Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What Americans and Europeans need to change

My painting Joy

I am dancing through life lately…I love to dance and when I go to sunset on the beach…

what a life I have...

I DANCE my socks off!

During the day I am mostly in the Ocean. It is as if Mother Ocean claimed me. Or maybe I claimesd her...
I love to be in the water.
I am changing in a little dolphin.
It is really my home….
I splash around, just as I dance around at night…with my feet in the water I turn circles in the sand and move the water. Hands and arms, helping me to turn and turn.

It are the turtles that taught me that. That’s what they do…turn and turn…

FAME! I remember Fame!
Nana nana na…nanana naaaaaaaa Fame…

Remember that! I loved that serie. I would dance in front of the tv and admiring the United states schools. Those were so cool! Leroy was my favorite.
In Belgium everything was so serious. Latin, mathematics, physics, ….
(put my finger in my mouth jester…

Lucky I choose sport-science…I mean I was kind of forced by my parents…
It was so boring…but I still had the sports.
In fact one of the classes I really liked was English. I loved it.
Well, we had this teacher that would take us to ‘Faulty towers’ each Friday afternoon.

That’s a comedy show with John Cleese. He thought that teaching English worked better through listening to these kind of things, than to study serious boring stuff.
Hmmm maybe he was right! My English isn’t so bad isn’t it?
Except of the ‘accent’blunders I make, such as TURD, or IDEE, or MODDER, or DAT, or….I might make many many more still, but my friends keep it quiet.

I had some friends form Oahu that I OVER heard once saying; “Oeps now I said IDEE like rainbow says IDEA.”

I asked them why they were not correcting me….

The answer was that it was too cute.

Well, I don’t want to be THAT cute after all, really.

I am almost 7years in the US…Waaw time flies…and man…I lost so much contact with Belgium.
I mean, I was going through my external hard drive yesterday. And I had a dozen of folders with pics from Belgium and my past life…I had folders of my Belgium website…
I kept some pics, but most of all I emptied MY BOXES.

What I mean by that is:

Since I met Mama-P. I am a TOTAL nutcase….LOL
No , well maybe I am…well…
I was joking…

But really in some people’s eyes I might be a total nutcase.

Maybe I was really the nutcase before I met Mama-P. and now I finally get sane…LOL

I lost so MUCH identity of my past self.
I was thinking of typing Mama P.’s books that I write down when she talks to me and call it;
“What if nothing is wrong?”
She taught me this one liner. It is on the back of my car. I made a bumper sticker of it.

But really this morning I was thinking to do this and you know my mind or my feeling or the inspiration…let’s say it was the muse was already writing the foreword.
Nothing REMAINED of me…
In one year …she transformed me in a total OTHER BEING. A nutcase...LOL

The little abused, neglected, scared, addicted …PERSON vanished.
My addiction: over exercising is GONE.
I don’t CARE anymore if my body is skinny or not.
And you know what! My body transformed itself in the body I always wanted.

For 22years I have run, swim, bicycled to be skinny (I had anorexia nervosa).
I did the weirdest insane exercises…to just lose weight.
After a while my body stopped losing weight…
BUT now…I stopped running, now already for about 2 months or more, I don’t even know it anymore.
I see myself taking care of my body, resting and conserving my energy.
That is a miracle!

The abused one changed in the self loving BEING that I am now.
‘Neglection’ I am not doing anymore…I see myself now and know what is SELF LOVE.
Scared…mmm sometimes I still am…when I let my MIND take over.
But when I am staying in the IAm, as Mama-P teaches me, there is NO FEAR.

YES actually…I LOST so much of my old identities; I am a new being…really.

I let go of the identity of world savior,
of healer,
of little wounded child,
famous artist,

Am kind of all over the place today with my blog…but it’s ok. I am like a little dolphin today.

It plays with one thing and suddenly she’s done and goes to something else…joy , joy , joy!

As me new me, I paint, because I love to paint,
I swim with dolphins and turtles because I adore it,
I eat because I am hungry,
I am doing the dishes because who else would do it.,
I wash my car, because I like it sometimes washed,
I dance because my body loves it,
I drink because I am thirsty,
I am talking to a friend, because I want too…
I call with Mama-P. because I adore her and it is the most important event of my life!
She teaches me who I really am…that is freedom...that is what i was looking for my whole life.

and all of that…all of these actions all happen
in the IAM…

That is my true value…I AM…
No need anymore to be the famous artist, the famous writer, the famous famous…whatever…

So I deleted healer from my website.

