Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New me

my art


Long time no write…

Suddenly we are 2013…I really am not in time any more, not on time, in time,…

I lost track of time…
My days are delicious and when I was dancing tonight in front of the Ocean on the tunes of the Mul mantra….
I realized ‘LUCKY LUCKY ME!”
There were at least more than 10 turtles eating only 2 meters away from my feet…

I dance and turn, my hands in the air, my feet hopping around, I turn circles…
and suddenly my attention goes elsewhere…
hup there comes a little turtle head or better HONU head out of the water…
I jump in the water and am now centimeters away from him or her…
I sing and dance for honu, to thank her/ him for this delicious time together…
Invite to dance with me, but for some reason, he/she didn’t think that was so a great idea…
This time,
because they do dance with me,
but not when it is DINNER time!
they are being lived and intuitively they do what they do…
As Mama-P. would say, they do what comes in front of them to do!
That is what she teaches me to do…
Ha…I might have to become more like honu or dolphin…

Honu doesn’t really look up, when I just dance if front of him. He doesn’t really give a shit.
He is just in his world of course, eating and doing…and being lived!
He is the IAM creating his own world!

HA so I am the creator of this delicious time, it’s me…not honu, not the sunset, not the warm Ocean water on my feet, not my body dancing, not my hair in the warm breeze…no its me behind all of this…that’s where the joy is coming from… IAM!!!!!

 IAM is pure awareness, pure joy….
Being in the resonance of that...brings me more of that!

IAM is always pure JOY…it is unchanging!

When my joy disappears I know now already that it is because I think something that is NOT true.
What is TRUTH is that I am IAM!!!!

The joy I feel now while dancing is just because my thoughts are not here when I dance with honu in the Ocean of pure abundant laughter.
I am the creator of my own world!
I realize more and more with the help of Mama-P. that loving my world with everything in it….makes me feel joyful…because I am in IAM….I am the pure being that sees or witnesses my world….
I am not my world, but my world arises out of me...

I see me dancing, I see me jumping and trying to sing for honu, that  he doesn’t give a dawn whether I am there or not…because he is creating his own delicious world of eating Algae and is NOT dependant on anything else for his happiness!!! He knows better! LOL

I went through a whole lot the last months…I was sick most of the time…
It was all so amazingly perfect…I changed so much…My addictions fell of me…I am free…
The last days of the year I got sick again…again my kidneys…
According to YouTube video’s I watched I had kidney stones leaving my body.
In the mornings I would be swimming with turtles or dolphins and in the afternoon I would lay on the ground in terrible pain…
It is when I went deep to see what was behind this thing I had…that I felt that my body crossed a line towards health.
Consciously I made a shift to true maturity… that was behind it…I thought that if I could just stay small, I would be safe.
Oh boy, deeply I know that was not true. I have done that many times in the past and it always brought me in trouble.

Safety I didn’t find yet all the time, but most of the time i am that…
I guess I don’t need to search so much to be more safe and just surrender  ALREADY in the unknown.
I have a feeling that then I will find that I always was safe no matter what.

Ha …so maturing, right…
Yeah you can laugh…I thought I would never grow up and in a sense I don’t…
I always thought that maturity lied in the section of BEING responsible…
Having a job, paying your bills,…you know doing all this serious stuff they taught us when we were little.
But how happy surprised I was, that my thoughts about that were total bullshit.
Maturity is the absolute opposite!!!!

Life is here to be enjoyed..not to work our asses off!
Maturity is being who you are.
Is being IAM.
Is allowing to BE lived by the awareness I am.
When you arrive there, it just is.
Words such as RISKS, COURAGE, DARING, FAITH,….all fall away…
These words are made up by the mind, as we would have TO DO something to BE who we already are.
As we would have to do EFFORT…

NOp..I experienced when you let go…haha
you let go…
There is no effort or energy needed to let something go…
You just open your hands and there you go…

I can write so much about what I learned the last 10 days in this deep transition I made.
I would never have made it without mama-P.
She would say now:”Honey, the fact that I am here, you didn’t have too…”
She is always very funny…
But she is also as a true mama dolphin that puts me on her tail, if she has too….:)
And she needed to do that the last days, because the child in me didn’t want to let go AT ALL…

Love…mama dolphins let their little baby dolphins play, but when it is time to sleep or learn…TAIL!

I fell with my butt in the butter….
This last year…is the best of my life…
And these last 10 days are the first 10 days I allow myself to live the life I want…
Or I guess I am letting go of the life I don’t want right now…more and more
Because I still see my mind tries to get me off track with all its fearful messages.

It is the mind that tricks us in a life we don’t want.

When we can change our attention from the mind to the IAM…
There the mind has no breathe, no air, no food…
But even when you are IAM, we still live in this body, in this reality…in this dream…
Mind will come and go…
So now I practice to let it come and go…
I gave it up to fight against it…I just let it be now…coming and going…more and more…
And especially I am practicing in NOT believing it!

Because thoughts are just thoughts, it is when you believe them you get in trouble…
SOOOOOOOO in trouble, I can tell…

So I realized lately that I don’t know anything.
Nothing at all.
I can only say that right now in this moment I feel happy with the life I have.
Mmmm…’having’ a life is probably not the right expression…
I realized that what I always searched for…I FOUND!
Through my Mama-P., she is my master , teacher, mama I learned to become nothing.
or better I learned to let everything go I am not…so there I AM!


I long so much more to being LIVED (this can be my mind trickster again telling me I have to be more being lived)
I want to be in the IAM, loving my life and to create and play in this amazing life of mine….I want to allow more and more to be lived…
We do that already for the greatest part anyway…who thinks how to breathe, or when to eat, or how the liver works, or the kidneys…it just works…

I realized today that dolphins, turtles, birds, trees, water, clouds, rocks…they don’t THINK how they will live….they are LIVED…
I want to return to my true Nature and I see that humans have a lot of trouble with that…
because they give the POWER and AUTHORITY to the MIND…
They make the mistake to THINK that the MIND is maturity….
It is just the opposite, it is ruling the world out of a child’s perspective…
This is mine, no this is mine…give this back…
Look to our beautiful planet...right now it is ruled by the mind...
Nothing to do, than to stay put in the job.

Returning to our IAM, that’s when Mother Nature, the animal and plant KINGDOM will sing together in pure JOY…
They finally WOKE UP! Those humans!
AWAKENING from the dream…2012 is gone…
Time is gone…
UNKNOWN arrived…
And guess what it was always that way…
ONLY HUMANITY THOUGHT it could control what is GOD’s…

Let’s be lived by letting go in the unknown…
There we fall TOGETHER!

lOVE tamara rainbow

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