of stories…
our lives are just stories. Who we truly are, is the awareness of I AM, and then all the rest is a movie.
What do you want in your movie?

Bella’s movie…

Bella choose to have a wrapped wedding veil at her fin….and now there is something important to see here. As though we are the creators of our own world I believe that we don’t have total free will. Sometimes we are brought or put somewhere to serve.
(remember the blog “ Let the Universe make the puzzle”)
I believe that Bella was meant to drag that wedding veil behind her. Truly? Can you see the irony in this?

She was really dragging it behind her like a bride does at her wedding day.
See the picture:
Bella and her wedding veil… and then behind her numerous people with scissors, knives to cut it off…
Each person was in place to help liberating her. They had to open their heart to help her of cut her WEDDING FAIL. At the meantime if they look deeper, they do it for her; but also they liberate their selves.  Opening the heart to another is opening the heart to the SELF.
Opening the heart is the true wedding with your SELF.
So each person helped Bella to be free…but Bella liberated each one of them.

It was Bella’s mission to show the marriage with one Self in this unity of unconditional love.
Really, amazing isn’t it.
That is the way of God’s puzzle!
Puzzle pieces are put in all in a particular way, in the right moment and in the right place.

With the right beings, plants and things….it all is perfect in its imperfection!
It is based on unconditional love.
And this is Bella’s example, but everyone has situations like this.
Look close where you have a Bella in your life!
Purpose of life is to become aware that we are I AM= God= LOVE.

I saw Bella two days ago and she was hanging at the surface…now without any debris, liberated of all the junk at her fin… she heard me though…

( I guess she knows my stroke by now J splash splash= my friends will be happy I write this. But I am working on my stroke to become NOISE-less and invisible…haha J Then I will swim next to my fellow swim buddies and shout BOE!)

But Bella recognized me and dove rapidly to the bottom of the Ocean.
I was happy to see she was so fast. I think she had enough of people taking off her wedding veil piece by piece. Now it is off, she wants PEACE!
She was at turtle town; it is a cleaning station where fish eat from the shells from the turtles.
I witnessed that she enjoyed that the fish were eating at her fin. It looked terrible though. Her flipper was totally white and swollen. I was thinking poor Bella!

But hei how can I know she is POOR?
If I think that it is the true in my world, but that doesn’t really mean it is the truth.
And looking to her laying there, allowing the fish to clean her fin..I think she knows more…than me.
And I don’t have a feeling she thinks she is poor at all.

My friend M. who saw her too, thought she was in a bad shape, and she looked like that really.
But then something happened the next day that let me see that Bella isn’t so helpless and poor as we were THINKING.

I was swimming in the same bay. And every day a good distance. I saw a turtle at the farthest point with a similar injury. He or she couldn’t use his front flipper and I felt sorry for him….until I saw him back almost a kilometer further!!!! He had done the same distance than me in almost the same time (I was a little faster
J hihi …my lovely ego). That was impressive with only one flipper!

So done!!!!
From now on I will not THINK ever EVER that somebody is POOR!
First I can’t know for sure.
Second it is not nice to radiate that energy to the being…
Third If I turn that statement around…because if you point a finger to someone 4 points back to oneself, it means I THINK poor of myself…
No no no the Universe is abundance…

And….I learned that you or I have to TRUST each being’s JOURNEY.
To start with our OWN journey!!!!
And see everyone’s journey as abundant, because there is NOT such thing as being POOR.

Only our minds can make up such nonsense…POOR MIND! HahaJ

No …even the mind is not poor but rich…if it is used MIND-FULL J

Love Tamara rainbow

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