Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Relax! How do i do that?

Oh boy,
it goes fast lately in moving into more and more awareness.

It is more that things fall of me, and the one I truly am remains…

I don’t do anything for it, realizations just happen in the moment and more and more space comes into my life.

Kind of the this image:
when I was born I was awareness in a body…
than I started picking up beliefs and truths of the outside world…
parents, school, society…you name it…
It is as if my being was wrapped in bondage and became a mummy, that couldn’t see the truth anymore.
Today I see that life itself, awareness is unwrapping me…
In sending me Mamaji and Moojiji on my path…
It feels like the more I listen, the more I see truth and the faster I turn in a swirl and get UN-BONDAGED…or un-wrapped…

I never was so clear in my whole life and it feels that I got rid of a lot of those beliefs…

Today again I had a major seeing and it was amazing..
Trust or no trust in the Universe…

It really doesn’t matter.

If we are awareness we don’t need to trust anything.

Awareness itself is seeing the movement of trust…

I could see that during my life the Universe always took care of me.
In a way when we are awareness, we are lived and if you ignore the mind AND  stay in the IAM…
life will do a better job than the mind can.
We have a free will, I can stay in the mind if I want…You can too…
And live the life of loss, separation, pain and sadness…
We can…
Or we can just be US…

Today I saw how much pain staying in the mind had brought me…
I told you about the farm yesterday. I worked there, but I was very unhappy.
I disliked it in fact, but my mind thought that was I needed to do to survive.
I was a slave of my own thoughts with staying in that situation.

Saying NO two days ago…(read my previous blog)…thank you my ears!

IS a true liberation…

Since I said NO, such much awareness came my way…
I remembered again how abusive it was, really.
And how abusive I was to myself…
But I could also see that the Universe, although it pushed and pulled me for about a year TO GET OUT…

And my mind kept me there in fear…

Took care of me….

Trust or NO trust…
the Universe took care of me…

And the funny thing was that I realized today that it was my father that came from Belgium to bring me back to my true SELF.

Before that time my relationship was ‘no good’ with him…
But after that miracles happened between us…
It was insane now to see that the Universe send him to get me out of there…that is pretty cool…
Thank you dad! Thank you God!

And then a bigger awareness came, because I could see during my life how the Universe always has been taking care of me…

And that parent ‘bad’ situations are not bad at all….

in the seeing of my father helping me, I could see that when he 20 years ago kind of…whatever he did…

It doesn’t really matter…in my mind it was something ‘bad’.
But today, I could see that the action of him in Hawaii and the action of him 20 years ago, wasn’t different…One was not a good action and the other a bad action…
It were just actions…no judgment in AWARENESS!

In the place where I am now…it is all love…
My dad is who I am…
Actions don’t matter…
and the woman that had abusive tendencies on the farm, she had loving tendencies too…
And now I can see that she is no different…
She is awareness…
I believe that I just figured out how to truly forgive…

Forgiveness doesn’t exist…
because we are not the body and not the mind, actions are happening in the world of bodies and minds…
In awareness everything is LOVE….


Now I start understanding when Mamaji says RELAX…
I fall into awareness and there is only relaxation…
I even had a very deep experience this afternoon, really…about relaxation…
I lay on my bed and it was as if I was falling through my body…it kind of dissipated and the bed was there the whole time as support, but it was not really there…it was as if I was floating in space…
I was really letting go of my body…not intentionally…it just all happened… felt so relaxed…

The bed felt as symbol of the trust we don’t NEED to have in the Universe…
because trust or no trust we are supported, always…

We fall into our selves…

I relax,

and I see that my bondages (i hope that is the right word for those white bandages around a mummy...:)) became swirling scarves in the sweet warm breeze while I am dancing INTO the IAM..
relaxing in fhe space of freedom.....

Love Rainbow

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