I realize now that no BODY needs to be healed. The main reason I deleted it is actually because I didn’t like doing it.
And when you force yourself in doing something, you don’t like…hmmmm that doesn’t sound much to SELF LOVE.

What Mama-P. taught me too is that life doesn’t need to be SO serious. JOY< JOY JOY!
That’s it. It is that simple. Do what gives you joy and you are in self love. And because you love yourself you do what brings you JOY.
Closed circle…the circle of abundance!

Anyway to bring some joy in this blog…this is a very serious matter…

I know of two sides...the American and the European style of living, I can kind of call myself an EXPERT.
Here goes my Self chosen new identity of my full blown important EGO.
Ok here I go….
The Europeans should consider having sinks in the kitchen with a disposer.
(Is that the right name? Oh oh better have that straight as a good American citizen!)
In Belgium they have only those little nets that catch all the junk pieces.
(maybe by now they have changed it, don’t know)

The rules to drive they should change. Turn on right should be a new rule!
That means they have to change all traffic lights…
J They will like that.

That reminds me at the first time I was driving on Big Island.
My first day after the wheel on Big Island and as a good girl I stand before a red light in the middle of busy Kona.
That was all ok of course, I don’t need to be a good girl to stand still in front of a red light…
Just stand still before red. Point.
The small problem was that I was stationed in the middle of the intersection, because I was standing as in Europe at the other side of the road in front of the red light.

Cars were making noise, tutututut…

What was going on? What was I doing wrong? Something felt wrong…
Nobody from left or right could pass, I was standing in the middle, waiting for red to turn green.
tututUUUUT…..a minute or two of this is a real torture...Everybody is looking at you as you are the most stupid chicken of the whole wide world!

Ok I’ll pass the red then…and get out of the way…
that was the first and last time I did that…

Then a day later I wanted to put gas in the car and I went to the pomp station and asked if the car was diesel or gas. The woman looked at me as I was from another planet.
Finally I got that they only have gas here, mostly anyway…oh well…

But then there was no gas coming out…what was I doing wrong now?
Ok, back inside….she came out with a long butt
(means in Belgium, she didn’t really wanted to get of her chair for this STUPID tourist)
She came and just put the handle down and looked at me like….aaaaaah.
Oh well again…

There are things I am forgetting. I don’t really know anymore how to take gas in Belgium. I will have problems to NOT turn right on red in Belgium. And I will probably stand in front of the red light 20 meters before the line…


Maybe I should make it another blog what Americans NEED to change…|
it is soso much! LOL
am joking…

No serious…
One thing I thought was weird is that when you flush the toilet here everything comes to the surface. The first time I did that I thought it would run over…I was kind of…”OH no!”
But then it suddenly sucked after all and took the water away.
What a relief…
J I thought something was stuck…

In Belgium…
We are NOT talking about FRANCE…there they only know off holes in floors…
So in Belgium, the suck power is so intense so the whole thing doesn’t come up and kind of threatens to flow over the whole toilet like in the US…

Ok so you have my vote. I think Americans should change their toilets and their TOILET doors!

Oh please, especially the toilet doors.
In Belgium everything is closed of…Maybe not on top or bottom at some places, but at least you can’t look through the doors like here where you can see people sitting.

The first time I had to do that, was a true torture….

But in Honolulu it hit all my BOX limitations I had about toilets…J
I once was at the beach and needed to go so badly…I walked in the toilet…NO doors!!!!

NO doors…Oh boy…J
I took a breath and probably made it in the Guinness record book as the fastest pier in the whole wide world…haha I could have been famous after all!

Happy I was relieved from that ‘HIGH WATER’ syndrome, as we would say it in Belgium…when we need to pee really bad, we say;”It is high water.”

So coming out of that torture toilet….just to let you know I don’t have that shyness anymore. I am becoming a good American in these things…

Anyway I am coming out of the toilet and there is a huge sign just in front of it that says…

I laughed my ass off…
I can sit nude on the toilet, but no nude on the beach..


That needs to change definitely…
I vote for being topless on the beach…
That is something we are used to in Europe…

Ok I think this was enough for today…

My boxes are empty and what’s in the boxes now is my new me…

Where everything arises as I the creater…
Guess the American toilet bowls are like that arises...

Love Rainbow

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