Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oh my! My wonderful world of Maui!

Two days already I have seen the moon setting in the Pacific.

Is it the Pacific? We have a joke going on…my ranger friend told me once that tourists sometimes ask if one side of Maui is the Pacific and the other side the Atlantic Ocean.

Don’t laugh…this is a SERIOUS question...LOL...or a serious PROBLEM...

Sometimes they even ask if Kaho’Olawe, a small island in front of Maui, is Japan.
Don’t laugh…this is also a serious question… or a very serious PROBLEM...


I don’t know if those questions come from Americans or Europeans…J

My friends know when Europeans show up just by the way they dress and I am clueless.
I don’t see it.
My friends laugh with me, because most of the time I am just dressed in my swim short and bra…
So I am exceptional. I can't be put in a box...hihi
Nobody can tell if I am a European or an American.
ONLY….this is really sadly ONLY the case, when I keep my mouth shut.

If I dare to even say the tiniest little thing, I lose all my privileges of being the anonymous mysterious stranger; that i love to be at times.

And sometimes my accent makes me more mysterious and then also more desirable for others...
which is just the opposite of being the disguised stranger…

Oh well, I kind of am used to it now…
Hilarious part is that I am already so long here and that I don’t hear I have an accent.
And so I am still surprsied each time when I have to answer the question over and over;
“Where are you from?”

When they hear that I came all the way from Belgium, they stand in awe…
And that makes it 'up' then for me…then my ego gets proud or is flattered…LOL…
Oh well, the ego is no problem anymore…
It can..I see it anyway... if you know who you are and you see your ego playing the game…
It is so much fun now…to see it all happening.

So a lot of people are in awe.
And then my ego stands in awe too…

And it thinks:
I made a big jump and a big shift to do this.
I am kind of proud of myself.
I had to go through huge choppy waves and at times I was drowning, but I didn’t give up!

We play identities here and when you see the game…it is so delicious...


This morning somebody, as a matter a fact, a tourist, said to me I was very dedicated.
This was not one of the tourists that ask those serious questions, this was a very clever man...
I suspect he was European...hahahahah...I am joking...he was an American...

Yes , every day…I am up early to visit my sacred space, and to meet my soul travellers.

But I realize that what I am most dedicated too is what Mama-P teaches me. I want to know what life is about. I want to be my true SELF.
I am driven to know more and more.
And really it isn’t about knowing, but more about BEING…
That is my true dedication…

This evening I was dancing on the beach on the tunes of Snatum Kaur…Mul Mantra…

My arms, my feet,…and my body danced for the awareness that arises within me.
That IS me...
I could see me dancing...
and I could see the space within me...where I was dancing from...

There are no bodies, no minds…only connectedness and aliveness…

People on the beach walking by...they were in that space with me...

they are me, we are ONE...
I wasn't shy anymore, i was dancing for them them too...

It is the space where I feel nothing…and everything…
It is the place where I find me, my true Self and know it is who I am always...
Body or no-body...

I fall in this FIELD of LOVE most of the time now…
sometimes I forget and let my mind trip me, but not so much anymore..

I surrender to BEING lived…and raise my arms to receive the abundance that I am…
I dance and dance….
I sing…
What a life…what a Joy…

I am alive…
thank you God, thank You GOD….

All is in me….
God behind everything...


The same me…in the morning…doing yoga…

Raising my arms to the rising sun , the setting moon…..
the breaking waves…
The black lava,
The sweet breeze,
Big island,
Blue sky,
My body dancing…

my eyes, looking out
my eyes , looking in,

I am that…
I am ALL<
I am LOVE…

Love tamara Rainbow

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