Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The story behind my new painting WONDER

This is a new painting!

As to explain the significance of it I want to share this:

this afternoon my body was so tired and I laid down, my legs were hurting and something really awesome happened. I could feel the pain but then suddenly I was the one inside my body. I could feel the energy circling, as my outside…that what you see my body was just a layer.

The pain was gone, I couldn’t really feel it any more.
I didn’t do any effort to have this experience.
When I was in the experience something in me wanted to feel my body and I could. I could switch from one to the other without effort.

I choose to go back to the inner state and a very intense vibration was going up and down kind of…
It felt so good that I was thankful for the experience of the pain, because it helped me to find this intense vibration that I recognized as my true self.
It felt as if I was an immense space right in my body…as if when I was inside I fell through my back, through the yoga mat, through the floor and I kept falling into space.

It was a safe sweet feeling, very gently, very free…

I fell asleep after that for a moment and when my body woke up, the pain was gone.

Another thing I want to share is the‘aha’ moment I had this morning. More and more I am falling into beingness and I kind of realized this morning this:

I talked to Mamaji yesterday and she told me that I can’t BE to want something.

Let’s take the example of being with dolphins. I can’t be that one to HAVE it…She explained that the point is to experience BEING it, than the rest is up to God to bring me the resonance of that experience.

So..this morning I looked to my life and I see Mamaji and dolphins and turtles and whales  and Maui and all my friends and all the blessings…and I realized that THAT WASN”T me…me the body Rainbow with her mind rainbow who could have brought that to me….
It was such a safe feeling to recognize that God gave me all of this in resonance of who I am BEING.

I could see that it even is embedded in my heart, my God’s heart…

I could feel that my heart desire is what matches with God’s desire.
Something like God’s will is my will, but then God’s heart is my heart…

Or vice versa…

It gave me this safe feeling that the only thing I have to do is to follow my heart.
I love elephants, but I don’t really have that same feeling than when I see dolphins.
When I see dolphins my body starts shaking…very intense…
So that is probably why I am not in Zimbabwe playing with elephants or at the North pole swimming with pool bears…
Where my heart is is God…and when you be that heart’s desire that’s when you are in tune with your own very being…I found it a very very safe feeling…

My heart longed for a teacher and there she was on the beach…
I told her that and she said that’s where all teachers should hang out…

She is my biggest gift of all!

And listening to Mooji this afternoon explained me even better why I feel that way.
He says that you end up or find his satsangs because something in you is ready to know the truth.


That heart desire brought me Mamaji…how cool is that!

In this last year, with the help of Mamaji and Moojiji I came in to IAM.

During all this time I have let go of most everything I identified with…

I feel I am there in that space of my painting.

I am pure awareness and my world of dolphins and whales arises in it.

I am the body that comes and goes…

I am awareness…

I am challenged though, I feel I am…my mind is giving its last offensive to …
(well I hope it is the last one…it keeps on being the last one, I guess that is my mind too…
J letting me believe this kind of shit!)
Yes, its last offensive, and to do what?
Give up?
I can’t give up…no BODY can ever give up…
Because we are NO BODY…we are awareness…there is nothing to give up…

We are it…nothing can change that…
that is the ONLY UNCHANGING fact that we have in life, all, the rest comes and goes…
Letting the mind go is where we all have to go through…is it not now being alive, it is when you will leave this body and planet…

And some point we have to let go and realize we NEVER had CONTROL ever…

That is the painting….

The realization we are space.
In the painting

Out of my mind…
lost my mind…

I did see today that it is not only required from me to let go and let God,
I also have one responsibility…

And that is to use my ATTENTION to stay in the IAM<

It is the game of being on Earth…pronounced EartF….LOL

Namaste,(as Byron Katie would say for the word Namaste-NO MISTAKE…)
I love it!

Love, Rainbow

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