Thursday, June 28, 2012

I opened my eyes

This morning I was driving to the bay. I love the drive…it is just magnificent.

I love the vibrant colors of Hawaii! The colors of the flowers are so radiant and intense!
I just can’t stop eating and drinking those colors.
Color is as food for me. I can just absorb it so is as if I am in awe. It feeds my Soul.

Probably that’s why I use so much color in my paintings. I realized today with witnessing the Hawaiian colors that right now I am in the right place on this planet. Belgium is often grey and it is so different…here the water is so turquoise, the sky so blue, the sun so yellow, the flowers so so red, fuchsia, white, yellow, purple, blue, green , orange…Oh my God I live in the land of COLOR!

I enjoy the ride to the bay, you can only drive 30 miles an hour and so I take advantage of doing so.
Cars behind me…if there are…can’t complain.
Slowly I walk with my car to the south part of this magnificent Island…
navigating between myna birds and cardinals, who have breakfast on the street. They try to open the pots of the keawe trees that are a sugary treats.(no good to much suga!
 I slowly enjoy the sunrise, the green fields, the palm trees…hmmm  the further I drive the dryer it gets. (The green fields are not natural, but still I enjoy the green…

At a certain point I always turn of my tape recorder. It feels as if I come on sacred ground.
The road is narrow and it turns back and forward along the Ocean that is smiling at me with its crystal clear turquoise freshness. The waves are smoothly rolling in on the black lava rocks. Just gorgeous…
The birds loudly expressing their joy and happiness for this new day!
They never worry if they will have enough, be enough, sleep enough,…they just are.
And fly in freedom.

I come around the corner and enter the reserve and there is where it happened.

I was in this moment NOW.
Each step of the road I intensely enjoyed, nOW.

It is something I often am…in the Now.
But something was as if something fell of my head. It is weird to describe...
but it felt as if I SAW and HEARD really for the first time.


Waaw it was as if I exploded…there is no now…It doesn’t exist.
There is no past and there is no future…I always followed that concept and practiced the concept of NOW.

But there is no now, I heard again.

Very that moment it was if the front of my car was the future for me, me the now, and the back of my car was the past.

I kept on hearing…this doesn’t exist. None of it.
How do you mean?
I tried to understand.
But my inner voice whispered;”Sttt and feel.”
And I felt and I felt as everything was gone. Nothing was time anymore. Everything that ever happened, that will happen and that was happening was happening SIMULTANEOUS.

It was a freedom I never ever felt before…it was insane to try to push our magnificence of the I AM in this little moment of NOW. That was what I heard.

My car was suddenly not linear anymore…
I mean by this:
If our time is divided in all NOW segments; the front of my car is always ahead of me. The back of my car is always behind me.

So when I come in the NOW moment, the front of my car is the past for its own now moment….etc…
My own Now moment, would be soon past also….etc….

I experienced that all, all living beings are all in ONE MOMENT.
So that means no time difference, no space difference…

Simply I AM.

And that is where FAITH comes in. It is already all there! Nothing needs to be achieved.
My world just exploded from a tiny little perception to an immense space.
It felt so expansive.
All the worries I ever had looked so silly.
And I saw that I had them because I lived from a perception of past/NOW/ future…
I lived from a space that was small; I lived from my body and mind perception.
And that space is narrow.

In the space I just entered I am not identified with body and mind anymore, but with the larger I AM being.

It was just one moment Jhahah one moment..YES an ONENESS moment of awareness….
And then I drove further and entered the lava fields and enjoyed the raw fertile lava rocks.

Haleakala, the volcano, waking up…mmm on my left…

Me enjoying my larger Self.
My car, Rocky enjoying his larger self…hahah


transformed in

Love Tamara Rainbow

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