Saturday, April 21, 2012

Heart beat

There is only ONE…

We are that ONE!

Come in your center and you are in the center of the one.
Feel the heartbeat of the is YOUR heart beat!
Dolphins show us to live as a WE-tribe, to be together as ONE.

To be the heartbeat,
 to be the rhythm of love…

There is only ONE moment I can be that heart beat:
 Here and Now…

In the heart beat there is no yesterday and no tomorrow..but only now…
And the heartbeat is Unlimited space…

Ever heard the heart beat of a mountain?

I went a lot to France, it is one of my loved places on earth. My friend and I followed the path of the Catharses. The Catharses was a tribe of people living in the middle ages. They had a different opinion that the Church in that time and got prosecuted for that reason. They believed that women were equal and they worshipped Maria Magdalena.
As initiation they had to stay a long time in the caves in the center of the mountain. I can’t remember exactly how long, but I believe it was 2 years. We literarily had to push ourselves through small holes in the center of the Mountain. As you have lava tubes, these entrances were like tubes leading to a bigger space. Each other person had a flashlight and had to hold the light for the person behind him/her. It was very intense and I wanted to do it, because I am a little claustrophobia and wanted to push me through that fear. It was also a initiation of new birth that we wanted to accomplish by walking this journey.

I love space and I love light. I love to see around me…spacious is my energy…So it was a challenge for me being in the darkness inside a mountain. Sometimes we had to crawl on our bellies to get through the narrow holes.

I was sweating in the caves, and was relieved when we came in a bigger chamber.
I didn’t know then yet what are guide was planning to do.
We were all sitting quietly and suddenly he commanded to turn off all lights.

Oh my God, I will never forget the feeling. First I was so scared; I didn’t have control, because I was the one without flashlight. I would never know how to find my way back out of those underground caves.
But then I heard the Mountain…it was soooooooo intense! I heard the heart beat of the Mountain.
I will never forget that..that was a turnaround for me in my life, when I knew that everything has a heartbeat. EVERY LIVING BEING..everything that exists, that is energy has a heartbeat.

I connect with the Soul of Haleakala in the morning, I greet the Soul of Mother Ocean, I say hello to the soul of every fish, every stone..of every human being…

Their heart beat is mine…
When I hurt inside, I hurt them…

My job is to take care of my heart beat and so I take care of everybody’s heart beat…

LIVING from the heart is simple.
You just need to be the heart beat…

Like I was sitting in the grotto, listening, and letting the fear go of my stressful thoughts and just BE…
BE the MAGIC of the moment and feel the heart beat…

The TRUE peace came when I came in the truth of my own heartbeat…

When you are in the truth of your own…you are with others…

My heartbeat to yours,


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