Monday, January 23, 2012

Watch out what you are wishing for?

You know that saying;”Watch out what you are wishing for?”
Yes you have to be careful. Today my friend Ju left back to his home country and I was very sad. I was sitting on the beach. (Still with my painful foot half swollen and with a feeling of exhaustion and stiffness.)
Anyway my thoughts carried me away and suddenly I was missing everyone that left my life lately. There are periods in your life that it all kind of comes together. Suddenly you are in a wave and carried away by the Universe and set in other circumstances. It is as if you have to get used to that new life. You can not hang on to the old, because it doesn’t work anymore. Inside you know that the life you had before was not in alignment with our own being, but still you try to grasp to that past. That was what happened with me this morning.
I started wishing things and one of those things was to have a family and to be surrounded by them.
I went to little beach and put all my stuff on the sand. My towel spread out, my painting stuff on top of it. Everything was beautiful organized. And after I did that I took a dive in the beautiful cooling Ocean.
When I came back people had placed them next to me. It was scary close, but I thought ok I can live with that. After 10 minutes two other people came and sit at the other side of me, and very fast it was clear that the people behind me, and next on my left and on my right were all related. I was the only ‘not connecting piece’. They had put the cooler behind me and now I became the center of the group. Everybody had to step next to me…or on me…Very fast I saw the humor of the Universe…you want a family, here is one. You are’ smak’ in the middle of it….
When sand got in my painting stuff I thought I had enough of the family- bounding and looked for a spot where I wasn’t the center. Funny isn’t it? I let the family longing go…
And ten minutes later I get a text from my friend D. if I wanted to go to little beach with her. I was sitting on little beach…
Anyway it taught me that the way we see family, is not real any more. It taught me that everybody is my family. After that awareness I felt one with everybody on little beach.
It is important to go through life with family, but that can be your best friends, like minded spirits…
I was missing the family I lost a while ago..but had to see today that what I really am looking for is to be one with the Universe/God. In that oneness I am one with everybody on earth.
D. came and we played in the waves, saw a magnificent sunset and dove to hear the whales sing.
Thank you D. to be my family!
I love it how the Universe responds to us in an immediate way….

This is little beach!

love Rainbow

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