Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Symbolic meanings behind my paintings

I decided to open a shop on my website where you can buy my art in prints, giclees or shirts. So it is for all people. As I believe that my art can change the world with its power and intension I intent to spread it around the world.
In the past I didn’t want to describe my paintings and let it over to the imagination of the viewer. And I still love that. But it is as if I am pushed in another direction and asked to teach through my art.
So with every piece you will see that I write the symbolic meaning of the painting.
It is this energy that is the intention behind the painting and is the power behind the images you see.
This meaning can help change a particular stuck energy in your life or in general.
For instance…
I just wrote the explanation of this little elephant. The symbolic meaning is REBIRTH.
When you are in your life where you landed in such a situation, this painting might help you bringing the energies on a higher level of understanding and awareness.
Also if you are just attracted to the image, without having a major life shift on hand; you might benefit of the symbolic meaning behind the painting.

Explanation little Elephant:
You will see that I am driving within my paintings to capture a multi dimensional world. I want to share with people that we are more than our bodies. We are Soul and live from that center. Here you see a baby elephant and you see the spiral runs through his body. This is symbolic for the infinite life we carry inside. When our bodies die, our Soul keeps living.

I have a feeling with elephants that they carry the energy of REBIRTH.

It is a symbolic rebirth in this life time we have several times after certain episodes in our lives.
 But I also refer to the multi infinite lives we live on this planet or other galaxies.
And as dolphins teach me, we don’t even have to die in this body here and now to experience this multi dimensional existence. We are it.
Elephants are like the wise holders of that wisdom. It are like the elders, the kapuna’s they would call it in Hawaii.
Listen to the elephant and find the peace that he/ she walks the earth knowing that this is just one experience out of many….

love tamara

Please visit my website

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