Friday, August 9, 2013

A 'healing' painting for a 'healing' whole boy

This is a new painting

I was asked to make a painting for a boy who is very sick.
I had to remember I was doing that before.
When I arrived in Hawaii in 2006 just before that I was kind of thrown in a healing function. I never asked for it, it just happened and people were just asking and always I knew what to say or to do.

I guess now would be the same…


Once in Belgium I helped a cat through the owner…that’s how it works, children and animals are connected to their parents or loved ones. The resonance of being makes one sick or healthy  and that translates in messages for each other.
All is connected!

The cat was very sick. I could see it had kidney stones and helped it through giving the owner insights and by visualizing healing.

It worked, she went to the vet and he said he never saw something like that. There was a layer of crushed kidney stones in the kidney.

What would I know?

I did it with my own dog as a matter a fact. She had injured her leg so badly in the snow that I needed to go to the vet.

To make a long story short…

I realized that I was the cause of my dog’s pain and injury. I was VERY self destructive in that time in my life. I had anorexia, 8 piercings in my left ear and I was very abusive towards my Self.
While my dog was lying there asleep from the vet’s injection I had some time to reflect. When the vet came back and told me she needed surgery; I realized that it was me who could make a change.

I knew deeply that if I would take a step to LOVE, my dog didn’t need surgery at all.
The love for my dog made me take out all my ear rings, symbol for the abuse I was inflicting on myself.
I knew the negative spell was broken with this deed of choosing for LOVE and so when the vet came in, I told him I was not going to let him do surgery. The ear rings were in the trash bin…

He started yelling so hard, called me an animal abuser.

But I just picked up my dog and walked out of the door.
I still am perplexed I did that.
Customers were looking at me….

Me walking away.

When I came home, I was suddenly scared.
What If she couldn’t walk anymore; because that was what the vet warned me for.

I guess I was guided by God when I walked out of that door and now I was with my own fear full thoughts again that were causing me doubt…

Mercy was her name, she was lying next to me and it took a few hours for her to wake up.
And she did and she got up, jumped up. Her sister jodhi jumping on her in happiness and they ran the door out to play in the snow again.

Everything is possible…

I made a change towards being whole within myself; towards self love and the energy shifted and made a miracle happen.
I believe this is always possible…


When I was in Hawaii one time I was swimming with my friend W. in kealakekua Bay with dolphins.
He was a ‘crack’ in swimming with dolphins. He would come every day and knew them all. I was a little newbie…;) just arrived a few months….
There was a mom dolphin and a baby swimming along us.
W. told me you could see the baby was sick.
It was pinkish, small and didn’t look good.

I instantly put my hands out towards the baby and the mom circled around us and let her baby be with us. It especially came to my hands. Than the mom swam away for about 15 yards (15meters) and made a few spins and returned for her baby.
And then they left.
W. said he never saw a mom leaving her baby behind. He never saw her being so happy…spinning so many times…especially when her baby was somewhere else…

The next day it was healed and grey…J swimming close to mama dolphin, happy happy…J

I didn’t know anything… still don’t J

And then I had that special bound with Loesje, THE DOLPHIN (the video is on my website www
Loesje was a male dolphin who had a really bad cookie cutter bite.
When I met loesje, he didn’t want to leave me. For hours he stayed so close with me, and I didn’t know why….:)  the only thing I was thinking of was putting out my hands…This went on for about a week…

So now, today, I remember all these stories…in my huge shifts of the last year, two years with Mamaji;
I never thought of it….
I mean in the path I walked to see who I really am, the space I am…THERE…
there is no problem with anything.
There I know I am neither the body nor mind.
There illness is not a problem.
So why would I heal than?

Always when I was asked for healing owls would come into my life. Very peculiar, strange…in Belgium there are not many and they would come any time… It became my amakua or power animal…

They would sit on the roof of my house, or fly by, …anyway they would show very intensely their precense.

So, I got the question in the beginning of the week to make this painting for this wonderful soul.
And since the start of the painting an owl is visiting me every night…
Didn’t see any for a long time…but the word healing is out and there they are!

Here in the tree..

Am I a healer?

No, I am nothing…J

Am I nothing doing a healing…LOL

Does anybody needs healing?

I don’t know….

Maybe now I can guide where Mamaji guided me in, much deeper than ever before…
she guided me towards the wholeness of my own being….

Point is that the intelligence, God, the Universe is always with us and YES does miracles….

This whole life is one miracle…

Is it my business to help somebody with a healing?

I mean by this:

Am I not in God’s business?

I guess me as AWARENESS doesn’t think about all of that, and just performs and does what comes in front of her /me to do whatever anybody asks….:)

The baby dolphin this morning had a closed eye and I sent him energy…
I see a woman with a broken leg and send her energy…
The turtle with a wound,
I hold the dying fish in my hands,
The deer’s heart,
I am with my heart with all the pigs and cows who live as numbers,
I hold the captive dolphins in my free heart,….



Do I know what I am doing?


I don’t know anything…

I just let it all happen…

I guess LOL…it is NOT of my business…

The owl smiles….

The symbolic meaning of the painting can’t be revealed, it is very personal.
It is here just to enjoy and to maybe ask to send the boy your blessing and love.


All love rainbow
this was a commissioned painting,
Do you want a commissioned painting?

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