Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Robin Hood

Lately my life is an abundant stream of  great coincidences. Well, you know, I guess it is always like that. It only depends in which mind frame you are if it turns to the positive or negative side. Yes we live on Earth, a duality world!
Right now I am in the stream of abundance, happiness, laugher, joy..hei I am describing the energy of dolphins!!! It is really great.
I ask and I receive….it is great.
I have a little story.
Do you remember I made my ‘True Self’ painting to manifest my true energy and everything that my heart longs for?
Right…I made a big one now, on a round wooden board…
I painted the picture as I feel my being is right now in this life. It didn’t had to be beautiful, I could do whatever I wanted…create and paint my true identity.
I painted me in a golden boat. Dolphins are guiding me. The boat can fly or could navigate in the Ocean waters. It comes on shore and it flies away…this is my enormous longing for freedom. Freedom is to me the most important thing in my life.
I painted turtles all around me too. They were in and out the boat and were little treasures. They lift their shelf up and gold coins were in it. Abundance!
And then I painted myself in large, my face and my hands…I had like6 or 7 hands and arms, waving in the wind. Every hand was doing something different. I was painting, holding a staff,… doing different things.
What was important was that my hair was waving, even when there was no wind. It is the symbol of freedom to me. Strange , long hair means to me freedom.
The kind of coat I am wearing on the painting is really strange. It has a long hood in a point, and long points at it sleeves too.

I was just painting and painting and tried to bring the energy of my ‘freedom being’ into this reality world.
A few days later after I did a lot of work on my painting, I went to Paia. I was working in a store giving readings. My friend L. said; “Rainbow. You forgot your coat last time.” I was looking weird.
I answered;” I don’t have a coat, what are you talking about? We live in Hawaii. It’s too warm”
I didn’t look to the coat, until J. my other friend came in the store and told me the same thing. This time I felt to look which coat they thought was mine.
I almost fell down of surprise (Belgian expression), there was exactly the coat I painted! Only the color wasn’t the right color. But that was amazing. This was not a normal coat that you could find easily in any shop here in Hawaii.
Anyway I was astonished.
The next day I was wondering and to be truthful disappointed that it wasn’t the right color. I felt guilty I was disappointed and didn’t have enough gratitude. It was later that I understood that God helps you to bring about what your heart longs, because your heart is the path of God, only the steps are made in the speed we can step. God walks our speed. The coat was a clear sign I was on the right path, only needed to be more clear and specific….and it showed me I was on track!!!!
So never be disappointed when something is not really what you were asking for, it can be a first sign you are on track, but just need to do some more aligning and wanting!!

Here is the painting I made to manifest the coat….

And here is my coat! Robin Hood!

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