Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mahalo says honu

Here is a new painting...Since i moved back to Kihei-which I Love!- it is impossible to ‘slam me away’ (Belgian expression which means you can’t get me away from something, because I love it so much)out of the Ocean.
Anyway I am so moved by the dolphins, whales and turtles. They are a huge part in my life and I am every time incredible surprised how they feel comfortable, safe and good with me. I can observe them from very close and I must say that each turtle has the same basic pattern.
I love to paint their bodies, but what I really adore is to talk to them and more important is to listen to what they have to say.
I keep on saying that a turtle is wise and throw their eyes in the air when they see humans act sometimes. It is incredible to see that Nature is so perfect and that humans are managing to destroy this beautiful planet earth.
As much as Maui is beautiful I see that the coral is dying…that everything is fading…
Humans ( Do know I never ever generalize, there are some that are waking up and those will know they are not included. And not considered human any more )

What we don’t SEE is that what is fading away outside of us, is happening INSIDE of us.
We are fading away from our own Nature, from who we really are. We want to shut this empty feeling with all kinds of addictions and ‘wants’. We lost the sacred…
and OUT…
If we continue…
our Planet is precious and is our creation.
What you see outside of you is happening INSIDE of you…
the only way you can help the planet is with making the change from inside out…
rebuild the sacredness inside of you
and you will see it appear
in front
of your
You will know from that deepness
what to do outside of you to serve...

Thank you says HONU (turtle in Hawaiian)
Please visit my website

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