Friday, June 22, 2012

The gate of the Golden heart

Lately I feel watched…hmmm…my friends discovered my blogs and are trying to figure out who the D dot, the M dot, S dot or whatever letter and the dot are. Haha

I kind of had a feeling ,“Ohoh…now they are going to read what I write.”
I had a feeling of doubt, shame, avoidance, hiding, etc….
It is always great to see with awareness why you have those feelings. If it doesn’t feel good, we are most likely thinking something that is not TRUE!
I took one step back and I saw the whole movie playing in front of my eyes…
I was judging me, it had nothing to do with them but with how I was treating me.

If my life is a movie, than I am the director and the actor.

The director= I AM steps back and watches the actor= the body/mind play its role.
The director chooses and directs what the actor is going to play now…

So I could change my reality in:
my friends will love reading about their selves in my blogs and I love to write blogs and I will have a blast writing about them.(especially about them
J) or I  could stay in misery and drama.
NO, I choose the comedy!!!! I will have fun with this!


This happened yesterday and today…two stories with 2 of my dear friends and how you can bring a God’s request into reality.

I had to bring my friend Md. to the airport. I wanted to ask her to go an hour earlier so I could stop in the way back to do my shopping in Costco. Her plane was leaving at 10 or so and we needed to be at the airport after Costco closes, so it would not work; and I didn’t want to ask her or bother her with it.
I knew she had that flight on her mind and it is no fun to be earlier and sit at the airport, so I just let it go; but my thoughts and desire to go earlier were strong. I felt it.
I had to be at my friends’ house around 8 pm. At 6 45 she calls me and asks; “Rainbow, can we go an hour earlier to the airport, because I changed my flight?”
Bingo..God just made it happen.

She changed her flight in an hour time…
Waaw that was fast…

Ask, ALLOW and receive….

And then this morning I had a feeling I wanted to travel. I wanted to do something different today and that feeling was inside of me so intensely strong. I even thought of going off the Island somewhere so I could travel. I just wanted to drive and MOVE, being in motion. I needed change.
I heard deep within me, don’t wait until another day, travel now. Go around the island!

I came in the bay and I was talking story with my friends J. and M.; when a tourist couple walked up to us with their snorkel gear.
“Oh”; said J.; “It is too murky here you should go to the west side of the Island.”
It happened so fast and I don’t really know how anymore but a half hour later my friend M. and I were on our way to Honolua bay.
I didn’t really did anything, it just happened so fast.

Last night and today, it was so effortless.

Ask, receive and allow…and there you go….zoef with the speed of light.

My friend M. and I had so much fun driving to Lahaina and Honolua bay, joking about what I would write about her in my blogs. (I am teasing her)

 I think she sits on hot coals now to see what I will write about her.
Maybe about
-her dirty car I changed into a piece of art work with drawing hearts in the dust;
-about the funny things she says,(I’ll start writing it down…word for word, forgot it now in this moment)
-about the chickens we fed until we had a grumpy tourist women kind of hitting us on the fingers for feeding the DIRTY birds….”What dirty I hear my rebellion voice answering?”
My friend M. has more brains or maybe more manners than me, and so she stood up and walked away…kindly…me following…the dirty chickens were full of crackers anyway…
I love to feed the birds, especially when they are brave and come and get it out of my hands..
-M. is the champion of feeding birds. M. feeds the whole population of Kihei birds in her yard; what pisses of her landlady…
So M. is a bird lover and she would want to hear what I had to say about the tourist lady…I thought…
M. always listens to my stuff…which is nice…
J haha

“What”, I said, “dirty birds?”
“How can chickens be dirty birds?”
“They eat and they poop and give back to Mother Earth.”
“ I bet that the tourist lady is dirtier than the DIRTY chickens!” I continued.
M. was silent…listening to my monologue. She always does.
“We humans produce more dirty things than chickens can ever produce, we throw away so much junk and plastic, who’s dirty, really?”
M. is so patient with all my philosophical brabbel (=Belgian for blabla)

I have much more to say about M. then I did today. Hihi….
she is so cool.

But to end the note…

I don’t want to say that…
you can create anything where you put your MIND too,

but what I really want to bring is
You can CREATE anything where you bring YOUR HEART IN.
Enter the gate of your Golden heart towards your SELF, love your Self enough to be who you really are to ALLOW yourself to enjoy life as YOU!
No matter what anybody says do what you love to do and walk in integrity with your own compassioned HEART!

Love you, Rain

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