Friday, October 19, 2012

Sleep soft



I am having a wonderful day and I am going to write about it tomorrow…J
I am in a wonderful process of burning. The good news is what will remain is my true SELF.

I need a break…tomorrow I’ll be back…
I know I need a little break, because of this…

This afternoon I had to go to the bank and go for another paper that needed to be notarized.
It is so funny…I am filing my divorce papers and it is so complicated. Well, maybe it isn’t but my mind thinks it is, because it is something that isn’t fun. So we tend to do ‘bleaaah’
Postpone…linger…yeckes , right? It is like mathematics or physics in school. Well that was it for me.


It was the second time I ended up in the bank, because I had made mistakes and forgot things.
It is still my second language and court language…’bleeeah’

Hahah, I had to go to the same lady…
The court had returned my papers and what is really nice is that they point out your mistakes.
So I just needed to correct it and return it to the bank to notarize it again.

I already put my 5 dollar bill on the table and gave the lady the papers.
She was a Filipino older lady.
She was well dressed, had black curly hair and her red lipstick was very prominent.
She would sit straight up and hold her head straight up too. And when she walked to the copy machine she would touch my arm a little to let me know, she was feeling with me I had to go through this divorce.

How kind is that?

There was a picture of her kids on the desk and it just gave me feeling of family, of belonging and kindness.
She was so kind.
In touching my arm she let me know she was feeling with me.
She was really a compassionate loving woman.
I was sitting there with all my wounds of falling the day before, so I might have looked really terrible, really. My body kind of felt that way, anyway.

Suddenly she said; “Oh no, you don’t pay the 5 dollars (in pigeon Hawaiian), nono…I am giving you a BREAK!”

That was so sweet….so darlings I am taking my break right now and write tomorrow…
She  just said what was living in my heart...I need a break!
Sleep soft! (Belgian expression)

love Tamara rainbow

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