Saturday, April 21, 2012


Pigs…who would want to hang pigs on their wall?
But look to them..who wouldn’t want to put pigs on their wall?

If something makes you smile…right?

Isn’t that life?

Doesn’t life make you smile?

Can we make it so easy we can just hang a poster of some cute piggy’s and smile?
Sometimes I say to myself; ”Why making it easy, if you can make it difficult?”

That is a joke.


This morning my day started know why?

Because it started…I had and have a new day on this beautiful earth!
What a blessing!
Without any thoughts, without was marvelous to get up and breathe and know; ”I am alive!”

I went running and the amazing sky added to that full feeling of BEING ALIVE…

I am alive…mmmmm

Haleakala was breathing air and was standing as a KING, as every morning but maybe a little more this morning.
I turn around the street, still running and a woman on a bicycle shouted at me; “YOU ARE DOING GREAT!”
Man, I needed that, the day before my troublesome thoughts had taken me on a different path and it was as if I forgot yesterday how great I was doing.
But ‘hei’ (dutch for Hi!)this woman assured me, what was already known by me, deep inside.

Everything what I saw after that was greater than the moment before…
Thank you disguised stranger on the bicycle, thank you God!

How we can help is so easy…a compliment can help somebody rise in their power.
It is a disguised action of Grace. It is LOVE!

Yeah, I was doing great…

Half hour later…done running…feeling great…

I walk in my gate and every morning a gecko sits in a narrow spot between the gate.
He/ she waits for the sun to come and to sunbathe… Well, that is my story about him. Maybe he/she sits there to tell me how great I am, but I never listened yet!
“Hei”, I tell him, “I am doing great!”

He looks at me with his big eyes, and holds his little toes strong, because he /she knows that he will swing/move with me; while I am opening the gate.
(Maybe that’s why he /she sits there every day! A free swing! Disneyland!)
I walk on my steps and there are my two mina birds welcoming me, with loud laugher.
“We know!” they shout, “You are doing great! We are doing great too!”
(They are always doing great
J and being LOUD) I love them.

Just to let you know how simple life can be, if we find that gratitude in our hearts for the wonder of life.
And we are open for all the gifts that come our way. Do we see them? Do we hear them? (mina birds on my lanai telling their story)

What has those little piggies’s to do with my story…nothing really.
Maybe two things we take things for granted.
Like for instance getting up in the is a blessing!
Having pigs in this world is a blessing, how are we going to treat them?
Are we going to see them with a Soul or as a number?
They get up every morning with a breath, let’s treat them as they ARE GREAT!

And then second, they bring in the world the energy of innocence.
That is the gift of life in any moment in time. We are all innocent, until we see what we think.
I learned that from Byron Katie.

It is our thoughts that make us less great then we truly are. We just think ourselves not great.
But the good news is that we can just THINK ourselves great and IT IS!

Let’s just be GREAT!

Love Tamara,

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