Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mama Ganesh says it like it is...

I finished Ganesh…yeah…I gave her a lot of care…and she supposed to get that of course!
It was a whole process.

All my paintings are…and maybe every artist has that; I don’t know.
I see that I spiritual grow with each new painting I make. It is as if spirit guides me and I am just the vessel that makes it happen. God paints through me, that’s why I am so confident around my art. My mind is not in it.
J only my heart…JJ

I also witnessed when I start a painting that also my world around me will teach me things in the same symbolism of the painting I am making in that moment.
As God uses my art to teach me more about who I really am : ‘I AM’.

When I write about ‘IAM’ (you can read in my previous blogs), I refer to what is truth, what is real.
It is our Gods Self inside us. It is the place that never dies and always is.

I am very dedicated to know more about ‘IAM’, I really want to know why we were born and how life works.

Just to say that my hunger and thirst for knowing, and feeling and BEING…is immense.
I want to truly BE who I really am.
That part in me that wants to know and wants to change to be ‘I AM” is so passionate that I attracted teachers on my path that showed me the way. I grow each day and now I am so so fortunate to have found my most loving teacher Mama-P. that shows me really that ‘I AM’ my own teacher, really.

I should also read my own children’s books better, because in my first children book I describe the wise elephant Talamon as the wise guru within. He stands for the “I AM’ within that is in each one of us. We are all teachers….

I am coming to the point…
It is as if I start a painting God hands me little puzzle piece by little puzzle piece, so I am getting the bigger awareness lesson. Sometimes I forget it again and have to do  same lesson over again later…but I truly believe if we learn something we have learned it and the next lesson is just one level deeper.
I like that theory!

Ganesh is all about abundance.

A few weeks ago I choose the image of Ganesh to work with creating abundance for myself.
Or maybe she choose me?
It was an exercise I did with Mama P- and it evolved in a whole life of itself.
It was as if the Universe handed me more and more tools to EMBODY the energy of Ganesh.
It was not only me…synchronicity slipped in and I got messages in my email inbox about Ganesh, I attracted a few little clues about Ganesh…I guess I was ready to learn her lesson…

Ganesh taught me how to be abundant. In my previous blog about her you could read that I had a real block about her playfulness. I painted her feet elephant feet and she didn’t like it AT all, it was too heavy.

“What are you thinking of me?”she asked. “ I am a lady, I am not having elephant feet, if you want to dance with elephant feet, just go ahead and try it!”

She couldn’t move enough, she couldn’t PLAY enough!
She wasn’t FREE enough!

I wasn’t happy with her ‘pushing me’stuff…(Mama Ganesh must have thought the sameJ)
I was ready to paint the whole thing in orange…orange orange… I just wanted to get rid of it…
I wanted to cover mama Ganesh!

Mama Ganesh laughed; “Orange? Now you are going to put a whole bunch of orange on top of me?
You must be kidding me, you try to avoid what you can’t avoid. Orange is the color of joy, abundance and laughter! You try to cover the same with the same. Just give it up!”

I had to surrender to the IDEA of play.
I had to surrender to the idea that what was taught to me in my life in Belgium, in school, by my parents…wasn’t true anymore.
That belief system is that you need to WORK HARD in order to be abundant.

Ganesh throws that all out.
“Nonsense”, she says….
“Play and joy and joy and play; that is abundance!”

It was no coincidence that Mama _P (my teacher /mama) was trying to teach me that for the last year already… I guess I was ready to bring it in to my life!
What mama-P taught me was that I just have to BE the one I want to be… and the rest is to just relax and let the Universe bring it all to me…then in the moment I would know what to do. The Universe would show it to me… just TRUST my sweetheart… and in the meantime you just be in JOY and PLAY!

I had to accept this lesson. For all this time I worked hard…ok as an artist (people might think that is not working), but I had that whip behind me ALL the time that ‘I had to work’ and I couldn’t take any time of.
I pushed myself a lot. In my head I had to sell my art, sell , sell…something I really don’t like;
and where I am not good in. And so it took a lot of time away of what I really wanted to do; to paint and write and have joy and PLAY!
Mama –P and Ganesh (which is one and the same in fact) taught me that I have to take my hands of, what is not my job but God’s.
Mama-P told me often; “You put your nose in God’s business, it is not of your business how your art get sold. Hands of and do what you supposed to be doing, because every time you interfere in God’s PLAY you mess it all up.”

Easy, right.
Just letting go and dance,

But ‘gee’, that was not easy at all!
I want to be in control and make sure that I have enough… and make sure it sells and … and…
“Hmm mama-P said regularly; “And how did that work for you all this time?”
“Haaa it sucked. I don’t know how”; I said.
“Hands of”, she says; “and let GOD.”

Ok… so Mama-P and the painting are GROWING me…

You can see through the different sittings that Mama Ganesh changed from having heavy feet to dancing feet.
(which she likes a lot
She changed from being a premature whiny being to a mature BEING.
She changed from a fearful presence to a beautiful being-FULL presence.
She is proud of her being, her mind and body.
She radiates more than ever and wears herself in dignity.
She knows that life is being in joy and happiness.
She accepted now that life is not hard working….(well she says I knew that all along, you are the one…you are describing yourself ,my dear

She is connected with her “IAM’ all the time. You see that I painted a spiral on her belly. It is the symbol of our God’s self within that is connected with the white yellow light behind her.
In fact the spiral is painted IN her belly. It is the way within!

