Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hakuna matata! (No worries)

For all those people that have to make decisions or think they have to make decisions.

Here my experience…

 I had to make one today and I have a tendency to THINK I made the wrong one, after I made it.
 I can blame it because in astrology my mars is in Libra and therefore I weight things of all the time…until the END of time. (really annoying)

It might be because of Libra, or it might be just a leftover from some insecurity from the past somewhere.

So yes often I believe that I make the wrong decisions and I can’t relax anymore into the flow I earlier saw and felt.
I am a CRACK (we say in Belgium, as meaning being really good at something) in flowing and acting and doing what I feel comes from my inner Source. I don’t think about it and just do it…and that’s why I am in Hawaii, that’s why I swim with dolphins and turtles far in the Ocean, that’s why I dare to do my art, that’s why bought a home when I was 18, sold my home when I was 21, bought another one a day later, sold it a year later, bought another one,>>>>etc…

In Belgium we would say I am a ‘dare-duvel’. I dare to go for it!

I see it as a quality, because I have no fear when I do things like that. And again in astrology language it can be because I am a Sagittarius and have an adventurous nature. If I follow who I am, I just follow what comes on my path and it all works out. When I am in this magical energy miracles happen.

When I let the Libra in Mars have her say about it all, I am in trouble.
Then I start weighing things of and we get in trouble.
And discernment is a good thing I know that, because the Sagittarius too would get in some trouble sometimes…(does she? Or is that The Libra in Mars now that says this and wants to play it more save)
The Sagittarius in me laughs, as if there is something that is ever save? There is nothing to control.

The ’worrier’(=Miss Libra) in me needs to”Relax!”
The warrior (=The Sagittarius) in me, knows all is well and GOES FOR IT!

“So I guess I made my decision and we are going for it”; says Mister Sagittarius.
I saw in the past that although Miss Libra comes and says her say, Mister Sagittarius ignores her, really. Then she shouts a little harder with this thin loud annoying voice of her; “BUT, but….what if!”

Mister Sagittarius rolls his eyes up. He stands there with his band in his hair like a cool warrior…
TRUSTING that WE felt it right!
He wants Miss. Libra to feel it too.
Can’t you feel it? Where are your intuitive skills, I thought you were a woman?”
Oh jee you can compare it a little with the stereotypical movie of Indiana Jones; where he has to deal with the lady…until she gives it up to be a lady and just has to go with the adventure of GOD.
Haaa it is time that the lady Libra in me gives it up, and gives up her spoiled-ness…one of her things is she needs windows in her home all around her, all the time. Otherwise she feels a little boxed.
Mister Sagittarius can’t deal with it and just repeats; “Stop it!” You want windows, well just go and sit in your car, there you go; you have windows all around. Go to the beach and pretend you have windows all around you, there you go; you have windows….
Miss Libra put her nose in the air; “This savage man doesn’t know how to deal with a lady, pft…”
He doesn’t see how sensitive I am.”

I can tell you this went on the whole afternoon in MY HEAD.
Both of them right there in my head…It drives me nuts!
And I didn’t know how to stop it.
haaa  bUT!!!
At the end of the movie they fall in love, right. And you know I experienced in the past that that is always the case. I think they just do it because it is a game…
J and they like it.
I don’t like this mind-game at all.
And then the only solution I have and do is the Byron Katie work and ask myself ‘Is it true?”

So what’s the point here what is the argument, anyway?

Ok I get that the sentence is;
‘I made the wrong decision’ (= I just rented another apartment but with less windows)

Is that true?
Can you absolutely know it is true?
How do I feel when I believe that thought.
Oh my God, it drives me nuts. Insane. Crazy. I don’t feel safe.etc…
How would you feel if you can’t think that thought.
Oh then I am cool, than I know I am going into the flow, of what God presented in front of me.
It doesn’t really matter…which decision here. Either one is good. It doesn’t matter. I am not my decisions anyway. Nothing at the outside is important for how I feel at the inside. So either one is great.

So now I do the turnarounds….
I didn’t make the wrong decision.
3 examples…well 1)because it just came so perfect all together in the flow. Like I could not look next to it, as God was saying Joehoe, this is the way to go…
2) It would live cheaper and so more abundant and I feel I need that feeling, it will do me good to create more abundance
3) it’s at a friend’s place and the energy will be awesome
4)I can do my own laundry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( I couldn’t do this in my current place)
5)I can be the light
6) I can go more to the beach and on adventure because it is not so expensive..
7)It’s temporarily because I love to be free and go….

Ok I am there already…normally 3 examples…

HAAAAAAAAAAA instead of the turn around ‘I didn’t make a wrong decision’
What about this turn around I MADE THE RIGHT decision!!!!!
Oh my God, that feels so much truer than I didn’t make a wrong decision!!!
It is TRUSTING me, that’s what it is all about!!!
Miss Libra…discernment is good until you make it into worries…
J says Mister Sagittarius gently
and he takes her in her arms… but maybe Mister sagg is to fast in his decision making....:) ;says Miss Libra.

"Haaaa still don't know now...;she sighs.
"I do"; says Mister sagittarius; "What if nothing is wrong?"
Mama-P. taught me that...NOTHING IS EVER WRONG. Your journey is always RIGHT.

And they sing:

and DANCE!!!!

“Maybe we should dance a folk dance”
“No I feel we just need to rock…”
“Really are you sure?”
“Are we making the right decision about this dance?”

Hakuna matata!

Love Tamara rainbow

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