Friday, March 23, 2012

Quit the shit

It is amazing how the Universe works. I am still a humble student learning the simply laws of life.
Simply huh?
yes I came to understand and experience that when our lives take a turn to the roller coaster ride of pain and suffering, it is because we made it to complicated. It is because we tried to control the outside world. It is something that simply isn’t possible; it will fail over and over again.
Our only job is to stay centered and aligned of who we really are.

It is in that center, that we find peace.
It is how I try to stay centered. I know there is something I THINK that is not right when I lose that feeling of peace.

I felt insecure today, and when I slow down I could see that my thoughts had carried me away and have made a whole world that was not even true. The world I was looking at was a creation of my own old thoughts and beliefs. Once I questioned if it was true or not, my life simplified itself and I found peace again.

I am so blessed i have a wonderful teacher P-Yoda that shows me lovingly and amazingly how…in her words… to “Quit making shit up!"
Thank you P-Yoda!
Her teachings bring me back to the place where peace lies, and that is the place where I AM.
From that place I can ask what I want and the Universe  will serve me…if I am open  enough to receive whatever comes, to create more of what i want.
My RESPONSIBILITY in life is to hold that energy and to trust…
When I am there I am the drop of water that emerges with the whole Universe.
When I am there I am the Ocean that embraces the drop of water.

No distance, no separation..only oneness and faith that when I hold that powerful energy of I AM, everything comes what I need in every NEW moment.
Am I loving enough towards myself to give me what I want and QUIT THE SHIT!


Love you love you love you P-Yoda!

Please visit my website for my awesome paintings at

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