I entered a space I never entered before in my life and you
know …while I am writing this I realize that that is the biggest lie I can
write down.
I am that space; the space I entered…
the one I truly am…
I am…
All what I was before I was not....
That my mind goes crazy…oh yes…but it is losing more and more its power…
It is as if I moved into a SPONTANEOUS EXCISTENCE…more and more…
I am not much in the past and a future, I know , I don’t have anyway.
If my mind tries to let me believe something…it advocates,
does anything to get my attention…
As a child that can only get attention with bad behavior…Demanding sometimes...J
Anyway if it comes up with stuff, it is always or from the past or future that
doesn’t exist.
I am now trained already by life to focus my attention on the IAM, instead of
my fearful mind…
When I am in the now my life is so abundant, so delicious filled with so much
Dolphins, turtles, whales, friends, my art, the birds in the trees, the
flowers, Maui,..
and me as the I.
The I AM..especially that, only that really....
My ears are helping me to stay where I am.
It is really trippy to see that.
Twice this week… or even more…
I had a few situations where I had to make a choice…
Oh yes, sorry… I have an ear infections in both ears for now
about 2 weeks.
My house smells to a very good Italian cuisine.
And funny is that that cuisine goes where ever I go.
I smell it in my car, on the street, on the beach,…where ever I go There I am…Haha!
FULL of garlic aroma…
I am like a walking garlic bomb…
I probably could cook some spaghetti in my ears with all the garlic and olive
oil I have put in there.
That was the remedy I found on YouTube and I must say ,it works!
It only works when I am true to myself.
When I am not, instantly my ears go in protest and shut
It is as if I get a disconnection. That’s how it feels. It
is as if my ears and especially the space between my ears…haha… there where the
mind lives…
Well, WE think it is there, in actuality it is NOTHING…it is just a little
space between my ears.
But it is trippy, when I make a decision that is not in
alignment with what I WANT and lOVE, my ears immediately start hurting and get
infected again…
It doesn’t take hours, just a few minutes and bang…I am kind of deaf…J
literally and figurative…J
Also instantly I lose my life force…
And it not only happens with situations where I have to make decisions at the outside.
What I mean by that…I’ll give an example…
Somebody emailed me and asked me if I could help on her farm. My first reaction
was yes, I always want to help where I can.
But 3 seconds after I sent that email, my ears started
hurting so much, I lost my life force in even less than 3 seconds…I had to lay
I knew immediately I couldn’t do it.
I was still struggling at first because I said yes...but the longer I waited to correct my error the sicker i came...
I really can’t do anything anymore that would compromise my being.
The moment I emailed back, I got very fast healthy again…
Waaw…I have an inner compass…my ears.
That happens when you not always listen to your intuition...then my IAM has to use more louder signals...:)
But this afternoon, I didn’t have a decision to make in an outside kind of
situation, but an inside one…
As a matter a fact the outside situations are the inside ones of course…
There is nothing outside of us.
We are space where everything arises…
But I just try to get the idea over…
My mind was trying to make me believe something that was taking me away of who
I really am.
It was about the future and of course it was worry and fear…
I went with it for about 10 minutes and instantly the garlic and olive oil in
my ears started cooking…LOL
I got it again…Life force gone…
As my core doesn’t want me to listen anymore to the bullshit my mind is
I made correction and life force back…ears cleared out….
For me it is my ears…for you it can be another body part calling your attention….just
and actually no body parts involved if we just go with our intuition...:)
it is very symbolic that my IAM does it through my ears though…
It is really time for me to only listen to the AWARENESS IAM,
I am ready to live my life in the space IAM…
When I listen to that space, I only hear silence…
I hear the heartbeat of the Universe.
I hear the heart beat of us all.
We are all that space,
The undying emptiness that is EVERYTHING….
I am listening…
Out of this..
I hear the dolphins’ joy,
I hear the whales’ song,
I hear the peace of the turtles,
I hear the love of Mamaji,
I hear my the heart of my art beating,
I hear the freedom in a birds’ whistle,
I hear the crashing wave coming and going,
I hear my breath,
I hear my presence,
I hear my gratitude for life…
Living life the way I feel it,
living life through the God’s desire in my heart,
dedicated to that inner awareness,
That what I am,
that is the greatest gratitude I can show
God, life, awareness…
than garlic is only a taste of 'carpe diem',
not a a sort of medicine to eliminate 'evil' energies...
Love Rainbow