Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Horse Power

I don’t know what it is with me, but since I started my blogs and  I look back, I see that at some times I could open myself vulnerable, some other times I could not write and had to go inside and keep it only there.

It was not that I didn’t dare to open me to the world in order to be an example and to teach, because that is what I truly feel what is wanted from me. It just comes naturally out of me. I wrote a book. Well I wrote 3 children’s books and a poem book. But 2 or 3 years ago I wrote a book, that has the title: “The power of Gratitude” I thought it was finished.
But it is not, because since 6 months I live my life upside down. So I feel I have to continue and tell what is going on….
 Just before my birthday I met this amazing teacher and since that time I changed …what 180 degrees?

 It is time to continue my book  and put it upside down and write further.

I feel it would be good to read how I got to the point where I turned it upside down and why and how…
I am just sharing my life experiences in my book and the wisdom I gained out of it.
I believe that what happened to me in the past, has happened to share with people why it is not necessary to have those events in your life. But it is also not a shame to have them. It is just what it is and I have a lot of experience to know how I can lift people out of those events. Once you accept life as it is, everything changes.
 My expertise in life would be of a person who was totally in the identity of the victim.
Staying in that identity is a vicious circle that never ends.
I poured myself into it, wallowed in it…punished myself for about 20 years thinking it was the only way I could live my life. Back then I felt so powerless and I didn’t know how to get out of it.
I didn’t know it was as easy as making a choice to turn the book upside down and write a new story.

We always have the choice. Everything in life is our own responsibility. If we live from that perception, we are captains of our Souls!

So I started writing my own new story. I didn’t know I had that power.
I didn’t know I had the right.
I didn’t know it was possible.
But I came to see that all things are possible.
All things are possible because, I make them possible.
I take charge over my own life.
This has nothing to do with power, but all with responsibility.
It is a different kind of power.
Before I would have thought that taking charge over my life was making things happen.
I tried that for years and I just start giving it up now. Why would I try to make something happen in my own limited power, if I can just let the Universe help me with its Unlimited power?

Now I know that taking responsibility is to be the one I want to be, and to let God .

I don’t have to make anything happen anymore. I don’t have to push nor pull, I just have to relax in the one I truly am. And for me that is the horse. When I am there I can make miracles happen.

I painted this painting of me, the horse with the dolphins to hold my energy. To be the one I truly am.
Daily our thoughts try to take us away, of our true Nature. Thoughts can come and go. If we don’t believe them we don’t anker them in our lives. They just come and go.
So the painting I brought in this life is to keep me strong in my horse identity.

I know when I am the horse the dolphins allow me in the pod and I am one with them. When I step away from my identity I truly am, they swim away from me. When I am the horse they take me with them on amazing adventures in the wide open ocean.
When I am the horse I don’t care what other people think, because I know I am one with God and my true self. The judgment of others doesn’t reach me really. It is even not of my business what they think of me. I am.
the horse wants and longs and desires …and holds the energy of BEING…the Universe responds on my desires and presents situations. My job is to not fill it in with my limiting beliefs, but to be open what can show up. And to be receptive…

It is an exciting life.

I turned my book upside down and changed of identities.

I moved from being a victim to being a creator.

I pledge to be the horse every moment of Now…and to let the Old Self die, in the arms of the loving horse.

I am in joy, make bubbles and dance..I am the horse, I am the horse…living a life of joy!
Done with the drama and the poe hoe oe…done with giving my authority away…
I am the horse riding my life with faith that I will be provided in the right moment…always!

While I am writing this blog one of the two mina birds (I hope I write this right) came and flew on my screen. He is sweet (if he is the he). Since I few days they visit me every day, pick in my bathing suit, walk on my deck, tell their whole story and I respond with mine… And they return over and over.

They don’t like my food, because whatever I give they try it and then give me the look; “You eat it yourself!”

I can’t imagine anymore what they would want. I gave them raisins, banana, grains,…I hope they don’t want that this vegetarian girl is digging up a worm…no no that is their job, I am not a bird I am a horse!

Am always open for God’s miracles and this is one of them. Thank you mina birds for your blablabla…(because they can be loud J) is such a gift to have two birds visiting…
even when they spit out my food and give me the look…


Love Tamara
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