The knowing that she is God and God is her is what she celebrates each moment again in the aliveness she feels for life in each moment.
She knows now that abundance is an inside job. You can see this by the nose she has on her head. It is the horn of abundance that brings an abundance of gold and love into her/the Universe.

She has her brush in her hands. It is the symbol of doing what is in your heart, because what’s in your heart is in your being.
What brings you joy will brings you abundance, it is that simple.
That is what Mama Ganesh taught me.

Her long golden hair is symbol for strength.
It is the strength to take responsibility for your own life.
That is to know that ‘I am’ the creator of my own life. And that means that who I am being with myself is going to show up as reflection outside of me. It shows me what I want to change or keep…

In the painting you see the elephants walking in, this is what I see when I play my Ganesh song.
During the song the Mother elephant changes into Ganesh.
The Mother elephant has her children and family members around her and they learn from her.
They all change in Ganesh.
So what I want to say here is that all these symbols in my painting count for each single being on the planet. Each one of us has Mother elephant and Ganesh inside of them.

I wrote already in my previous blog that the 4 circles on the painting stands for Mother elephant’s feet. These 4 circles are gate ways to other dimensions.

I see the Mother elephant stable and dependable (probably that’s why I see Mama-P in her)but also she is free. Her feet are not heavy…oh no… it are stable feet because they stand in freedom.
If you only look in the life you have right now as you…I mean without looking to other dimensions or past lives or anything like that; than you can compare it with being transparent.
What I mean by that is that you are ‘I AM’ and from the knowing who you truly ARE; you easily can play any role you want. You see through life that what you are in reality is ‘I Am’ and all the other roles you play is the ego personality.
Now you are free to take on what you want. You don’t identify with it anymore.
You don’t believe anymore that that is who you are… and so you live from a witness position… and enjoy all what is.

And then this lesson I got this morning in the Ocean about Ganesh.
This morning when I was swimming I had a feeling of frustration. It was as if I thought I couldn’t embody the Ganesh energy totally…that it was HARD work to do so…haha …exactly the opposite of what she was teaching me…

How could I be Ganesh all the time and not sink away in feelings of lack…that was my frustration…

When I was in the Ocean I was looking for my beloved Pinky, the turtle (see blogs about Pinky).
I didn’t find her and what happened was that I didn’t feel happy. I observed it and I tried to come back to ‘I am’ and be in the moment and enjoy what was presenting in front of me. To say it different= I tried to be in the present moment…
It was when I swam to a spot where I don’t EXPECT her, that I could let her go and what happened was that I came in a feeling of TOTAL freedom.
It was as if I walked through a gate.
I came from a place of LACK to a place of ABUNDANCE. And I felt it in my spirit, in my mind and body...It was a shift!
I started noticing the most beautiful fish that I couldn’t see 5 minutes before because I was expecting this one little turtle.
I was LIMITING God to bring me abundance.
Well, in fact the abundance was all around me but I couldn’t see it because I was seeing in lack.
Then something deeper even happened.
I was just swimming and came in a place where it didn’t matter what was around me at all.
I came into me.
And it was enough.
It felt as if I finally found what I was looking for.
I came in I AM and was totally present with deep awareness.
Maybe this was the frustration I felt earlier…I just wanted to be ‘I am’ and PLAY myself?
The abundance I felt, was the feeling of ‘I am’.
And it started with feeling the water on my body,

It was magnificent to feel that I didn’t need anything outside of me to be fully having a feeling of abundance and satisfaction.


I wasn’t my body and my mind anymore and all what was around me was me…

There was no separation but connectedness.

And then I heard my voice in me repeating this mantra we have in the spiritual community;
‘NO expectations and you won’t be disappointed anymore next time!’
True, I thought. That is so true…but then came a truer voice slipping inside of me and said what about changing that statement from NO to YES…
“YES?” I said.
“I can’t do that, than I can get disappointed.”
“Well’; the voice said,”because you still link that thought with a ‘one particular thing’ your mind wants”.
What if you just could say; “Yes,I expect everything, I am open to it ALL!”
...because truly you ARE it ALL!"

“Form a negative sentence as ‘NO EXPECTATIONS’ and you still are in a spiral of NO abundance…
You can say YES to all possibilities and let God bring you ALL possibilities.
There is huge freedom in that.”
What is so beautiful is that you can expect anything! Really!”

“Oh ye?” I asked.

“It is already all here, look around you how much abundance there is…”

Instead of shrinking yourself with having ‘Can NOT having expectations’
open your self to ‘ALL possibilities’
then you better just let go and TRUST….
and listen to me Mama Ganesh and PLAY!!!!!!!”
…”Because that what shows up is abundance …ALWAYS….
It is what life IS =abundance…
It are your thoughts about what abundance SHOULD look like that makes it a mess!
The truth is that everything is abundance, because that is the nature of life.
And that is what I AM, Ganesh! I am playful happy life!
I AM abundance, I dance in abundance…
I dance in my own ‘IAm’ BEING…
I trust and have faith that what shows up in my life is abundance, because I AM abundance….



Life is full of surprises when you let GOD!
I know...:)

Love,Tamara Rainbow



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