Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The fool moon

Today was an amazing day. And you know why it was an amazing day, because it was.
We don’t always have to have great things to happen. What are great things by the way?
Isn’t it a GREAT thing to just be alive and to feel that?
When I was running this morning and I took a deep breath, I got that amazing feeling that I am alive.
I get to experience life on Earth in this amazing body in amazing Maui.
It doesn’t rain a lot in Kihei, but last night we had a little storm.
During the night the aroma of wet lava came into my room. I love it so much!
It is something you only smell here in Hawaii I guess. The flavor of plumeria’s mixed with the cool water on the hot lava rocks…delicious….
After my run I drove to my favorite bay…it is my church, my nature spot to be in silence and to not be in silence.

My friends arrived and most of the time we hang out before we take a dip in the Ocean. Well, I take a dip in the Ocean, they don’t always do. Today we were all so happy and I guess it was just because we realized we have this amazing life in amazing Maui.

Also my friend H. is a so positive kick in the butt lady. I love her. She came up with the idea together with her friend H. to put on the gratitude glasses for 72 hours. We would see only gratitude and if we were side tracked in blame or complaint that meant that our glasses fell of our face.
It was hilarious; before we knew it we were helping each other to stay in gratitude, even if the story wasn’t so pleasant. It was remarkable how much fun and how good the energy felt.

We talked story and then laughed again with the ‘dyke’ story from my blog yesterday.
H. shared stories how it is difficult to speak another language and make mistakes in a foreign country. And you know I can talk about it (Belgian expression to say that I know what it feels!)
Of course they love to laugh with my mistakes too. And I laugh with them, because it is really funny!

About 5 years ago I had to make a flyer for the full moon gathering in Kailua, Oahu. They trusted the task to me. I just arrived from Belgium. My English was so so…not like now
J, hopefully it is better!

Anyway I stared the flyer, finished it and as a born Saggitarius didn’t wait for any editing and just send it around by email. Fire- energy!
A day later I got an email from my friend J. She wrote in a gentle way that I made a ‘little’ mistake.
Carefully she clarified that I wrote FOOL MOON gathering, instead of FULL MOON gathering.

And then she typed the words hahahaahaahhaahahahahahahahhhahahahahah

For the longest time we had every month FOOL moon gatherings instead of the full moon ones.

I am so so so in gratitude I can make people laugh! Maybe it is my true life purpose here in the US!
I put on my gratitude glasses today…the whole day…jichaaa!

I am thankful I illustrated for the Hawaiian children’s book today.
I talked to my friend T. on the phone, who explained me that if you daily are thankful for 5 things your life changes very positively. Thank you T.!
I was so thankful to go to the sunset and see this gorgeous orange color splendor!
I was so thankful I could ease the man with his photo camera who thought he was too late for the real thing. I told him; “It just started and it did, luckily.” I just wanted to give him a good feeling.
I was thankful for the children that wanted a business card while I was painting.
I was thankful that they loved my art.
I was thankful for the warm air on my skin.
I was thankful for the palm trees gently waving in the evening sky.
I was thankful to talk to my p-yoda mom.
I was thankful to get home and to eat some salad.
I am thankful to be writing here…right now…

I am thankful….

Hei what about doing this longer than 72 hours and just be thankful all the time.
What about seeing that our eyes are doorways to the soul, and that that gratitude is there always, infinite!
What if we always look from the witness point of view, the place we call spirit or soul and watch our own body/mind and heart playing our movie?

What we don’t like we just change in gratitude for the lesson given.
The change happens always within. It is an inside job.
Always more and more self love, more and more….more and more…

THE LOVE OF THE SELF…is THE LOVE…is the LOVE of God…is the LOVE of the UNIVERSE…
It is who we really are. In that place there is nothing to want, nothing to change, nothing to do…

Just to be.

I am arriving there…sometimes and then I get scared and step back in my movie and identify me again and get pushed around. Until I wake up again and see I am the director/creator…
Step back in love and create….

Thank you H. and H and M. to let me laugh this morning!
Thank you P-Yoda to let me laugh tonight!
What an amazing life…just because it is so AMAZING that we LIVE life fully.

Love you!

Tamara Rainbow

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