Friday, February 17, 2012

Honu, our beloved elder

This is a new painting.

Honu and the light.

Last time I went to the aquarium was about a week ago. This is a place in Maui, where you have to swim far out. It is gorgeous there, It is a different world. It is a world of illumination and peace. It is a wonderland with all beautiful fish and coral. When the light shines in, it is as if you are in Paradise under water.
My friends and I noticed that wounded and dying turtles come there, to die or heal. It feels as an elephant’s graveyard in that way. We can think this is sad, but it is in fact not sad at all. It cannot be better to soar to another dimension in time and space and to return to the source, safe away from sharks, in this wonderful place between the Maui lava.
Talking about sharks…last week there was a turtle with a really bad wounded fin. It was really ugly. The upper part and lower part were hanging on each other with a smaller piece. The turtle was a huge grandfather. You could see he was in pain and I couldn’t leave before I gave him healing energy.
You might think and I had that thought too, that it would be impossible for the wound to heal.
In a logical mind it can’t heal and the logical mind would just think it will fall off. That is the world of the logical mind. But luckily we also have the world of the right brain and the creative mind where everything is possible.
This creative expanded mind goes beyond earthy limitations.
When I enter this part of my brain, that is where all my paintings come from, I know everything is possible. Any disease can be healed in NO time, because time does not exist in this part of the brain.
Here is the place where you don’t even have to believe anything anymore, but where you surrender to the light. It is the place of infinite possibilities.
This part of my brain I use to heal and to do my soulpaintings.

I did once a Soulpainting and reading for a Japanese woman who had cancer and she told me; “Rainbow, you might not be able to heal my body anymore, but today you healed my Soul. You are a healer of the Soul.”
That day I was gifted by this Japanese woman with a great honor. I was so surprised she thought that and with deep humility I accepted her deep respect. This woman changed my life! And possible she healed my Soul!
Since that day, when I see an animal or a human in pain, I am like a knight ready to do my job.
Most of the time, I will approach it and ask permission and then ask God to work through me, to heal or to take the pain away.
I truly believe that the Japanese woman was right, that when you open yourself to be a vessel for healing you heal the soul of another, yourself and God.
So wherever you are…When you see a homeless person, a sick child, a wounded animal ask God/ the Universe to work through you to send light. Be a miracle for the other You.

I ask you to help me to see this beautiful grandfather HONU healed, see his left fin whole and in one piece, see him soaring in the wide turquoise waters. See him soaring in the light and his soul carried in peace and harmony wherever he goes next. It will be, what it has to be…that is between God and Honu himself.
But it can always happen with united hearts…


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