Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This is a new painting!

It is called togetherness and it symbolizes the love we feel for one another.

This love raises above all fixed beliefs how love should be and how it should start. It just happens and you can’t do anything about it.

We are on this planet with a billion people..or how many?
Anyway consider there are a billion people, that means that there are a billion different realities. Each one of us has its own reality and has its own perception that what is called love.
We try to define it and put it in a box.

Each one of us made our own box and write on it: "This is how love should be."

You can’t cheat on each other, you have to say “I love you’,every day I need a kiss on my forehead, every week I want some flowers, etc…Go on and on...I have several...

What a horrible disaster when your partner forgets to kiss you on the forehead in the morning!
It can be that it was not on purpose..but you might take it personal and the box of love shrinks and you feel pain and you feel REJECTED.

And out of my past and recent experiences I see that there is no way you can BOX love.
You can’t predict when it starts and when it ends. It just happens and one of the things I really learned is that it never comes from the outside, but that it is a inside magical happening.
When you are there in that love there is no such thing as hate, betrayal, rejection, abandonment, fear, sadness,…there is only love.
All those words are words that were formed because you tried to box love.
Nobody CAN ever take you away from love, because you ARE love!
Love doesn’t come from the other…it is in you!

When you realize that you open the BOX and let love move freely then you will see that all is love.

All what you are is love.
Are you open enough..
Are you enough..
to open the


Love to you all, tamara

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