Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am Aloha in Hawaiian, Dutch and English

It will be a week ago that I swam with Wai’ha (honu my turtle friend) in my arms in the hope he would survive. He didn’t, his injuries were too severe.
He taught me though, he never really dies.

After I wrote my blogs and made my you tube video as love for him somebody made me aware that WAI’HA should not be written as WAI’HA but as WAIHA, because it is not correct in the Hawaiian language.
Apologies if that is true…

But please permit my freedom and this explanation:

First I see it as I took a leap into the”poet freedom”, as we would say in Belgium.
I do this regularly and I wrote in Dutch too and I made up many new words or I play with existing words that gives a feeling to something or someone.

I just love to create ‘feeling’ language. It is a language where you feel the soul in the words.
Sometimes it rolls over your tongue. Like the word ‘BULDERENDE lach’, means in Dutch a laughter that rolls and I would use it to describe a wave…it rolls….So it would be like you imagine a wave rolling in and the wave laughs…

I want you to know that I am a human being that is poured in so many languages that I sometimes make cross over’s. I mean by that that I would say a Dutch word in English and think it exists in English.
 I always see at the smile of my friends I did it again….
 They think it is funny and cute.

What about Wai’ha?

It was as if that name fell out of the sky. My friend P. had answered on my blog ‘WOEHA, I saved a turtle today!’ and thought I named him WOEHA.

I explained her that WOEHA is kind of a Belgian shout for great Joy.
But this again, may be just my own unique shout.  And it might be that I invented that word. So don’t count on it, it is correct Dutch. (I don’t want to take responsibility if you go one day to Belgium or the Netherlands and use that word and nobody understands you

After my friend P. thought his name was WOEHA we both agreed he should have a Hawaiian name, because he is a honu and out of respect for the Hawaiian culture.
The next day I was sitting with my friends N. and M. at the bay talking about WOEHA and the fact that P. and I wanted to give him a Hawaiian name, blablabla….
The 3 of us acted like 3 musketeers and came up…(we were so proud we knew some Hawaiian words that sounded like WOEHA
with WAI= water and HA=breath.

We wanted to see him alive breathing in the ocean!!!!

I thought this was brilliant, so it was as if he got baptized right there at Mother Ocean.

I didn’t know you could not use the little apostrophe between those two words. So somebody made me aware after I made my you tube video. She suggested that I would change it. That means I have to take it off and redo it and I feel it is not necessary.

I believe in intent and my intention was to respect the Hawaiian people and the Hawaiian culture. I even tell it in my video. I believe you can feel I made this video with my heart and that is all what counts for me.

I believe that the radiating of the heart and love dissipates all boundaries of borders of countries, all languages and cultures of people and makes us all ONE TRIBE.

The tribe of love.
We are all made of the same SOUL!
We are all ONE SOUL.

Is this not what it is all about?

Yes I am for uniqueness and I believe it is important that each individual expresses its own uniqueness. And that each culture expresses its own uniqueness.

That is what my philosophy is about. Those are my soul paintings.
We are all part of the big diamond and without that one unique piece we would not be whole.

So I believe it is your responsibility to express our uniqueness in the awareness that that brings more beauty to whom we really are: ALL ONE!

Can I teach you something about my uniqueness and my cultural background?

I was raised with Dutch. My mom was raised in French and my dad in Flemish.
They were both Belgian. I lived in Oostende that is in the Flanders.
So there we learn French when we are 6 and English when we are 12.
When you are 13 you can follow a science or language direction. I choose science and sports.
That means I didn’t get the additional Spanish, Italian or German on top of that.

When we get older we are taught we need to welcome foreigners with their language. We are kind of proud to do that. It is a form of ALOHA. That is how Flemish people are raised.
And we are taught that if we go to another country we need to learn the language.
Flemish was always suppressed in Belgium by the French part. Now the riches are turned there is a language war going on in small Belgium.
I call myself a Belgian, I am not Flemish. I am but I don’t want the separation from Belgium.
I love Belgium as it is and I hope that they come along.
I hope love can move through this obstacle in peoples life.

So I understand when a group of people is suppressed or is taken away their language as a way to bring their culture down.
But I believe we can move to a higher vibration and talk with our Souls and our hearts the language of LOVE and ALOHA.
LIEFDE in Dutch.
Amour in French

My intent to live in Hawaii is to learn the Hawaiian culture and to respect it;
to learn the American culture and to respect it;
and to stay respectful for my own culture and to express my own uniqueness.

And that is how I saw it; I just expressed my uniqueness with inventing a new word.

 It is a freedom I took to express my love for Wai’ha, my beloved turtle.
And then one step further is this…

This name (And you can hear it in my you tube video) didn’t really came from me,.
In my You tube video you can hear me saying:

Wai’ha, Honu my turtle friend

It happened spontaneously you got this name,
I gave it to you…but it was not really me…

What I mean by that is that I had a feeling he named himself.
It was as God and him were deciding what his name would be…
And so whispered in our ears…

I had nothing to do with it,
then to just listen and write…

It didn’t matter in that realm how it was written,
it was the language of love,

Where all tribes are one,

All living things are one,
it is in that center place,

Between life and death,

Where there is no time.

Where there is only unlimited space.’
Infinite love…

So I hope and apologize to all Hawaiians…but I hope you feel my Aloha in my heart and my good intentions and the will to be one of you. It is always what I wanted.

Next time I might consult an expert to know how to write things,
(although I love to make up words! I just love it

This time trusted God that it was right…because nothing is wrong! (thank you P-Yoda)

LOVE ,RAINBOW (tamara)

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