Monday, November 19, 2012

The s..t party goes on for 'eve'!


Last month or two months ago, I forgot the time…I did my scuba dive certification.
And at some point, I was at my last dive and knew all the emergency techniques by now…
So at some point I had to laugh so hard at the bottom of the Ocean that my mask ran full of water and that I choked in my air mouth piece. I just couldn’t stop laughing….

My teacher had just gently put a pinkish substance in my hand and had made the sigh; “Very rare!”
Hmmm, I was looking to it closer and studied it from all sides, but couldn’t make up what it was.
I was wondering…
And I saw him writing something on his board…I couldn’t wait to know what it was.
I was kind of like a child; Full of wonder.

You know I have seen the weirdest things in the ocean.
I was prepared for anything!
Just a few days ago I saw a frog fish and if you Google it, you will see I am not exaggerating.
A frog fish looks like ‘a rock’ that’s swimming.
It was amazing to see this fish coming by. His mouth wide open; it was just the weirdest thing I ever saw.

So what was that pinkish kind of plant? Maybe it was also a strange kind of fish or shrimp.

Who knows?

Suddenly my teacher came closer and showed me the board.

When I saw the words on the board; ‘Turtle shit.”

I collapsed in laughter…

I had to do all my emergency tricks to be ok…

Oh my God that was so funny!

I wasn’t prepared for that though!!!!


When we came out of the water, I told him how funny that was and you know what he said;
“I didn’t lie, it is very rare you see it.”

And NOW I know why!!!



It all started with my friend T.

I had accidently ran or swam into my friend T. yesterday.
He kind of warned me that a certain person was gossiping about me and was trashing me.
I know that everything outside is the cause of what I am doing to myself.

So I immediately knew I was trashing me… And with all the current changes in my life, I can say that is something from my past…In the past I had override my body’s needs so long, it was not beautiful anymore.(Belgian expression)

It is that simple.

Hmmm… I was contemplating all of that…taking the projections back within myself…

I know I am on a big breakthrough in my life, where I stopped taking from me and start giving to me. Where I stopped being harsh with me, but everything needs time, so…
I knew I had to embrace this, but how????
Here I was…I knew all of that, but how???

Mmmm, swim swim…I was just swimming…my thoughts were moving in my field, out my field….
splash, splash…

Suddenly this beautiful big mama turtle appears in front of me and we have a little love affair…J

Energy sparks…honu and I love each other…J

And the love she has for me translated in the help I was seeking!
Suddenly I was surrounded with the biggest treat ‘eve’!


She launched 3 huge pieces of shit…

She treated me on a huge ‘TURD’ party.
(See my last blog, I just learned this new word…

I was surprised she wasn’t ashamed to do it just in front of me…this is hilarious, right?

In fact I kind of felt honored she felt so relaxed and just did it right there. J

In, and I am not joking, in less than a second I was circled by about 50 fish…eating the mystery, of why turtle shit is so rare, away.

The fish kind of let me know that it is so delicious and good that they leave no leftovers.
The way they were eating it must be a ‘delicatesse’ (=Belgian word) and even some SUPER-food!

Hmmm…maybe a thought to make a new super powder to add to our diets!
It must be loaded with good spirulina and protein!
Only it is soooooo rare…

I taped the whole thing and again I couldn’t stop laughing… LIFE is so hilarious and interesting.

Mama HONU gave me the message; “LET IT ALL GO!”

 I guess my shit affairs are continuing, until it’s done…

Oh boy, I am letting go of so much….

I laughed so hard, hilarious…knowing that I could let go of all the shit somebody else was telling about me, because it doesn’t matter what they say! It is even not of my business, really!

I knew that the correction takes place inside of me and that I had to stop making up shit about myself.

It was a true delight to be drifting in the middle of shit, knowing that it was symbol for my own shit I am letting go off. And I could see that others were benefitting by it (the fish) and so those others were symbol for all the beautiful areas in my life, where I am building consciously a NEW garden of beliefs that will give me a NEW wonderful life…
The shit was the mulch for my new life!


The only thing I still need to let go off is that I have trouble accepting I collapsed and I am still exhausted.
I see the treasure in it, but my old self wants to move and go go go….
And no it is about rest, rest , rest…something that wasn’t written in my dictionary 'eve' before and that I now added.


If I think there is still a whole ‘rest’ to do before I am who I really am, I am insane…I know I can rest now in being…who I was already…from ‘eve’!

Tamara rainbow

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