Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My heart, God's heart...mmmm

I am still in the feeling of not knowing.

It is very weird, but I am kind of a different person and I don’t know what I changed.
J did you see what I wrote??? I changed…as I changed something…I… I… I…
(hmm read further and you’ll understand)
It’s like suddenly all the teachings of Mama-P start working. Finally…
I am kind of living on faith; as it is a magic drink.

And you know we kind of all live on faith. We think we have to do something to have faith, but that is an illusion that comes from the thought that we have something to say about our lives.
I will give an example:
So we think we are going to do this and that and try to fulfill our life purpose (And it has to be something big or noble…
J)and then …after we determined what that life purpose is…we will HAVE faith that it all comes together. As we get rewarded for having faith… and that reward is in fact our noble life purpose…
As we need to have a life purpose to be alive… this is it…being alive is our life purpose…

No no I am experiencing other things, and I can tell you-à I like this better…J
Do you really think you have control over your life?

That is the best joke ever heard EVER.

Maybe that is what changed! I saw that indeed I don’t have any control at all.
If I would want something that isn’t in alignment with my true self, it is not going to happen.
We have choices, we can say yes or no…but not really actually…
If I write follow your heart than that is actually following God’s heart, because God is I and I am God.
So when we are in alignment with our own heart, we are allowing God to work through us…
Not in alignment with our own hearts brings fear and suffering and doesn’t work…

So bottom line is: we don’t have anything to say…haha J

JUST shut up and FOLLOW your HEART…J


I realized that ‘having’ faith is actually ‘being’ faith.
What I mean by that is that we are actually BEING LIVED.
Once I relaxed myself into that I felt an expansiveness I never felt before.
It was as all the trust and faith I was looking for my whole life was me…
I mean I realized I can’t be no faith, or no TRUST.
That is impossible…

If “IAM”, what I mean by that if ‘I am God’…I am faith …
It is that simple.

And that means that I just relax and be who I feel to BE in my heart…
‘Bet ye’ as I described above… that when you act upon your heart a world opens for you amazingly….it is the WORLD of ALLOWING….you just discovered GOD’s HEART!!!!!!!

I came to see that there is only one place and it is ‘I am’. I walk sometimes and see me walking just as spirit. I am aware my body is walking, but in the same moment I am aware I am not my body and I am so much more. When I am in that place, it is as if I expand.
And then I see that I AM FAITH and everything around me is faith and it gives me sooooooo a safe feeling.

It feels now that the fear is gone…I look around me and I don’t find it…

Mmm delicious..I live in the moment and each moment is not to be hold anymore. I can easy let a happy moment go. Before I would hold onto it, want to experience it again, because I didn’t trust in the next moment. Now I KNOW that the next moment is a happy moment again; just because MY ESSENCE is IAM. And the ‘IAM’ state is my God’s state, my center…it is always happy, always love, always everything…GOD.
I can relax now and I TRUST MYSELF now enough to know that I create my world out of a place of self love!

Here a Mama -P teaching of today:
“We think we move through TIME
NOW/NOW/NOW/NOW/NOW/NOW/NOW/NOW/NOW/…” (in sequent’s of different NOW’s)
But truth is the NOW-moment is always the ETERNAL NOW moment.
à-WE MOVE THROUGH CREATION, not through time! That is what is true!”

I can be so happy with nothing… (Belgian expression to say that you are easy satisfied)
I am like the child I saw playing with sunset.
I said to the mother; “He is so happy with nothing!” and she smiled…
I felt she might not have understood me.
He was happy with just throwing his hat in the air and seeing the wind carrying it further…

It is magic. This magic is being connected with that ETERNAL moment of JOY!
It is where you find the peace that each moment again is one long moment of true happiness, because you choose to be who you truly are and to live from there.

It is like the pot of gold behind the Rainbow.
Our Source is the place that never changes and will always be. Living from that place gives you true CONNECTEDNESS to all what is….


The sunset tonight

And I feel the warmth of the breeze..
I see…
the sun going down…
I hear …
the palm trees talk in the wind
I enjoy…
the child laughing out of its belly, so deep
and intense
I see…
the colors change yellow pink
the Ocean dance pink yellow
and embraces
the last rays of the sun
And holds on a little longer
to celebrate
its waves pink orange…
its color orange pink

my feet in the water
the freshness
of the moment
my eyes in wonder
a woman sees what I see
and shares the seeing
exuberant Maui sunset…

in my hand holding
my painting
warm and soft
the woman
being included
in the magic of canvas and paints

And when I lift it up
I see a light in her eyes
my heart opens
she enjoys
of art…

I look up again
And see
God’s piece
of art
the sunset

only once

This moment
no other
my eyes
drinking the colors
my heart
singing the colors
my being
being the colors…


I turn my back
and feel how the sand moves
Through my toes…
It gives me a feeling

Of naughtiness
of doing nothing-ness
of being in paradise-ness
of being a pretty lUCKY me
living the moment…

Love Tamara rainbow

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