Saturday, March 24, 2012

Grand Pa printer mumbels

We would be so much happier when we accept when …
something is over,

it is over.
Sometimes we grab back to past things, relationships and want to try to bring it back, but we know in our hearts it is over.
Saying to something or somebody goodbye is always a hard thing to do. It is hard because we hold on to long and don’t accept what is.

I was preparing something with my printer and had to dig in the past, which I was postponing for some days.

In Belgium we would say I had a ‘hanging butt’. That means you THINK you need to do something, you don’t really want to do. So you drag yourself to it, convince you have too, make up all stories in your head why you SHOULD do it, etc…

I already learned when that comes up I try to do it immediately, so it is not in my head the whole time; before I would let my butt hang for a longer time. Now I just do what comes in front of me to do, as quick as I can. Otherwise I lose the Now moment.
Anyway so I started doing what I thought I needed to do and immediately after a few minutes the printer helped me to erase the task off my mind. It got stuck!
I never had have any problem before with my printer, but today he said

(I assume it is a he, looking at it J);

”Done with the past, only the Now counts!”

As a normal human being I tried one more time to Unstuck him and to try again, responsible as I am to do what I SHOULD be doing…

No way…
He didn’t move…

The printer showed me the image of me being stuck in the mud of the past…
Ok I got it, I felt it and act upon it.
I erased the printer tasks of the past and changed it to printer tasks of the now.
I stepped from the past in the now and printed off a picture of my loved one and me. Now.

In my head I was still doubtful and two voices were still arguing to win the fight. One voice said;"Let go of the past!" The other thought said;"You ought to be responsible!" Maybe I should go to a friend and do this task anyway…blablabla…

It was as if the printer wanted to shut up my mind and he started
magically printing the picture that was representing the now.

Letting go…

I know I had to learn this lesson the hard way, but maybe I can spare you pain and suffering.
I must admit that I always have felt when something was over.

When I look back I always have had a voice telling me it is time to say goodbye. Let go!
And you know it deep inside, but the ego fights against it; because it feels insecure.
But your Soul knows that you are NOT ALIGNed anymore. It is complete and you need to step and continue your path alone and meet other people, other teachers, and other companions. And there again, it might you will say goodbye again. You never know. You might stay together for a life time; you might see each other only for a day. You trust God that the right people show up and leave in the right moment and you just follow your heart. You know if people disappear out of your life, it isn’t a ‘bad’ thing. It just is.
You step further and further and one day you will see and feel and smell and KNOW that there are never really goodbyes. Everybody walks with you, deep within your heart.
We are all connected and all one, we just have another vibration for some time to learn something new. At the end we all meet again in the same vibration; full circle around.
We are one, we are God.

When we die, we emerge again into the greater field.

So today Grand Pa Printer gave me heads up to let go…

Unstuck you from the past and move on, sweet sister! Go on and celebrate your life!

Don’t dig in the past of past memories and get stuck in the mud. Lift up your head and turn as a sunflower to the sun and go…

Step into your NEW life, NOW…
Every second, every minute of the day…
Move into your new vibration…

This reminds me of the symbolic meaning of the shark…
I did a painting not long ago with this symbol in it and it said:

The shark is a master of emotion, he moves and keeps on moving in deep knowing there is no death, there is no past. There is only a continuous movement of this moment  of NOW.

Namaste, Aloha…Love you all

I am you and you are me…

You can visit my website to buy any painting you want. You can also order a Soul painting…This painting above is older work..but stays always in the NOW!

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