Thursday, December 20, 2012

This is the end my friend

12/21/2012 Surrender to the spiral of infinite Awareness

This is the end my friend.

By now Belgium must have been deleted from the maps, they entered 12/21/2012 20 hours ago…
I saw my dad on facebook, he must took his laptop into space.
Hmm I still have 5 hours to go, before the big bang will hit us…here in Maui.
Or maybe we are too small to be found…
What would I still want today, if these were my last 5 hours?
Later Mama-P. and I will call, which makes me every day super excited…so that’s what I want….
I would not do anything different then I am doing right now…writing this very moment.

I bought myself a Jamba juice and a celery root earlier as celebration!
People from Belgium must think I am crazy, if I mention buying a celery root as a very important mile stone in time. In Belgium there are so many, they fly around your ears.
Here, they are not existent and so have to be shipped, which makes them super expensive.
Yep I looked to that celery root for about a year…
yes yes, I am really good in limiting myself, telling myself I can’t have this or that… J At least I was good in it in the past…
Haha! Now I love myself so much, I don’t do that kind of shit anymore.
Well, mostly...
So my last supper was graded celery root with mayonnaise and bread.

I made a painting for this beautiful occasion of 12/21/2012

And this is the explanation of it:

The best thing that happened in my life is that I met Mama-P. and other teachers as Byron Katie and Mooji, that showed me who I really am.
I have a feeling that the 12/21/2012 is all about this…

In knowing who we truly are, everything that isn’t us falls away…instantly…no need for hard work.
Awareness meets awareness in an instant…timeless…
The calendar we always have taken for real ends here…

Coming into our true beings happens with the speed of LIGHT.
No attachments, no pride,…

In that SPACE…you know that everything that comes is FOR you…
Your mind is in service of you as IAM,
The mind still comes and goes…

But you know now your ESSENCE…

The lies the mind makes up, are just lies…
Every lie is the same, nothing is heavier then another…
Drama transforms into PEACE…

You relax into the TRUST that all is well,
because you are the SPACE of awareness,
where your whole world arises.


It is all in our behalf…
In the awareness of who you are everything is
The deeper value is seen, felt and tasted…
Dimensions upon dimensions,
You are it all….
You feel your awareness in your body,
but you know you are not your body,
You feel you inside of you,
You feel you outside of you…

Mind comes and goes and you
know it is not you…
Also, maybe for the first time in history…
we won’t call it the ‘ego’ anymore…a self degrading term sometimes…
We meet our mind in LOVE now…
We see it as the innocent child.
Our mind becomes our friend, It gives us great service
and we take care of it with seeing through the lies.
It shows us what we believe that isn’t true…
And we correct it as we would do with our own children…

We take the mind’s hand and bring it back to AWARENESS…

A relaxation falls into you, or you fall into a relaxation…
No fear anymore…the stories fall away…

Mmmm that’s how it feels to me.
I fell with my butt in the butter…
Lucky me, to live this incredible beautiful life!
I wish for everybody to wake up to their true Self,
It is then that you see through the  apparent ‘suffering’.

We are the watchers of our own movie…
We have the main role and we watch us playing our own lives.
Before when I wasn’t awake; I lived a life of suffering, like a good Belgium drama movie…ah ah…
And they are really excellent in making drama movies! Ever watched Antonia's line?

Now I watch myself in my life and when something comes up, I think; ”What is she going to do now?”
I am not the one any more, I watch the actor Tamara or rainbow from a distance.
Her movie is pretty awesome lately, I must say…living in Maui, dolphins, turtles,…having my wonderful Mama_P. as my teacher/mama….
This is all because the one that’s watching the movie is CHOOSING how she wants to BE.
This life is a play…and if I AM LOVE,
That resonance will be reflected back to me…
The change always happens in me,

So, I still have 4 hours to go….
What will I eat now?
I got hungry again…

Love Tamara rainbow

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