Friday, October 5, 2012

Express LOVE!!!

one of my dolphin paintings

Blessed being I am to be taken and accepted in a small pod of dolphins for hours and move with them in love and joy in the middle of the ocean. I start believing they love me and maybe they just feel I love them so much. They took me on a wild ride and we visited some boats, they love it. They give the boats a show; it is amazing to see how they love the attention and how they not exclude any living being. (maybe sharks though J maybe…)
They are so loving! When they went faster, two dolphins would look behind and when they saw I had to push harder to stay with them they would drop their pace and wait for me. I am in awe…can’t speak, can’t do much then only be with it and such an honor to be present with those incredible beings.

Words can’t express enough how I love them.
I was surrounded by all of them; they were turning around me in circles. So happy to see me.
Was it me? Or anybody, it could have been anybody. Lucky me, it was me.
I was happy to see them.

Is the love I feel from them their love, or my own outpouring love for them..?

I love them so much.JJ

They loved the yellow leaves I had brought for them, that …and scissors are always with me in the ocean.

Leaves ‘for the you never know’…and the scissors also ‘for the you never know’ in fact…
(scissors to cut loose turtles, or any animal in danger)

I came to Hawaii on May7th 2006 and went twice back to Belgium since then.
The first time I came to Hawaii I was going to stay a month. I was then on Big Island and swam with dolphins every day. I mean every day…it was amazing and I fell in love.
It feels as if I am meant to be with them, as if they understand me. They come close and turn themselves towards me. I sing and talk and they answer with love. What I sing is my love song for them. It is one spiral of love energy…I feel one with them.

I understand them so well and can feel them so good.
I read once that dolphins can see through us, but I have a feeling I look through them too. I know what they want and when they want it or what they want. As my sonar is their sonar, my heart is their heart.

I am not perfect; I might be off sometimes, just like I am sometimes off with my human friends.

I am in love.

And I feel they feel love for me too.

So …I was going to stay a month on Big Island. Lot’s happened and that is another funny story, which I will write later…I mean it is amazing how the Universe set up things and organizes things. We can sometimes not even begin to think how to create our lives. We think we are in control, haha…
that’s the biggest joke ever…I thought often I had some control…
I really was kept in Hawaii, I couldn’t leave. My stay got postponed to 3 months. I literally left the last day I could stay in the US.
And besides the apparent coincidences a lot had to do with my love for the dolphins.

Anyway… I remember the last day before I had to leave for Belgium. I was in Kealakekua Bay on Big Island and the dolphins were as close as they could be. You can be laughing with me or think I am crazy; (I might, but I can assure you it doesn’t hurt really. It is a belgian saying 'Zot zijn doet geen pijn' means 'being insane doesn't hurt') but I heard them energetically asking to come back for them. Really it was as if they asked to come back FOR them. No clue why. But here I AM.
id I make it up and was it for me? LOL...

When I came in Belgium; one of the first things I did was travelling to Brussels to the American embassy to get a 6 month visa. One month later I was back in Hawaii on Big Island.

There is nothing more I long for than to be with dolphins. I am sad what happens in Japan and I can’t understand it; but with the awareness I am learning with Mama-P. I know this is not of my business, it is God’s business. The only thing I could do for now was to offer my dolphin art to the people who travel to the Cove to help the dolphins. I didn’t hear from them yet.

I have seen through my experiences in life that there is a bigger picture and that we not always know why things happen as they happen.
I am learning to stay in the present moment as I AM, in my own presence and that what comes into my world in front of me…to do and to take action. Right now that is cutting loose turtles, sharks, dolphins…right here in Hawaii… writing my blog, painting my art…loving my life…

It doesn’t mean I am blind for what is happening in the world…I even think that I am more awake for what is happening in the world in this way of being…because I take responsibility for my own life and I am shifting my own world into a greater awareness to contribute to LOVE.

I have seen in my experiences as REBEL, as FIGHTER, as ANTI-anti that I throw myself into the same energy as the ones I am ‘against’. I am not judging anyone that does that, because when I was doing it, it had its life. It was right, nothing was wrong me doing it. And it is not wrong others doing it.
I trust everybody is in its right place. God doesn’t make any mistakes. Nothing is wrong.

Now I see myself more evolved to a ‘Gandhi way’ or is it ‘Mama-P’ of thinking.
 (Mama-P is my teacher/mom)
I can’t fight war with war…
If I can bring my own world in peace and love I contribute to the love in the world and I radiate dolphin-energy.

That’s what the dolphins teach me; they don’t make any difference. They love everybody, because they see beyond the world of bodies and minds.

They see that we are all ONE SOURCE.

They see my body but don’t see me as a my body, they look through me…they see only LOVE, because THEY ARE LOVE. They see my Source energy, which is the same as their Source energy; because we are all the same…When you look from a place of love, that is what you see.
It starts with me, with you...It starts from our Source energy IAM.

That’s what they taught me…deeply…my dolphin paintings show often that awareness. It is as if we all carry the breath of life….inside of us…the heart-beat of GOD.

Tonight I was walking on the beach and this one man comes very close up to me. It was dark and I couldn’t see him very well. Before, I would have felt insecure.
Today I wasn’t scared because I saw him as this:
I saw his body as a package; something he created to be him in this life.
I didn’t identify myself with my body and being separated from him.
I saw us as the same, as source.
I could feel that he was me. He was love, just like me. I wasn’t separated, I was one with him.
I was him.
He was love, because I was love….

That is what the dolphins teach me…
I want to be with them day and night…be a dolphin whisperer and what I really want is that they whisper me…and teach me how to be true LOVE.

I feel I am getting there…
Also …I write it over and over…but it is better to tell the people or animals or plants or every being in your life…right here and now….you love them, you appreciate them…now...than to hold it in…

Never hold you in; it is not possible, because you are infinite Source. You are the Universe, you are it all. Abundance! And that source always burst out in JOY! As dolphins BE!

I hold myself in my whole life already…until this last year…really...
I AM BURSTING OPEN as a little dolphin!!!

I write again and again how I love my self made MAmA-P….is she self made or meant to be my adopted mama. Maybe my human birth giving mom was the adopted mom, and Mama -P. is my real mom. That’s how it feels anyway…It doesn't matter how or what, right here and now SHE IS.
I am so happy that I have met this amazing being and I am so honored to be able to write these blogs with all her knowledge and teachings… for me, for you…

There would be no such deep blogs without her…

And one thing she teaches me is:

LOVE WHAT IS…without any exception…


I am loving it!

I love her!

What a blessing…

If you have somebody in your life that is so precious…tell them…it is amazing…LOVE>>>J
The dolphins always tell!!!

If they are not asleep they show us how much they love us!

Express love!!! It is who you ARE!
I express love, it is who I AM!


Love, tamara rainbow<

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