Thursday, December 29, 2011

How happiness is SIMPLE

I had a blessed day today, yesterday and the day before. Dolphins and turtles, lots of turtles.
It gives hope! I see a lot of little ones. Building together to not only keep Nature but to restore it!
I took a plastic piece of a bag from a dolphin the other day. I know I can start only with myself. I have the saying; “Don’t scream and complain, before you know you do your immense best to do it yourself already!” Anyway Hawaii is very clean in my feeling. We are lucky!

You know how life is. It is interesting and unpredictable. I say this because yesterday when I was swimming in the ocean with some friends we saw a turtle with something long white at its head. What I first thought was a bag, was in fact a corn fish. You know those long cute fish. They can be like a half a meter or more. The corn fish head was at the head of the turtle and its tail was going left to right. It looked as if the fish was getting a turtle back ride. It was amazing to see. The fish was falling off a few times, but he swam back and was holding on.
We swam far with them and just watched. Suddenly the turtle needed to get up for air. The corn fish had to let go. I thought the party was over. But oooh no! The corn fish actually waited for the turtle to come down and he jumped on the turtles back again. My friends and I were amazed!

“Did you see that?”

My friend T. said;”I wonder if it is the same turtle and corn fish I saw 3 months ago.”
Also here in this bay.
“Well”, I said,” I like that story. Just let us take that for truth. It is an amazing story!
A corn fish in love with a turtle!”
It taught me big lessons.
1) Love is unpredictable. Only the two or more involved can feel the love and no one outside can judge weighter it is true or not! How many times do we judge about two people loving each other, in the sense of;”They belong together or they don’t.” How can we know? Only they can.
2) My friends and I choose the story we wanted to believe about the turtle and the corn fish. We made a love story of it. We could easily have chosen to approach it in any other way. That is the same with our own lives! We have the power to create our own lives in the beliefs we choose to believe!
3) Animals really are just in the now and don’t have a notion of;” I have to go on a diet.”
Or  “He looks to thin, I don’t want him.”
Or "I have to safe for tomorrow"….
Animals just are in the now…
Jieee! That’s where I want to be.
4) A teacher can appear in the embodiment of a turtle and a corn fish.
5) I bet there are more thing to learn, but I didn’t see it yet…
I just enjoyed so much their joy together…It changed my life…

how happiness is very simple!!!

Love Tamara Rainbow
This painting is available in print on my website, please vist


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