Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baby sharks teaching me how to say 'NO!'

The baby sharks

I see the Ocean as a huge adventure treasure. You never know what shows up right in your face and you never know what the adventure will be.
A few months ago my friends and I discovered that a shark delivered some baby sharks where we swim regularly.
Since that day we have the honor now to see those amazing beings grow up.
One time I think… it was mom that was blocking me the pathway to go through and she kind of told me; “No tress passing.”

I still am learning to have the feeling I can say NO to people. It is one of my hardest lessons.
I feel no and mostly I say; “No” but then I kind of come back on my steps and I hear the confusion coming into my energy field. I get stressed out that I think ‘I hurt them” and then I hear myself saying yes; which is not honest and hurts everybody in the long run…
But when I say YES when I feel in my heart NO, then I lie to myself and I say NO to me.
If your inner self let you feel NO, stick with it; RESPECT your Self enough to just STICK with it.
I kind of say that to myself…right now.

I have made myself so miserable today that my stomach is totally upset, because I didn’t stick with my NO.
I did now in the end, but Jeee it took me sweat and tears (As we would say in Belgium) to say NO.

At the end I see I kind of put myself on a stormy ship today that only said Yes/no/yes/no/yes/no…
I got really seasick..hahaha…

I wish I just made it easier for myself. Now I can do the same as I always do and be hard on myself, but I decided to NOT do that…haha… I can make mistakes, it is ok.
Although I want to find the root of that Yes/no game within my mind.

My heart never says no/yes, but always yes. I know it is the mind….

It was an amazing lesson today and I saw that a YES or a NO can be a YES to me.
Also I saw that I don’t need to do anything at all…nothing at all…THAN saying YES to God within.

Whatever I want to be...if I say YES, behind the screens everything gets taking care of.
If I let my mind do the yes/no game; I send confusion in the field and I upset myself…

So I want to love myself so much I don’t want to do that anymore…Byron Katie says to be always open to do it again, because that makes us fearless for everything what shows up into our lives…but you get the picture…

I just need to learn ‘shark energy’…They say easily NO.

Although I see that those babies still have to learn too to say No too…so maybe I just have to have some patience with myself and give me the space to grow in the NO that actually is a YES.


Following your inner guidance is always YES….

I wonder if I say YES to me all the time…that I probably won’t attract much situations anymore where I have to say NO…haha…YES, yes…No became YES.

YES to LIFE!!!!



Love Tamara rainbow

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