Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dancing Queen!

How an ‘annoying’ neighbor can set you off to something splendid and great!
I am cool with the neighbor now. He is known in the neighborhood for not being UN-friendly and on Sunday he was using the F-word as much as he could through the whole house next to me.
Before it would get my attention and I would get agitated and frustrated and I would resist him and try to stop him. I saw now already that that doesn’t work. The change has to happen inside of me.
So what I did was this:
I choose for JOY instead of anger.

I decided CONSCIOUSLY to have JOY!

I had bought little boxes the other week…(just to let you know I love my apartment and that the 5% of annoyance doesn’t weigh of to the 95% of true pleasure being in my apartment.)
Only…I start loving myself so much I also want those 5% to be quality time for me.
So I bought those boxes and decided if he would have his tantrum, I would put on some music.

So on Sunday he had his tantrum…he parentally wasn’t in church this Sunday.
F……g  this and F… that…
I opened my I pod library and it started playing random music and I just let it be… while I was painting.
Suddenly Earth Wind and Fire started and ‘hup’ I couldn’t sit still anymore.
I started dancing and singing and I had so much fun!

I thanked the neighbor for his assistance to get me on the dance floor!
Jichaaaaaaaaa…..BOOGIE WONDERLAND!

An hour later my friend D. texted me she was going to Little beach to the drum and dance circle and an hour and a half later I was dancing on Little beach watching the marvelous sunset.


After little beach I didn’t feel done and I parked my car in the darkness at the prince and just started dancing under the stars in the parking lot with my I pod in my ears!

10000 Maniacs…. Blondie…haha…ABBA
Dancing Queen…
Waaw I was flying around!

The little circle on the parking lot became the whole parking lot and after that I just danced in the street!

Nobody was there anyway.


Singing and dancing…turning around, jumping around…watching stars….feeling my body…how great!

Jezebel from Natalie Merchant was the max. I played it over and over…
Noah’s dove blasted in my ears from 10000 maniacs…

Thank you for the Music from Abba, I made in thank you for my art…


I was the ONE BEING in JOY and was dancing a-BUN-dance!

I danced unlimited…no restrictions…turning around, jumping around…there was nobody around anyway J….yeah!

And then finally when I was so tired and climbed into my car and drove away, I saw a car parked 10 meters from where I was dancing with somebody in it…

Oh God… Oh well…J

I think I have the microbe now...this means in Belgian that you are affected with something.
And in this case that is DANCING…because since Sunday evening I danced each night at sunset!

Let’s DANCE!


Tamara rainbow

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