Friday, February 3, 2012

Be in your own world

People can be mean; can say things to hurt another. I saw that today and it hurts. Why does it hurt?
Why would anything hurt outside of me? Why would I bother what they think of me? Why would I bother they don’t want my happiness?
There can only be one way to find out and it is the path inside.
There lies the truth and peacefulness. If you go outside for answers you are doomed to get lost. There is nothing out there, it is all in you.

It is all in me…
Why do I give my AUTHORITY away to gossip and low judgmental energies?

The moment I realize I am doing it, I can go lovingly inside and find where I still…
-hurt myself.
-how I think about myself
-That I don’t want my happiness yet

When I come to terms with these deep questions, I release another energy in the field/ God/ Universe.

What happens outside of us tells us what is going on inside.

It made me sad today. I lost all hope for humanity…no wonder I prefer to disappear as a dolphin in the pod of dolphins. People show there cruel nature sometimes…
Again…where am I showing my cruel Nature? Am I still judgmental….
It is an opportunity of growth.

I feel it very strong in my heart and is time to love..and to be happy for other peoples happiness.
When I look back to my life, I couldn’t do it neither and maybe I am still challenged in that. But I know deep inside when we can be happy for another, the world is healed..because the other is us, is the world. What you do to your brother and sister, you do to yourself.

I post this painting I made in 1997.It is one of my favorites. It is called.
Life is being, being is life.
The child blows his own unique song into the world and changes everything he touches in laugher and joy. New beginnings…

His world that you see is inside of him/her. There is no world out there. Everything happens inside of him/her. That is where the change starts, nowhere else…
I do my best,

All love to you!
Aloha Friday!

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