Friday, November 30, 2012

Listen to the wise words of the LION KING


I am floored again...feeling sick...
it is as if I am pushed into what I wrote about my new painting,The lion...
Resistance brings me down.
I can only be in the FIELD of FAITH...
sometimes my mind takes me out of it,
and then I feel sick...
So SURRENDER I guess...

Here is my text about THE KING!

When I am the space ‘IAM’…I am KING!
I AM what is inside of me.
With dignity I watch from inside out.

I adore my Earthy appearance, but I know it is just an appearance that comes and goes.

I am what is undying, what I always AM.
It is in that space that there is no-identity and identity simultaneous.

When I became KING of my life,
When I started deciding,
I came in a place of authority…

I decide out of the place of ‘IAM’.

It is the place, my castle…the only place that is of my concern,

If I can say it like that…

There are not really concerns there…

Only CREATION happens there…mmmm delicious...

I am absolutely sure I am the most incredible creation…just like you...J

All what is me, what you can see as me is a magnificent manifestation out of the field of LOVE,

that I AM.

My decisions come out of the state of bEING, my castle…
No 'tjigijangle' anymore with matters of the body/mind….

When I am 'BEING' the one, that is in place anyway…

Once I peacefully surrendered me in that space…
resistance dropped and faded away out of my existence…

Birth and death, or death and birth…
It doesn’t matter there, creation upon creation…
All creation comes out of the field of LOVE…

The setting moon comes from there, the rising sun comes from there, a beautiful ‘madam’ lion comes from there…J
All what arises in my world comes out of that space and goes back into that space…every moment upon moment…
The sun, the Ocean, the moon is never ever the same…
I am never EVER the same..I change each moment upon moment…

My beloved Queen Lion too…in the place of ‘Iam’ we are ONE always….
together changing...

It is the place of never ending SPIRALS…never ending change….



tamara rainbow

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